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BASIC Stamp2 SX DIP (Interpreter Chip) - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

BASIC Stamp2 SX DIP (Interpreter Chip)



  • microcontrolleruser,

    Is the schematic on page 484 [488 of the PDF] of the BASIC Stamp Manual of any use?

    The schematic for the BS2sx OEM should be exactly what you need because it has everything that you need including the programming interface.
    It's on the last page of the assembly manual.

  • Thanks Mike

    Thanks Genetix

    Will get back to you in AM.

  • 'schematic for the BS2sx OEM should be exactly what you need'

    Looks like it is.

    What are those RN1 and RN2 parts?
  • 'schematic for the BS2sx OEM should be exactly what you need'

    Looks like it is.

    What are those RN1 and RN2 parts?

    Those are resistor networks. Basically four resistors in one package. A typical 10K RN looks like this:

  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,759
    edited 2018-06-17 17:09

    Refer to Assembly Step #4.
    Next, find the two resistor networks.
    A resistor network looks like a comb for a ‘Barbie Doll’.
    On the resistor network (Rnet), there is a dot printed near one end to signify at which end Pin 1 is located.
    On the PCB, look for two single-line groups of eight pads, marked ‘RN1’ and ‘RN2’.
    Find Pin 1 on each of the Rnets and orient them to fit through the square pad on each of the ‘RN1’ and ‘RN2’ groups on the PCB.

    RN means Resistor Network which are a bunch of resistors stuck in one package and the BS2sx OEM uses the SIP or Single In-line Pin type.
    If you look at the schematic then you will see that there are 4 individual 10K resistors in each Resistor Network.

    Just use 8 individual 10K resistors on your breadboard and as Dave Jones would say, "She'll be right!".
    Resistor Networks also come in DIP and another type has all the resistors sharing a common pin for use as pull-ups or pull-downs.

    Oh, and U3 is not a transistor, it's a Brown-Out Detector though it uses a transistor symbol it has a different designation.
    Transistors are designated by a Q while U designates an IC or Integrated Circuit.
    Assembly step 9 says:
    There are three other components that closely resemble the transistor from the step above.
    The two NPN transistors, marked “3904,” should be installed into locations ‘Q1’ and ‘Q2’.
    *** The brown-out detector (the one not marked “3904” or “3906”) should be installed into location ‘U3’.
    Pay close attention to orientation, as indicated by the white shapes surrounding these locations.

  • Thank you gentleman

    Everybody that thinks it would be simpler to use the Stamp 1 first raise their hand.

    EXCEPT of the three DIP stamps this is the only one with a diagram that matches up 100%.

    Stamp 1, 2 and 2X DIP.
  • "that matches up 100%" ...

    That's really not a good way to evaluate them. Remember that the Stamp 2 modules went through a number of revisions as the microprocessor changed from a PIC to SX, then through several variations using different SX packages and assorted supporting parts. The OEM kits, as far as I know, were not revised after they first came out. They were there just to support potential volume purchasers. Others were expected to buy modules or other complete boards.

    The BS1 is a perfectly good microcontroller if you can work with its slowness and limited memory capacity.

  • 'They were there just to support potential volume purchasers.'

    I am beginning to get that feeling.

    'If you buy a 1000 of them we will tell you how to hook it up.'

    Well.Full speed ahead anyhow.

    Will start with a Stamp 1 though.

    It should be simpler to hook up.

    At least it is cheaper to replace if it gets fried.
  • "If you buy 1000 ... hook it up"

    Not really. The OEM kits are designed for potential volume users to use. The amount of "hand holding" and other support is assumed to be what a design engineer might need - a schematic and BOM - with the expectation that both may need modification depending on the details of the project. If you are an average or inexperienced user, you're expected to get one of the modules and those have a lot of documentation available complete with worked examples, application notes, manuals, etc.

    By all means start with a BS1 module. I have one that turns on a water pump about every 8 hours for about a minute. The program is simple, fits in the limited space available, and "just works". A ULN2803 Darlington array handles the switching for the pump power.
  • microcontrolleruser,

    The BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board might be what you want since it has 220 Ohm resistors on all of the I/O pins.
    It was designed for students to use at home.

    I haven't seen it on sale lately but the BASIC Stamp Activity Kit has everything that you need to learn how to program and use the BS2.
    The BS2 is a lot more capable that the BS1 and there are a lot more books, circuits, and code for it.

    High voltage is usually what "releases the magic smoke" and a 220 ohm resistor will protect an I/O from a programming error ASSUMING you are using low voltages.

    I know the breadboards on the BASIC Stamp boards are small but if something doesn't work it's most likely something that you did.
    On a bread-boarded Stamp you would then be wondering if your Stamp setup was at fault.

    Parallax sometimes replaces fried boards from time to time but there is no guarantee they will.

    All I can say is be paranoid about your wiring and code.
    Check it once, check it again, and then check it a third time.
    Better yet have one or two other people check it for you.

  • It sounds like a dream come true to me.

    I get to keep running my PBasic 2.5 programs for a while longer!

    Not only that but I will have loads more time to add enhancments to my systems.

    I better check the obits and make sure I have not died and gone to Heaven. ]8-D>
  • trooks,

    You might have another decade to stock up before Erco hoards them all.

  • Will the board above help us simplify connecting to Serial port adapter?

    Or are we on the wrong track?

    The Stamp 2SX DIP is not looking for TTL signals?

  • The good that has come of this is.

    BEFORE paying cash money for Stamp 1 DIP or Stamp 2 we're getting a connection diagram.

    That is a fact Jack!

  • Clear the air.

    Figuring the Gravitech one here is wrong too?

    That is for PIC's with UART'S?

    The Parallax way is just bit banging in and out of some pins.

    Adding some filtering for the serial port connections.
  • It looks like both of these RS232 to 5V TTL adapters are essentially the same and neither is needed for any of the Stamps. The Stamp Reference Manual's chapters on the SERIN and SEROUT statement discuss how they do this. Essentially, for input signals, a series resistor of around 22K (check the Manual for the proper value) will protect the I/O pin from RS232 level signals, perhaps as high as 15V, along with the use of the normal protective diodes on the I/O pin structure. For output signals, the Stamp relies on the RS232 standard's sloppiness, accepting +5V and 0V for RS232 signals rather than the +15V/-15V "official" levels. You can still use RS232 to 5V adapters for noisy environments or where a project requires adherence to the RS232 standard levels.

  • Thank you Mike

    Okay.It should be here tomorrow and we will just take it one step at a time.

    Hook up power first and the see what's what.
  • microcontrolleruser,

    The BASIC Stamp OEMs and development boards use very simple serial translation circuitry.

    Other than RX, TX, and GND I think the only other RS232 signal that is used is DTR and that line is tied directly to the Reset pin.

  • Thanks Genetix

    Will identify in Editor with just the serial connection?

    Add the EEPROM after.

    Seems like it should.
  • Pages 17 and 28 in the Basic Stamp Manual show what you need for the serial connection. I’m not sure if the Editor will identify the Stamp without the EEPROM. You can try it, but nothing may happen without the EEPROM. It’s not meant to work without it.

  • Thanks Mike

    Have a clever idea.

    See if any of the boards have an EEPROM in a socket.

    Pull it and see if it will identify.
  • The BS2 uses a 24LC16B EEPROM (2K bytes) while the BS2sx uses a 24LC128 EEPROM (16K bytes). They're not interchangeable.

  • Thanks Mike

    Let me take a look at BOE and see if EEPROM is socketed.

    Will look later this week at Pro board and see if it is socketed.

    I have seen them somewhere.
  • microcontrolleruser,

    Only the OEMs have socketed EEPROMs.
    On all other Parallax boards the EEPROM is soldered on the BASIC Stamp module.

  • Thanks Gentix

    Real quick.

    BEEN looking at schematic for 2SX!

    Read the fine print. 2SX and 2 have the same pinout.

    Same schematic.Ouch!

    Will add to that in a little bit.

  • microcontrolleruser,

    Possible but I would double-check just to be sure.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2018-06-19 04:23
    If you mean BS2sx and BS2 modules, why yes ... they have the same pinout. They're considered pin-compatible. They're not strictly program compatible because you have to change any of the "magic timing constants" that you use in your program as well as make some other adjustments. It is possible to have a program be source compatible across most of the Basic Stamp product line in that you can recompile the program for another Stamp model and there are program directives that can test for what Stamp is being targeted and compile the proper statements.

    Obviously, they have different amounts of memory and the BS2sx has some features that the BS2 does not.
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