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Download PropBasic Version 1.48 (Aug 9, 2018) Here... — Parallax Forums

Download PropBasic Version 1.48 (Aug 9, 2018) Here...

BeanBean Posts: 8,129
edited 2018-08-09 13:07 in Propeller 1
Here is the latest version of the PropBasic Compiler.

Version 00.01.00
  Fixed: Compiler crash on COGSTART if task name has not been defined
  Fixed: Calculated constant using a long constant
    mSec = _Freq / 1000

    value1 CON 10_000
    value2 CON value1 / 10
Version 00.01.01
  Fixed: COGSTART doesn't add "par" to __temp1
  Fixed: / doesn't error if first parameter is invalid
  Fixed: minWaitCnt in tasks was 128 instead of 80
  Fixed: str = str + longvar
  Fixed: str = "" ' comment
Version 00.01.02
  Fixed: test $,#1 WC ' Set Carry (doesn't work in LMM) I2CWrite
  Fixed: COGINIT if taskname doesn't exist crashes
  Fixed: Glitch on PinGroup = PinGroup
  Fixed: IF pinName THEN
  Changed: In LMM use "LONG label * 4" instead of "LONG @label - @__Init"
  Changed: Use relative jumps for LMM
    SUB __PC,#(($-label)*4)+4 ' Jump backward
    ADD __PC,#((label-$)*4)-4 ' Jump forward
Version 00.01.03
  Fixed: RDWORD buffer($1C0), temp
  Fixed: name HUB STRING(10) = "Hello"
  Fixed: trailing "," in data causes offset in next data label (counts it as element).
           Now causes a syntax error.
  Fixed: PULSIN hangs with RCSLOW
Version 00.01.04
  Fixed: INC, DEC where second parameter is an array with a variable index
  Added: I2CSpeed multiplier. "I2CSpeed 2" is double speed, "I2CSpeed 0.5" is half speed.
Version 00.01.05
  Added: Allows embedded escape sequences in strings.
    \r = 13
    \n = 10
    \\ = 92
    \" = 34
    \123 = 123 [must use 3 digits, so 16 would be \016 ]
    \x20 = $20 [must use 2 characters, so $A would be \x0A ]
Version 00.01.06
    "CLKSET mode,freq" command
    Allow more nested IF...ELSEIF loops, increased c_iMaxLoops from 127 to 1024
    LET pingroup= doesn't do "shl __temp1,#0" if pingroup starts at 0
    HIGH,LOW,TOGGLE,INPUT,OUTPUT,REVERSE if pin # is a constant < 9 then do shift as literal
    Allow I2C pins to be variables
    Copyright notice
Version 00.01.07
  Changed LMM to use @@@ (still need offset for start address)
Version 00.01.08
  Fixed data offsets (all messed up) from allowing embedded escape sequences
  Fixed @@@ issues in _LETLong and _LetStr
Version 00.01.09
  Fixed: I2CSTART with pins as variables
Version 00.01.10
  Fixed: SHIFTIN - REV was using bits instead of (32-bits)
  Fixed: SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT when using a variable for 2nd parameter
Version 00.01.11
  Fixed: ON var GOSUB label0, label1, label2
  Fixed: Allow constant with COGSTOP
  Fixed: Embedded escape sequences "\"
Version 00.01.12
  Changed: Create a return stack for LMM
             this will save 1 instruction for every subroutine call
             and 1 long from every subroutine

  Optimized: SERIN use "waitpne" and "waitpeq" to wait for state  (saves 2)
                   use "muxz" or "muxnz" to set/clear data bits   (saves 1)
                   use data variable to do bit count (1 shifts out) (saves 1)
Version 00.01.13
  Optimized: WRLONG, WRWORD, WRBYTE (don't reload short constants)
  Added: "STACK value" to change stack size (defaults to 16) (4 to 255 allowed)
    NOTE: STACK only affects LMM code
  Fixed: pin = var (didn't set zero flag)
  Fixed: array(pos) = array(pos) + array(pos2)
Version 00.01.14
  Fixed: Using long constant in LDATA Jul 26, 2011
Version 00.01.15 - 00.01.18
  Fixed: multiply gets hung-up Sept 21, 2011

  Add support for ViewPort
    Added: WATCH VarName
    Added: UNWATCH LongVarName turns off watching
Version 00.01.19
  Fixed WATCH order for arrays
  Allow multiple parameters for WATCH and UNWATCH
  Allow WATCH and UNWATCH without any parameters for ALL
  Allow Viewport modifiers as WATCH varname "modifier"
    Example: WATCH time "unit=msec"
    * Modifier must be used at first WATCH
Version 00.01.20
  Fixed: remove WATCH modifier strings from HUB DATA
  Fixed: Multiply (2 bits)
  Added: Viewport Video support
  Fixed: Fix pinvar1 = ~pinvar2
Version 00.01.26
  FIXED: WDATA and LDATA (no data generated)

Version 00.01.27
  ADDED: __txtermAdr to support viewport terminal

Version 00.01.28
  Added: Support floating point values with # prefix
  Fixed: FREQ command caused abort if DEVICE is misspelled
  Fixed: Allow constant with COGSTOP (was NOT fixed in 1.11)
  Fixed: tempStr = STR temp (needs ",len" but causes abort) [Oct 10,2012]

Version 00.01.29
  Fixed: PAUSE XXXX does not cause an error
Version 00.01.30
  Added: Directive VIEWPORT defined if using viewport

Version 00.01.31
  FIXED: DO...LOOP x => y ' should be >= but no error

Version 00.01.40
  Changed from Delphi to Lazarus

Version 00.01.41
  Changed path character "\" to "/" for compatiblity with Mac and Linux
  Fixed PulsOut that hangs at lower clock speeds Aug 19, 2013

Version 00.01.42
  Changed to add "/" to end of g_sInputDir because Mac version seems to be lacking it
  Added code to avoid Lazarus warnings

Version 00.01.43
  Changed SERIN so it doesn't wait for stop bit
  Optimize Divide and remainder operation [June 27,2014]

Version 00.01.44
  Made PAUSE a subroutine
  Made *, */, **, /, and // operator subroutine
  Allow FREQ with RCSLOW or RCFAST "ProcessFreq" Feb 3, 2016

Version 00.01.45
  Changed A = x - A to generate
    neg A,A
    adds A,x
  Fixed two range errors
  Fixed __remainder was __temp1, but should be __temp4 now Mar 7, 2016
  Fixed: I2C commands in LMM mode require minimum of 150 WAITCNT  Jun 28,2017
  Fixed: I2CSTART locks up if no pull-ups (should only try 10 times) Jun 29,2017
  Fixed: PAUSE, Mult, and Div subroutines were added to TASKs when not used. Jul 18,2017
  Fixed: Bug in >> and << when using var = x >> var caused by A = x - A optimization Jul 28, 2017
  Fixed: Optimize X=X*0 X=X*1, X=X*3, X=Y*0, X=Y*1  REMOVE "shl x,#0" instructions Jul 29,2017
  Fixed: Optimize X=Y*3 "MOV,ADD,ADD" Jul 30,2017

Version 00.01.46
  Fixed 12-23-2017: Fix WRLONG hubVar(undefined) does not error
  Fixed 12-29-2017: __RAM() does not work in TASKs

Version 00.01.47 July 17, 2018
  Fixed: 4-1-2018: Firmware CON 0000_000C causes abort (no $ prefix)
  Fixed: 7-16-2018 I2C Write needs 9th bit to be a 1 so slave can assert ACK
  Added: 7-16-2018 Ability to disable warnings (Simple IDE will not download if a warning occurs)
           Use /D on command line or '{$NOWARNINGS} directive

Version 00.01.48 August 8, 2018
   Fixed: 00.01.47 was posted as 64-app, now is 32-bit app
   Fixed: var = #pin_name doesn't like underscores in pin name
   Added: Support for FreeBASIC IDE with /FB switch




  • Awesome Bean!
  • Thanks Bean!

    I just upgraded my PropellerIDE to the latest PropBasic and PropBASIC PDF. Now, I think I just might consider converting one of my smaller PropGCC programs to PropBasic. That should be an interesting exercise.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Bean wrote: »
    Here is the latest version of the PropBasic Compiler.

    Version 00.01.47 July 17, 2018
    Fixed: 4-1-2018: Firmware CON 0000_000C causes abort (no $ prefix)
    Fixed: 7-16-2018 I2C Write needs 9th bit to be a 1 so slave can assert ACK
    Added: 7-16-2018 Ability to disable warnings (Simple IDE will not download if a warning occurs)
    Use /D on command line or '{$NOWARNINGS} directive

    I've just posted to github, minor changes to code that was on github, that
    1) adds /FB switch, so FreeBasic formatted error messages are exported - useful for FB targeting IDEs
    2) fixed file name parser bug, so this now compiles ok
    ..\src\PropBasic.exe "Freq Counter3.pbas" /FB

    See screen shot here of PoseidonFB IDE calling PropBASIC, and catching the compile error.

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2018-08-08 12:56
    Found a bug that will be fixed in the next release.

    You cannot use pin 31 in a pin range (it works fine by itself).

    For example:
    LED PIN 31 ' Works
    LEDS PIN 30..28 ' Works
    LEDS PIN 31..28 ' Runtime Error

    P.S. Found another one
    If you use an underscore in a pin name, then the # prefix won't work. (The #prefix returns the pin number not the state of the pin).

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Bean wrote: »
    Found a bug that will be fixed in the next release.

    Did you merge the 2 minor fixes/extensions I posted above ? (uploaded to Github link given)

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    Sorry I've never used github.
    If you can post screenshots or text of what needs to be changed I will incorporate into the next build.


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Bean wrote: »
    Sorry I've never used github.
    If you can post screenshots or text of what needs to be changed I will incorporate into the next build.

    Oh, oops, maybe someone else posted PropBASIC there, I wondered why it was not being updated....

    The code I started from is here
    and my fork is here
    The two files changed are GLOBAL.PAS & PropBasic.lpr

    github does a nice highlighted compare, so you can see what changed

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    Thanks that is exactly what I needed.
    I will post version 00.01.48 that will have these changes incorporated.

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    I have posted PropBASIC version 1.48

    Version 00.01.48 August 8, 2018
    Fixed: 00.01.47 was posted as 64-app, now is 32-bit app
    Need to fix: var = #pin_name doesn't like underscores in pin name
    Added: Support for FreeBASIC IDE with /FB switch

  • Has anyone tried PropBASIC with Sublime? My new job is forcing me to learn and use Sublime.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-08-09 21:21
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    Has anyone tried PropBASIC with Sublime? My new job is forcing me to learn and use Sublime.

    So you mean this ?

    Such editors usually have some parts that can be language portable.
    eg Syntax Highlighters can usually be added.
    Next, is console error parsers - I added a error format switch to PropBASIC to allow FreeBASIC error extraction, which allows jump-to-error in some of the IDE's supporting FreeBASIC.


    Other things like declaration and type hints etc, are likely to be rather more language-centric
  • Bean wrote: »
    I have posted PropBASIC version 1.48

    Version 00.01.48 August 8, 2018
    Fixed: 00.01.47 was posted as 64-app, now is 32-bit app
    Need to fix: var = #pin_name doesn't like underscores in pin name
    Added: Support for FreeBASIC IDE with /FB switch


    Would it be possible for you to post sources? I've been building PropBasic sources from the Parallax github repository ( and just now from JMG's github ( for macOS. It would be great to sync your sources with one of those branches so Mac & Linux users can build from your latest sources.

    I've mangled :-) PropellerIDE's Qt sources in order to build PropBasic code via openspin (vs bst)... This gives me a decent IDE for PropBasic!


    634 x 500 - 46K
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    dgately wrote: »
    Would it be possible for you to post sources? I've been building PropBasic sources from the Parallax github repository (

    Best/cleanest idea would be for Bean to update the github 'master', but I'm not sure how easy that is, as it seems he did not create that ?

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    I'm not sure who uploaded the 'master'. I may have been me. I had a github account, and I remember play around with it, but I couldn't really figure it out.

    I don't mind making the source code available (in case I get hit by a bus or something). But I don't want 20 versions of it floating around that people have made changes too.

    jmg, would you be able to put the source on github if I sent it to you ?

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2018-08-10 22:08
    Bean wrote: »
    But I don't want 20 versions of it floating around that people have made changes too.

    Yes, that is best avoided, so I think the master should be updated, and I can delete my fork (I hope), when the main one is updated.
    Bean wrote: »
    I'm not sure who uploaded the 'master'. I may have been me. I had a github account, and I remember play around with it, but I couldn't really figure it out.
    Looks like you need to contact Brett Weir, as he seems to have posted that, with other Parallax sources.
    He can probably give you some shared access, as the originator. Can you still get into github on your account ?

    I'm not great at github, but a quick browse shows other forks
    These 3 seem to all be the same 2 files with 14 additions and 5 deletions. << master 2 files with 14 additions and 5 deletions. << could be deleted, or updated ? 2 files with 14 additions and 5 deletions. << could be deleted, or updated ?

    but this one has some more variations - who is EsterlineResearch hehe, oops just spotted that is you, so that's your fork, there already.. If I had spotted that before, I would have cloned that one... ;)
    8 files with 139 additions and 5 deletions.

    Looks to be able to be merged, as that is not source-code, but more around docs and make examples.
    Commits on Mar 17, 2016  bweir    Update                                                     18eba1f
    Commits on Jul 12, 2016  bweir    Add an example PropBASIC file                                        83776a1
    Commits on Jul 13, 2016  bweir    Add packthing.yml file and makefile                                  b54d498
                             bweir    Create script to show how projects are compiled 11b019a
    Commits on Jul 22, 2018  gh-jmg   Update PropBasic.lpr                                                 e431c4a
                             gh-jmg   Update GLOBAL.PAS                                                    5865989
  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,539
    edited 2018-08-11 13:09
    If it helps, I could get the sources updated to the main Parallax master.

    And in the future, I'd be happy to manage contribs and updates.

    It's enough that you donate PropBasic to the community, Bean, without you needing to fuss with Admin too.

    Bean- I think you have my email since last time, but I'll forward you the contact details again in just a moment.
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    Thanks. I have sent you an e-mail with the source files.
    Let me know when you receive it as I got an error sending it. So I'm not sure it went correctly.

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,539
    edited 2018-08-11 13:10

    Received fine, thank you.

    Aside the source code updates, I created the new pdf doc version from the source given, and removed the old docs
    Examples stay as currently given on Github.

    Files are already staged ready to merge into
    Should happen Monday morning, once some permissions are updated.
    Will update here when live.

    ps... If anyone thinks it's a good idea to add a folder of user samples or libraries, would be happy to do that. I was thinking of the well established code libraries linked in recent PropBasic threads.
  • VonSzarvas wrote: »
    ps... If anyone thinks it's a good idea to add a folder of user samples or libraries, would be happy to do that. I was thinking of the well established code libraries linked in recent PropBasic threads.

    It's an excellent idea!

    Great to see a little more PropBasic activity.
  • GitHub updated to 1.48
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    VonSzarvas wrote: »
    ps... If anyone thinks it's a good idea to add a folder of user samples or libraries, would be happy to do that. I was thinking of the well established code libraries linked in recent PropBasic threads.
    Yes, examples are always a good idea.
    The link above included an example file, and there are many on here.

    I like the FrequencyCounter ones here

    and there was this too

    for those using FLiP, I posted a data-sheet grab of the ppm errors here
  • I keep trying with a lot of help from the forums, but I still cannot download the latest version of Propbasic. Presently, I am working with 38.5. I need the propelleride.exe file for 1.48. I fixed my ZIP file extraction, but all that is there is some old DOS stuff with "switches" and the Propbasic manual. Does anyone have the 1.48 propelleride.exe that they would like to post, so I can download it? I hope I am making some since here..thank you
  • denno wrote: »
    I keep trying with a lot of help from the forums, but I still cannot download the latest version of Propbasic. Presently, I am working with 38.5. I need the propelleride.exe file for 1.48. I fixed my ZIP file extraction, but all that is there is some old DOS stuff with "switches" and the Propbasic manual. Does anyone have the 1.48 propelleride.exe that they would like to post, so I can download it? I hope I am making some since here..thank you

    You can not upload .exe files on this forum because of security concerns.
  • Publison...the link... not give me the PropellerIDE 1.48. It just gives me the PDF file of the various commands of 1.48 and examples. I have been using the 0.38.5 IDE, and would like to upgrade. I do not know/remember how I managed to get the 38.5 .exe on this computer.

    Again, thanks for your help...
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    denno wrote: »
    Publison...the link... not give me the PropellerIDE 1.48. It just gives me the PDF file of the various commands of 1.48 and examples. I have been using the 0.38.5 IDE, and would like to upgrade. I do not know/remember how I managed to get the 38.5 .exe on this computer.

    Things seem a little crossed here ?
    The PropBASIC compiler (PropBasic.exe) is at version 1.48, but you are mentioning PropellerIDE - what exactly are you looking for ? - given PropBasic.exe is not PropellerIDE (but can be called from PropellerIDE)

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,539
    edited 2018-08-13 07:50
    denno wrote: »
    Publison...the link...
    does not give me the PropellerIDE 1.48. It just gives me the PDF file of the various commands of 1.48 and examples.

    That link gets me to the PropBasic.exe download, not any PDF files.
    On the GitHub page, click on PropBasic.exe, then on the next page click the download button (over on the right).

    Thinking about it, I could grab the actual download link for you.... here goes:

    Try that. After clicking the link, your browser may take a few second to connect to GitHub, then you'll see the download automatically start. You might be asked by your version of Windows if you want to accept the download or not.

    Once you've downloaded PropBasic.exe you'll need a couple steps to integrate with PropellerIDE

    1. Rename the downloaded file from "PropBasic.exe" to "propbasic.exe" (PropellerIDE is case sensitive)
    2. Copy the file into the PropellerIDE folder, replacing the old version of propbasic.exe
    - On my computer, the PropellerIDE folder is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\PropellerIDE

    3. Restart PropellerIDE (if you had it open) to recognise the changes.

  • Thank you VonSzarvas...I was able to do as you suggested...Much appreciated....Denno
  • VonSzarvas...this might sound like a silly question, but how do I tell the Propbasic I am playing with is in fact the latest version 1.48
  • There's a command line instruction for that.

    From a windows command prompt try: propbasic.exe -v

    Or just propbasic.exe. as that will list the available commands.

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