Solarbotics Stamp Stack 2P24 Board

in BASIC Stamp
Still can't get it to program with Basic Stamp Editor.
It does a strange thing.
It connects and you can run the self test.Push a button and ADC chip will run it's test in Terminal.
Terminal shows good connection but Editor will not recognize it.
Any ideas?
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When you have problems like this, you really need to provide more details on what you've done and tried. You say "It connects" ... what do you mean? "Terminal shows good connection" ... what exactly?
' You say "It connects" ... what do you mean?'
Connected with Parallax USB to serial adapter.
Open terminal.Push button on Stamp Stack.Self test runs.RTC clock program runs.
Com port 7 is identified in editor.In Stamp column it is blank.
' "Terminal shows good connection" what exactly? '
Here's screenshot.
The Terminal window doesn't require the proper USB driver (from FTDI), but the Editor does because the Editor has to reset the Stamp to get it to talk to the Editor and it uses DTR to do that. If Loopback is No or Echo is No, there's a problem with the Editor communicating with the Stamp. Since the board has a USB port for programming, have you tried disconnecting the USB to serial adapter and directly connecting the USB cable to the connector on the board? Follow Solarbotics' instructions on installing the drivers.
You may need to call them if you can't get it to work properly. I use a Mac version of the Stamp Editor and a Parallax BS2 Homework board, so I can't really duplicate your situation.
Just a little background, but no useful answers from me on this question. The StampStack product is almost 18 yrs old. It was made by HVW Tech, then bought by Solarbotics. The hardware hasn't been manufactured in a long time and they likely won't support it.
Ken Gracey
' What do you get when you attempt to Identify the chip (I think under Run menu)?'
It shows Com port but Stamp column is blank.No Stamp P24 or Stamp P
Did you find the link for board on Solarbotics? I couldn't find it this time.
Echo yes.Loopback no.In Terminal program window.
'directly connecting the USB cable to the connector on the board? '
In gets 'invalid port' in Device identify.
Device Manager reports no driver.Won't install device driver downloaded from FTDI website.
'they likely won't support it.'
Thanks for the other info.
They did help me about a year ago.Will call them tomorrow.
Will a FTDI driver work going by the chip number on the board?
We discussed this a year ago and came to the conclusion no USB drivers available would work. This board came out during the Windows 2000 era.
Why not use the straight serial connection that you said worked a year ago? Mine still works with that connection. (I actually had it hooked up two days ago).
'Why not use the straight serial connection that you said worked a year ago?'
Yep.That is where we ended up.
Also have a couple of DOS only machines to run old EPROM programing software/hardware.
'That's why I have an XP laptop frozen in time to support old hardware'
That sounds okay.
Myself. I draw the line at DOS though.
Thanks Mike
' Loopback = No suggests that the control signals aren't carried through. Echo tests that what's sent from the Editor is echoed back by the Stamp.'
That's a good idea to see what it looks like when it's working correctly.
Like a good engineer.When it worked I was out of there.Did not look at report on connection.
Okay.So let me go work on SX and the old Kohler 10 hp engine.
I was being serious. Supporting legacy hardware/software. Might you want to edit that post?
Publison is the correct and respectful way to address our forum friend. Please edit your posts appropriately.
' Might you want to edit that post?'
That was kidding around.
My apologies if you think it was disrespectful.
You were supposed to say some little thing in response like you build model ships or something.
So really it was hostile towards me.
'Publison is the correct and respectful way to address our forum friend. Please edit your posts appropriately. '
I am very disappointed in quite a few of the members here after the digital logic intolerance towards me.
If you would like me to leave that can be accomplished.
Von Svarsas
In fact.I do not think I will be posting here anymore.
That is from somebody that owns $1000's of dollars worth of Parallax products.
So that is saying something.
To be honest.Some of those responses gave me a sick feeling.
Like creepy.
Who needs it?
Here's a tip for you.The moderator on Atmel forum is a tyrant but he uses his real name.
You might consider that.Have fun!
this is a very respectful, helpful and knowledgeable forum.
And you are the guy disrespecting quite smart and helpful people here. Not the other way around.
my guess is that you wont be missed.
I simply asked you to use someone's name, and not to introduce slang and nicknames.
That is not creepy, and not something that should give you a sick feeling. It's a matter of politeness. Please do consider other members feelings when thinking up and posting shorthand names. (Sincerely, I would recommend you don't though, unless you are close buddies!)
As with everyone, if you have an issue with other members comments toward you or your posts, then please do flag them so that we can moderate on your behalf.
We are a very helpful bunch here, and we do try to have fun. Hopefully you can too- just please follow the rules and be fair.
I will close this thread, but feel free to email if you have any concerns.