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Looking for FPGA board

thejthej Posts: 232
edited 2018-06-06 20:01 in Propeller 2
I'm looking for an FPGA board for P2 development but I'm having problems finding them for purchase (and fitting my budget).

The Prop123 is out of my budget (dang!) and the DE0-nano does not have CORDIC.

I need a board that can support at least:
-one Cog
-64K RAM & the 16K ROM
-8 Smart pins
Everything else is a bonus :-)

I'm looking at Terasic's page and the DE10-nano (110k LEs) and the DE0-CV (49K LEs) look good and are affordable.
But are they supported !?! Is there an image for them?

Alternatively, the BeMicro CV might work (25k LEs) but I can't find it anywhere to buy.
Can it fit the CORDIC unit?





  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    thej wrote: »
    I'm looking for an FPGA board for P2 development but I'm having problems finding them for purchase (and fitting my budget).

    The Prop123 is out of my budget (dang!) and the DE0-nano does not have CORDIC.

    I need a board that can support at least:
    -one Cog
    -64K RAM & the 16K ROM
    -8 Smart pins
    Everything else is a bonus :-)

    I'm looking at Terasic's page and the DE10-nano (110k LEs) and the DE0-CV (49K LEs) look good and are affordable.
    But are they supported !?! Is there an image for them?

    Alternatively, the BeMicro CV might work (25k LEs) but I can't find it anywhere to buy.
    Can it fit the CORDIC unit?




    Boards listed are in this thread
    Looks like DE2-115 is the smallest supported one that can fit cordic. (which is the toughest requirement, once you have cordic, everything else is ample..)
    	           cogs	  pins	RAM	Freq	CORDIC	Filename
    Prop123-A9       |  16	   7	 1024k	80MHz	Yes	Prop123_A9_Prop2_16cogs_v32i.rbf	- not ready
    Prop123-A9       |  8	  64	  512k	80MHz	Yes	Prop123_A9_Prop2_8cogs_v32i.rbf **	- READY
    BeMicro-A9       |  16	   7	 1024k	80MHz	Yes	BeMicro_A9_Prop2_16cogs_v32i.jic *	- not ready
    BeMicro-A9       |  8	  64	  512k	80MHz	Yes	BeMicro_A9_Prop2_8cogs_v32i.jic */**	- READY
    Prop123-A7       |  4	  38	  512k	80MHz	Yes	Prop123_A7_Prop2_v32i.rbf		- READY
    DE2-115          |  4	  20	  256k	80MHz	Yes	DE2_115_Prop2_v32i.pof *		- READY
    BeMicro-A2       |  1	   7	  128k	80MHz	No	BeMicro_A2_Prop2_v32i.jic *		- READY
    DE0-Nano         |  1	   8	   32k	80MHz	No	DE0_Nano_Prop2_v32i.jic			- READY
    DE0-Nano Bare    |  1	   8	   32k	80MHz	No	DE0_Nano_Bare_Prop2_v32i.jic		- READY
    *  These images always map SD card pins {CSn,CLK,DO,DI} into P[61:58].
    ** These images represent the logic and memory that will be built in silicon.

    DE2-115 seems to ue
    EP4CE115F23I7N Cyclone® IV E Active 7155 LAB 114480 LE 3981312 RAMb

    5CSEBA6U23I7N 47 - Immediate $246.42000 Cyclone® V SE Dual ARM® Cortex®-A9 MPCore™ with CoreSight™ 64KB
    DMA, POR, WDT CAN, EBI/EMI, Ethernet, I²C, MMC/SD/SDIO, SPI, UART/USART, USB OTG 800MHz FPGA - 110K Logic Elements

    P0496 Terasic Inc. DE10-NANO CYCLONE V SE SOC KIT 1,252 - Immediate $130.00000

    Notice the DE10-Nano price is well under the chip price !

    DE0-CV is more $ and only 49k LE, so the DE10-Nano looks viable, but right now there is no compiled image for that.
  • Thanks JMG ! This is an awesome overview!

    @cgracey Any chance of a DE10-Nano compile??

  • Wonder how many LE's the Cordic is
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Tubular wrote: »
    Wonder how many LE's the Cordic is

    Interesting question, but nothing on the current list has spare room to meet the other requirements, and add a cordic.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Tubular wrote: »
    Wonder how many LE's the Cordic is

    20k LE's or about 8k ALM'S.
  • I just got a DE NANO 10, been reading and playing but not with Prop2. Would also love to see a small build for it also.

  • How many other people would do testing on the P2 if there was a DE10-nano image?
    It's inexpensive and can accommodate a decent portion of the P2.

  • I would love to help.
  • I would like to help also.
  • K2K2 Posts: 693
    edited 2018-06-12 03:39
    With CORDIC installed, is it reasonable to expect the DE10-nano could still host four COGs?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    K2 wrote: »
    With CORDIC installed, is it reasonable to expect the DE10-nano could still host four COGs?

    It's 'reasonable', but would only be known if Chip decides to add a build for the DE10-NANO 5CSEBA6U23I7N
  • FYI Here's the stats for a standard P1V build for the DE10_Nano for reference.
    PortA only with 32K Hub and 8 cogs.
    Flow Status	Successful - Tue Jun 12 14:26:44 2018
    Quartus Prime Version	17.0.0 Build 595 04/25/2017 SJ Lite Edition
    Revision Name	top
    Top-level Entity Name	top
    Family	Cyclone V
    Device	5CSEBA6U23I7
    Timing Models	Final
    Logic utilization (in ALMs)	7,496 / 41,910 ( 18 % )
    Total registers	5937
    Total pins	42 / 314 ( 13 % )
    Total virtual pins	0
    Total block memory bits	655,360 / 5,662,720 ( 12 % )
    Total DSP Blocks	0 / 112 ( 0 % )
    Total HSSI RX PCSs	0
    Total HSSI PMA RX Deserializers	0
    Total HSSI TX PCSs	0
    Total HSSI PMA TX Serializers	0
    Total PLLs	1 / 6 ( 17 % )
    Total DLLs	0 / 4 ( 0 % )
  • And here's a build for a 512k hub P1V with PortB included (64IO)
    ALM usage jumps from 18% to 22%
    Based on Chip's comment that the Cordic uses ~8K ALM's that's about 20% of the available ALM's.
    A P2 build will come down finding a good balance of cogs and smartpins.
    Flow Status	Successful - Tue Jun 12 15:18:41 2018
    Quartus Prime Version	17.0.0 Build 595 04/25/2017 SJ Lite Edition
    Revision Name	top
    Top-level Entity Name	top
    Family	Cyclone V
    Device	5CSEBA6U23I7
    Timing Models	Final
    Logic utilization (in ALMs)	9,023 / 41,910 ( 22 % )
    Total registers	6485
    Total pins	74 / 314 ( 24 % )
    Total virtual pins	0
    Total block memory bits	4,358,144 / 5,662,720 ( 77 % )
    Total DSP Blocks	0 / 112 ( 0 % )
    Total HSSI RX PCSs	0
    Total HSSI PMA RX Deserializers	0
    Total HSSI TX PCSs	0
    Total HSSI PMA TX Serializers	0
    Total PLLs	1 / 6 ( 17 % )
    Total DLLs	0 / 4 ( 0 % )
  • So it sounds as if the DE NANO 10 would make a minimal useable P2. Would not want to take Chips valuable time at this point of development but perhaps later esp after I re learn my way around Quartus again. Did build a P1 with additional memory years ago!

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