As I wrote in another post, I don't have this issue (planned feature?) with http, only with https (Chrome + Win10). Obviously https is overall the preferred choice over http
Then I get alternate grey shading on posts in Chrome on Win 10.
I can't for the life of me fathom why this shading should be different for http: and https:
Edit: Even more oddly I get alternate grey shading with both http: and https: using the same Chrome version on a Debian Linux machine. And superscript and subscript work there (as in the first poste here) but not the noparse.
I guess most of the confusion is because Parallax is currently changing the html/css/script stuff. And they are in the cloud now, so it is not guaranteed that @Heater. gets the same source from the same server then @"Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)". Furthermore there is the cache issue, starting at the server side where request/response get cached down to the browser not reloading each CSS file every time.
The code blocks however should be improved with proper selectable syntax highlighting for at least C and Spin. (However, most common libraries that do syntax highlighting support many common languages out-of-the-box)
Then I get alternate grey shading on posts in Chrome on Win 10.
I can't for the life of me fathom why this shading should be different for http: and https:
Edit: Even more oddly I get alternate grey shading with both http: and https: using the same Chrome version on a Debian Linux machine. And superscript and subscript work there (as in the first poste here) but not the noparse.
All very strange.
[noparse] does not work in my Win 10 Firefox on Win 10.
Now I notice that I do get alternate grey shading in Firefox with or without https:
EDIT: Although that doesn't explain why some people are seeing a light green instead.
But when I switch from HTTPS to HTTP in Chrome on Win 10 I'm using the exact same monitor. The difference is quite noticeable.
I tried to do a diff between the HTML served up when using HTTP and HTTPS. But that showed every line was different! Even when ignoring blanks.
Here, on Win10 and Chrome, it fails to show on https/ but does show on http/ (same monitor, of course)
See the renders on http & https attached
Grey background, and blue quote box border, differ.
HTTP:// - No grey backgrounds. No blue borders on quote boxes.
HTTPS:// - Alternating grey back grounds and blue borders on quote box
What on Earth is going on?
Short, what you guys get is not the same,
Blow me down you are right. When I disable the browser cache in Chrome I get the same alternating grey back grounds in HTTP and HTTPS.
Kicking myself for not thinking of that. It's not like I have not had this problem many times before.
No help with the noparse thing though.
The code blocks however should be improved with proper selectable syntax highlighting for at least C and Spin. (However, most common libraries that do syntax highlighting support many common languages out-of-the-box)
or at least on smartphone. I don't think those columns are really usefull for forum's users.