Erco's Last Request

No, I'm not dying AFAIK. Well slowly, but aren't we all?
And yes, I still love the Toddler you guys all pitched in for and bought me from Andy ~2 years ago. But there's just one last robot I need for my collection, and if you guys can see fit to chipping in again and buying it for me, I'll never ask for anything again. I understand it might take a while to raise the $100K, but I don't mind waiting up to a week...
I'll even pony up for the $290 shipping.
This "Gang of Four" includes the Holy Grail of toy robots IMO, the rare 1958 Masudaya "Radicon" R/C robot. Uses a powdered metal coherer to electromechanically cycle through drive modes to stop, go, and turn. I've never seen one on Ebay before.
Except for this older video:
And yes, I still love the Toddler you guys all pitched in for and bought me from Andy ~2 years ago. But there's just one last robot I need for my collection, and if you guys can see fit to chipping in again and buying it for me, I'll never ask for anything again. I understand it might take a while to raise the $100K, but I don't mind waiting up to a week...
I'll even pony up for the $290 shipping.
This "Gang of Four" includes the Holy Grail of toy robots IMO, the rare 1958 Masudaya "Radicon" R/C robot. Uses a powdered metal coherer to electromechanically cycle through drive modes to stop, go, and turn. I've never seen one on Ebay before.
Except for this older video:

I am throwing in the towel and giving up on designing my own PCB layout.
First: Which would be the best format to post a schematic for comments, Bitmap at 200 pixels per inch or a scalable metafile? Those are he only export options I have.
Second: Would it be appropriate to post the schematic as an RFP for any here that may be in that line of work or have gone though the process of getting a PCB made.
My grey matter seemed to work much better before it was surrouded by so much grey hair. ]8-D
You need them...
Come on guys, only $99,995 to go!
Erco... let me check the cup holder in the Mustang. I've been tossing change in it for several months. There must be a couple hundred K by now! ;-)
The lottery jackpots are slowly getting bigger again or you can ask someone for a sweet stock tip.
And hospitals/manufacturing.
And air travel.
(One word Ben, plastics!)
Nah, sometimes I say crazy things.