14 Pin Basic Stamp LCD Sample Code

in BASIC Stamp
Looking for the code for the old original 14 pin LCD display.
Not the newer Serial LCD Parallax sells currently.
I have seen it somewhere but can't remember where.Maybe Stampworks manual.
Thank you Mike
Tell you what we're up to in the AM.
As Mike said, the Parallel LCD has a 14-pin connector but LCDs that have backlights may have 16 or 18 pins.
I think this is what you are looking for.
Most LCDs use the Hitachi HD44780 or an equivalent from which all the code is based even on other microcontrollers.
StampWorks has entire chapter on Parallel LCDs including how to make custom characters starting on page 73 [83 of the PDF].
Also as Mike said there are a number of Nuts and Volts articles that use an LCD.
Thank you Genetix
Let me take a look at that first one.