Prop Plug Died! Solved! After additional work!
While running some tests with Tachyon and two different Prop boards, a QuickStart board and Propeller Breadboard, switched from the QS back to the Breadboard and my Prop plug suddenly ceased functioning. First noticed problem in TeraTerm so brought up Prop Tool and it was unable to find a propeller board with an F7. Did I somhow manage to fry my Prop Plug?
...and of course the USB cable itself.
PS: I've heard HDMI may also have joined this cherry club.
I was certain there was nothing physically wrong with device itself as it has very low milage. I have been working mostly with QS boards in the past 2 years. (Sorry Ken, I bought them cheap at my former employer.)
This forum is the best!
Lord Linux rules (and it's free).
My 2013 original surface pro took a header last month and trashed the screen but it was to make my life and service documentation much easier. So much so that and it's replacement were out of pocket since Company has been dithering for the last few years and currently uses Service Now on desktop and Crapple phones. Phone app is a pain and I don't want to go to my desk after each job or try to reconstruct the day before going home.New surface works well, but it's iffy powering a USB dvd/bluRay drive. May try BST under the new Linux VM that windows released using Suse. Windows is an obnoxious convenience. If I could set up a dual boot for real linux, I would.
On the Forth side, fully up w/5.3 on PPDB and a activity board. This why I encountered my old friend the changing com port today. Now for some fun.
Thx Peter
Wine might work.
There is also a bunch of suggestions here -
That's like saying doing your job is an addiction.
my Prop Plug died agin, then I could not direct connect to QS board then a demo board. Tore my hair out! Finally deceided the common element between them was the FDTI drivers! Re installed FDTI drivers and rebooted computer. I am smiling again!
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