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US Distribution of Peter's P2D2 Board — Parallax Forums

US Distribution of Peter's P2D2 Board

PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
edited 2018-07-02 14:57 in Propeller 2
I indicated to Peter that I would be willing to distribute his boards in the US. I'm just trying to get an estimate of the number of people that would want to try this board out, (without the P2 chip and any other supporting parts, of course). It would be sent USPS First Class postage for free. Other shipping arrangements are possible with fees.

It's 1:00AM in Brisbane, so I don't expect to hear back till the morning.

If your interested, sign up here.


  • I'm interested.
  • I'm interested in one please.


  • potatohead wrote: »
    I'm interested.

    I believe I still have your shipping address from the last shipment.

  • ctwardell wrote: »
    I'm interested in one please.



    OK. That's two.
  • I'm interested in a populated board if someone decides to offer them.
  • David Betz wrote: »
    I'm interested in a populated board if someone decides to offer them.

    Same here.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2018-07-02 16:32
    twm47099 wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm interested in a populated board if someone decides to offer them.

    Same here.

    We don't know when silicon will be available. This is for bare board only.
  • David Betz wrote: »
    I'm interested in a populated board if someone decides to offer them.

    We don't know when silicon will be available. This is for bare board only.
  • Sign me up for one.
  • Publison wrote: »
    twm47099 wrote: »
    David Betz wrote: »
    I'm interested in a populated board if someone decides to offer them.

    Same here.

    We don't know when silicon will be available. This is for bare board only.
    Yes, I understand that. I wouldn't expect a populated board to be available until after the general release of the silicon.

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2018-07-02 17:32
    I already have mine. :) I printed out a picture of the card from Peter's thread, and pasted it onto a piece of cardboard. Without the chips soldered on that's probably about as useful as the actual PC board would be to me. I am impressed by the size of the board, and how much is packed into it. I can't believe the P2 is almost a reality.
  • tonyp12tonyp12 Posts: 1,951
    edited 2018-07-02 18:30
    One other way is to share it on oshpark and anyone can order 3 for probably ~$25 with shipping included in USA.
    Takes 7-9day. Their gold enig is really good for small pitch items.

    But you probably need a stencil too, at oshstencils.
  • Publison wrote: »
    potatohead wrote: »
    I'm interested.

    I believe I still have your shipping address from the last shipment.

    You do. And thanks for that. It is up, running, ready to run Oregon Trail and a few other favorites my granddaughter needs to see.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    When silicon is generally available I will make some fully assembled boards. Not sure at this stage if I will use Peters board or my own design. I will be using a stencil and proper IR oven. At this stage of course I don't know the cost as I don't know the wastage costs (ie will I have rejects because of the P2 soldering) as I need to cover my raw costs.

    Publison, FWIW I found first class cost more and often arrived slower than standard class for USA to Oz. Not sure if it's the same within USA.
  • tonyp12 wrote: »
    One other way is to share it on oshpark and anyone can order 3 for probably ~$25 with shipping included in USA.
    Takes 7-9day. Their gold enig is really good for small pitch items.

    But you probably need a stencil too, at oshstencils.

    Peter has shared the Gerbers, so that is an option. Why not get one for free. :)
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2018-07-02 21:25
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Publison, FWIW I found first class cost more and often arrived slower than standard class for USA to Oz. Not sure if it's the same within USA.

    Thanks Ray,

    I have a label printer full of PrePaid First Class Mail ready to print. I'll try it against standard and see what it does.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Publison wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Publison, FWIW I found first class cost more and often arrived slower than standard class for USA to Oz. Not sure if it's the same within USA.

    Thanks Ray,

    I have a label printer full of PrePaid First Class Mail ready to print. I'll try it against standard and see what it does.

    What type of envelopes will you use. The postal system will mangle plain paper envelopes. Plastic, cardboard or padded work fine but cost more. For a bare pcb, even a thinner 1mm one, probably doesn't require padding. eBay will have cheap plastic envelopes. I get my padded envelopes for my boards there at a fraction of the price that the PO charges.
  • I usually get big box of flat rate envelopes from the post office and then cut them up and use them for bubble wrap inside a normal paper envelope. LOL
  • One please!
  • @Publison

    If you can send mail to Canada , I will take one.


  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2018-07-04 11:48

    If you can send mail to Canada , I will take one.


    Should't be a problem Bob. Unless there or new tariffs on free boards. :)
    I just can't send you any ketchup. :)
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2018-07-04 21:38

    re: tariffs

    Oh Smile I forgot about them LOL.

  • Is it easier to break this into two shipments, one to the U.S. and one to Canada if someone there wants to look after redistributing them?
  • Peter

    I can take care of our friends in Canada.
  • pjvpjv Posts: 1,903
    Peter, Publison,

    I would like to receive one destied for Canada.

    In addition, when the time comes, I can offer PNP assembly as well as reflow (conveyor) soldering, as I have a complete facility for that. That's one of the businesses I'm in.

    Naturally paste screens have to be obtained, so some level of quantity would need to be processed at one time.

    Then there is the logistics issue of getting some accross the US border for redistribution. I suspect that prices and paperwork for individual shipments from Canada would be prohibitive.

    And what about these ugly tariffs that might surprise us.

    Those boards remaining in Canada would be much less of an issue.

    Anyhow, just some ideas.

    Any thoughts?


    Peter (pjv)

  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2018-07-05 14:03
    pjv wrote: »
    Peter, Publison,

    I would like to receive one destied for Canada.

    In addition, when the time comes, I can offer PNP assembly as well as reflow (conveyor) soldering, as I have a complete facility for that. That's one of the businesses I'm in.

    Naturally paste screens have to be obtained, so some level of quantity would need to be processed at one time.

    Then there is the logistics issue of getting some accross the US border for redistribution. I suspect that prices and paperwork for individual shipments from Canada would be prohibitive.

    And what about these ugly tariffs that might surprise us.

    Those boards remaining in Canada would be much less of an issue.

    Anyhow, just some ideas.

    Any thoughts?


    Peter (pjv)

    I think a board in an envelope shipped from US to Canada should not be a problem.

    A populated board is a different issue. We have a few months to work that out when P2 silicon is shipped.
  • I will send 25 boards which should cover those requests plus a few extra. Thanks for helping out Publison.
  • I will send 25 boards which should cover those requests plus a few extra. Thanks for helping out Publison.

    Thanks Peter. I'm sure there will be a few more request over the next couple of days. I'll make sure Chip and Ken get at least 5 to play with.

  • Don't worry too much about not having enough as I will probably update this design and do another run as for sure there will be some improvements plus I may include a fixed or snap-off high-speed USB serial on the next board too.
  • I wouldn't mind owning and trying one of them out too.
    I live in UK - Will there be a distributor or someone in UK too?
    I love to program, in spin, although i'm still learning it too

    As for my soldering skills, they're useless hahaha
    See attached pics...
    The one with pink stickers is incomplete still, one month on.
    The stickers help me hold components in place lol

    I would like to build a framework similar to the WMF sample but with more support
    and a better spec board (P1 v P2) which actually works would let me make more progress.
    (compared to my dismal attempts)

    I would not mind paying either to have it assembled and shipped to UK.

    Any chance of getting one here?

    3968 x 1984 - 2M
    1984 x 3968 - 1M
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