Webinars for Hobbyists?

@"Ken Gracey", I have been interested in learning blockly for some time, but have absolutely no idea where to go. There have been several announcements about educator's webinars on the subject, both on forums and the main site. Does Parallax offer webinars for hobbyists?
Click on a video link and go to YouTube, then click on the Parallax user name for their channel. From there select all Videos, and you'll see lots of smaller vids, often from Ken, that explain smaller chunks of topics.
Beyond that, the learn.parallax.com subdomain contains a lot of materials on Blockly for the Propeller, but you do have to sift through it if you're not interested in the PropC examples.
(a) So we choose the right presenter, what kinds of skills/experience do you want them to have?
(b) Any key applications you'd like to see demonstrated?
(c) Interested in a behind-the-scenes look at BlocklyProp - how it is coded and deployed, limitations and gotchas, our wish-list for improvements?
We will put this together.
Ken Gracey
All of the above
I'd like to see a series, webinar, videos, or whatever on using BlocklyProp for a complete project. Kind of like, take a bot and do simple stuff to make it move and whatnot, then show incrementally adding things until the bot does something interesting.
Most of the past stuff has just shown completed stuff with finished code, instead of showing it as it is being done.
a) What Roy said, in the fashion of a project based tutorial.
b) Key applications that I personally am looking at: Trig, WiFi interface(likely a needs a separate show for itself), PropBOE roaming using Ping, IR headlights, and whisker wires.