Mimicking BS2 DEBUG with Propeller
Posts: 1,055
Hello, I am looking to debug to MakerPlot with the Propeller(p1, that is). MakerPlot communicates with a BS2 via DEBUG, just like the PBASIC Editor's DEBUG window. How can this be mimicked using the Propeller?
You can use any of the Propeller serial I/O drivers to mimic this. Keep in mind that the Propeller's I/O pins are 3.3V logic levels while the Stamp I/O pins are 5V logic levels. MakerPlot runs on a PC and would need a USB to serial adapter for Stamp use. You'd just use a 3.3V USB to serial adapter for the Propeller ... like the ones built into most Propeller boards.
Any idea on how to mimic "DEBUG CR"? This piece is critical to separate data entries.
Use ser.tx(ser#CR) in Spin assuming you declare your FullDuplexSerial object as ser. Notice that FullDuplexSerial has constants for all of the special characters normally used with SEROUT or DEBUG.