Can you summarize the rules around long files names and formatting steps ?
They aren't as bad as I was thinking there for a while, but best not to use them at all. They aren't recognised by the boot process and because they take up three filename entries each when deleting they leave a lot of odd gaps when mixed with 8.3 naming.
Does this mean the FPGA loading side is not 100% reliable, but gets more reliable with a longer power-off ?
Probably. I'm leaving this one in the don't do it bin.
Thanks Tubular, for the push button reset help. It works. I remember that used to be an input that could be read so I gather Chip changed the FPGA function for it.
Here's the updated monitor register definitions used for SD functions.
''============[ COG VARIABLES - SD BOOT]========================================
org $1C0 ' place the variables in cog $1C0-$1DF
cmdout res 1 ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
cmdpar res 1 ' The 32b parameters
cmdcrc res 1 ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
cmdpar2 res 1 ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
cmdtype res 1 ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
reply res 1 ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
replyR1 res 1 ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
dataout res 1 ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
bytescnt res 1 ' #bytes to send/recv
bitscnt res 1 ' #bits to be shifted in/out
ctr1 res 1
timeout res 1 ' = starttime + delay
spare res 1
skiprun res 1 ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
'\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
blocksh res 1 '/ block shift 0/9 bits
clustersh res 1 ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
vol_begin res 1 '$0000_2000 ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
fsi_begin res 1 '$0000_2001 ' Ptn0: sector of file system info
fat_begin res 1 '$0000_3122 ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
dir_begin res 1' $0000_4000 ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
dat_begin res 1 '$0000_4580 $0000_54C0' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
ptn_size res 1 '$0008_0000 ' file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
_bufad res 1
_blocknr res 1
_sectors res 1
_entries res 1
bufad res 1 ' ptr sector buffer
blocknr res 1 ' sector#
fname res 3 ' 8+3+1
_hubdata res 1
fit $1E0
ROM_Booter_v32i.spin2 29/09/2018 4:19PM (downloaded from P2 forum)
'' xxxxxx : xx xx xx xx ... <cr> DOWNLOAD: to cog/lut/hub {addr1} following {byte(s)}
'' xxxxxx - [xxxxxx] [L] <cr> MEM LIST: from cog/lut/hub {addr1} to < {addr2} L=longs
'' xxxxxx G <cr> GOTO: to cog/lut/hub {addr1}
'' FC000 G <cr> will perform a reboot
'' Q <cr> QUIT: Quit Rom Monitor and return to the User Program
'' {addr} is on the stack
''<cr> LOAD: Load file from SD (8.3 filename)
'' returns "=" on success, "!" on failure
''<cr> RUN: Run file from SD (8.3 filename)
'' returns "!" on failure
'' <esc><cr> TAQOZ: goto TAQOZ
'' <cr> will repeat last MEM LIST command
Note the changes to the download command to use ":", the memory list command to "-" and optional trailing "L" parameter (L=longs, else bytes).
Filenames are in the format 8.3 (short filenames) with SD formatted as FAT32.
Here is a very simple example of using the ROM Monitor with...
* Setting the crystal oscillator (we have a 12MHz oscillator)
* Setting clock to 96MHz
* Setting Serial to 115,200 baud, 8 bits
* Sending serially a $0 terminated string in a 1s loop
This is the user code to do this...
DAT orgh 0
org 0
''-------[ Set Xtal ]----------------------------------------------------------
entry hubset #0 ' set 20MHz+ mode
hubset ##%1_001011_0001011111_1111_01_00 ' ena-xtal+PLL,div=12,mul=96,p=15,0pF,20MHz+
waitx ##20_000_000/100 ' ~10ms at 20MHz (rc osc)
hubset ##%1_001011_0001011111_1111_01_11 ' 96MHz
waitx ##delay5s ' just a delay to get pc terminal running
''-------[ Start Serial ]------------------------------------------------------
mov lmm_bufad, ##_HUBBUF ' locn of hub buffer for serial routine
mov lmm_x, ##_bitper ' sets serial baud
call #_SerialInit ' initialise serial
.loop mov lmm_p, ##_str_vers ' must be in hub!
call #_HubTxString ' display the $0 terminated string
waitx ##delay1s ' just a delay before repeating
jmp #.loop
This is the full code with equates...
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' | Cluso's ROM_Monitor_Demo_001 for P2 v32i Silicon v0.xx |
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' | Author : (c)2013-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick) |
'' | License: MIT License - See end of file for terms of use |
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' RR20181025 001 initial demo
''============================[ CON ]============================================================
_clockfreq = 96_000_000
_cpufreq = _clockfreq
delay5s = _cpufreq * 5 ' 5s
delay1s = _cpufreq ' 1s
_baud = 115_200 ' 115,200 baud
_bitper = (_cpufreq / _baud) << 16 + 7 ' xxxxxxx baud, 8 bits
_txmode = %0000_0000_000_0000000000000_01_11110_0 'async tx mode, output enabled for smart output
_rxmode = %0000_0000_000_0000000000000_00_11111_0 'async rx mode, input enabled for smart input
rx_pin = 63 ' pin serial receiver
tx_pin = 62 ' pin serial transmitter
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' | Cluso's LMM_SerialDebugger for P2 (c)2013-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)|
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' xxxxxx - xx xx xx xx ... <cr> DOWNLOAD: to cog/lut/hub {addr1} following {byte(s)}
'' xxxxxx [.xxxxxx] L <cr> LIST: from cog/lut/hub {addr1} to < {addr2}
'' xxxxxx G <cr> GOTO: to cog/lut/hub {addr1}
'' Q <cr> QUIT: Quit Rom Monitor and return to the User Program
'' Rffffffffxxx<cr> RUN: Run file from SD
'' <esc><cr> TAQOZ: goto TAQOZ
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' LMM DEBUGGER - lmm_f CALL Modes...(not all modes supported)
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
_HEX_ = 2 << 5 ' hex...
_REV_ = 1 << 4 ' - reverse byte order
_SP = 1 << 3 ' - space between hex output pairs
'_DIGITS = 7..0 where 8->0 ' - no. of digits to display
_LIST = 3 << 5 ' LIST memory line (1/4 longs) from cog/hub
_ADDR2 = 1 << 4 ' 1= use lmm_p2 as to-address
_LONG_ = 1 << 1 ' 1=display longs xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
_TXSTRING = 4 << 5 ' tx string (nul terminated) from hub
_RXSTRING = 5 << 5 ' rx string
_ECHO_ = 1 << 4 ' - echo char
_PROMPT = 1 << 3 ' - prompt (lmm_x)
_ADDR = 1 << 2 ' - addr of string buffer supplied
_NOLF = 1 << 1 ' - strip <lf>
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
_SerialInit = $fcab8 ' Serial Initialise (lmm_x & lmm_bufad must be set first)
_HubTxCR = $fcae4 ' Sends <cr><lf> (overwrites lmm_x)
_HubTxRev = $fcaec ' Sends lmm_x with bytes reversed
_HubTx = $fcaf0 ' Sends lmm_x (can be up to 4 bytes)
_HubHexRev = $fcb24 ' Sends lmm_x with bytes reversed as Hex char(s) as defined in lmm_f
_HubHex8 = $fcb28 ' Sends lmm_x as Hex char(s) after setting lmm_f as 8 hex chars
_HubHex = $fcb2c ' Sends lmm_x as Hex char(s) as defined in lmm_f
_HubTxStrVer = $fcb9c ' Sends $0 terminated string at lmm_p address after setting lmm_p=##_str_vers
_HubTxString = $fcba4 ' Sends $0 terminated string at lmm_p address
_HubListA2H = $fcbc4 ' List/Dump line(s) from lmm_p address to lmm_p2 address after setting lmm_f=#_LIST+_ADDR2
_HubList = $fcbc8 ' List/Dump line(s) from lmm_p address to lmm_p2 address according to lmm_f
_HubRx = $fcb10 ' Recv char into lmm_x
_HubRxStrMon = $fccc4 ' Recv string into lmm_bufad address after setting prompt=lmm_x=#"*" & params=lmm_f=#_RXSTRING+_ECHO_+_PROMPT
_HubRxString = $fcccc ' Recv string into lmm_p/lmm_bufad address according to params in lmm_f
_HubMonitor = $fcd78 ' Calls the Monitor; uses lmm_bufad as the input buffer address
_RdLongCogHub = $fcf34 ' read cog/lut/hub long from lmm_p address into lmm_x, then lmm_p++
_str_vers = $fd014 ' locn of hub string, $0 terminated
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
_HUBROM = $FC000 ' ROM $FC000
_HUBBUF = $FC000 ' use as RxString buffer (overwrites Booter)
_HUBBUFSIZE = 80 ' default size for _HUBBUF (can be 128)
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
orgh 0
org 0
''-------[ Set Xtal ]----------------------------------------------------------
hubset #0 ' set 20MHz+ mode
hubset ##%1_001011_0001011111_1111_01_00 ' ena-xtal+PLL,div=12,mul=96,p=15,0pF,20MHz+
waitx ##20_000_000/100 ' ~10ms at 20MHz (rc osc)
hubset ##%1_001011_0001011111_1111_01_11 ' 96MHz
waitx ##delay5s ' just a delay to get pc terminal running
''-------[ Start Serial ]------------------------------------------------------
mov lmm_bufad, ##_HUBBUF ' locn of hub buffer for serial routine
mov lmm_x, ##_bitper ' sets serial baud
call #_SerialInit ' initialise serial
' this code displays a version string (it's not required)
.loop mov lmm_p, ##_str_vers ' must be in hub!
call #_HubTxString
waitx ##delay1s ' just a delay before repeating
jmp #.loop
''============[ COG VARIABLES - MONITOR]========================================
res $1E0-$ ' reserve (if any)
org $1E0 ' place the variables in cog $1E0-$1EF
''-------[ LMM parameters, etc ]------------------------------------------------
lmm_x res 1 '$1e0 parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a value)
lmm_f res 1 '$1e1 parameter passed to LMM routine (function options; returns unchanged)
lmm_p res 1 '$1e2 parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a hub/cog ptr/addr)
lmm_p2 res 1 '$1e3 parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a 2nd hub/cog address)
lmm_c res 1 '$1e4 parameter passed to/from LMM routine (typically a count)
''-------[ LMM additional workareas ]-------------------------------------------
lmm_w res 1 '$1e5 workarea (never saved - short term use between calls, except _HubTx)
lmm_tx res 1 '$1e6 _HubTx
lmm_hx res 1 '$1e7 _HubHex/_HubString
lmm_hx2 res 1 '$1e8 _HubHex
lmm_hc res 1 '$1e9 "
lmm_lx res 1 '$1ea _HubList
lmm_lf res 1 '$1eb "
lmm_lp res 1 '$1ec "
lmm_lp2 res 1 '$1ed "
lmm_lc res 1 '$1ee "
lmm_bufad res 1 '$1ef _HubRxString
fit $1F0
''=======[ ^^^^^ End of COG Variables ^^^^^ ]===================================
Here are the Monitor subroutine entry points (not all are callable directly)
CON '' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
'' | Cluso's Minimal SD Boot Test for P2 (c)2012-2018 "Cluso99" (Ray Rodrick)|
'' +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
_csum = ("P" + "r"<<8 + "o"<<16 + "p"<<24) ' "Prop" checksum (reversed)
_csum2 = ("P" + "r"<<8 + "o"<<16 + "P"<<24) ' "ProP" checksum (reversed)
_fname1a = ("_" + "B"<<8 + "O"<<16 + "O"<<24) '\\ filename...
_fname1b = ("T" + "_"<<8 + "P"<<16 + "2"<<24) '|| 8.3 +$00
_fname1c = ("B" + "I"<<8 + "X"<<16 + $00<<24) '//
_fname2c = ("B" + "I"<<8 + "Y"<<16 + $00<<24) '//
mbr_begin = 0 ' first sector of disk $0000_0000
hubdata = $0_0000 ' expands up (512byte sectors)
max_size = (512-16)*1024 ' max file_size(bytes) that can be loaded
cog_start0 = $000 ' cog code start
cog_len = 512-16 ' cog code length
cog_len80 = 512/4 ' 512 bytes (sector)
_Start_SDcard = $fc560 ' initialise & read CSD/CID
_Run_SDfile = $fc578 ' initialise & read CSD/CID
_Load_SDfile = $fc590 ' initialise & read CSD/CID
_SDcard_Init = $fc5a4 ' init hub data ptr=$0
_readMBR1 = $fc6dc ' do not load/run MBR/VOL code
_readMBR = $fc6e0 ' VBR/MBR = SECTOR 0
_readDIR = $fc810 ' copy _fname1 -> fname
_searchDIR = $fc840 ' 12th char must be $00
_validateCSUM = $fc8d0 ' check long at $17C
_readFILE = $fc900 ' DAT SECTOR#
_readnxtSECTOR = $fc944 ' next sector#
_readnxtSLOT = $fc948 ' next data slot
_readSECTOR = $fc950 ' sector#
_readREG = $fc974 ' CMD9,10: CSD,CID register
_readBLOCK = $fc97c ' CMD17: PAR=sector, 512 bytes
_cmdRZA41 = $fc9bc ' CMD55: R1 response
_cmdRZtoken = $fc9bc ' CMD9,10,17,24: R1+$FE response
_cmdR1R3 = $fc9c4 ' CMD58: R1+R3 response
_cmdR1R7 = $fc9c4 ' CMD8: R1+R7 response
_cmdR1 = $fc9c4 ' CMD0,A41,16: R1 response
_cmdxx = $fc9c8 '
_getreply = $fc9f8 ' recv R1 byte
_recvlong = $fca30 ' call here to Recv a Long (+send 1's)
_sendlong = $fca34 ' call here to Send a Long (long=32bits)
_sendFF = $fca3c ' call here to Send $FF Byte
_recvbyte = $fca3c ' call here to Recv a Byte (+send 1's)
_sendbyte = $fca40 ' call here to Send a Byte (msbit first)
_sendrecv = $fca48 ' clear reply
_fail = $fca74 ' C & NZ = fail
In addition to this, you need to have these COG registers available. You can define by CON or reserved as registers in your code (both methods given)
''============[ COG VARIABLES $1C0-$1DF - SD BOOT]==============================
cmdout = $1c0 ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
cmdpar = $1c1 ' The 32b parameters
cmdcrc = $1c2 ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
cmdpar2 = $1c3 ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
cmdtype = $1c4 ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
reply = $1c5 ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
replyR1 = $1c6 ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
dataout = $1c7 ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
bytescnt = $1c8 ' #bytes to send/recv
bitscnt = $1c9 ' #bits to be shifted in/out
ctr1 = $1ca
timeout = $1cb ' = starttime + delay
spare = $1cc
skiprun = $1cd ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
'\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
blocksh = $1ce '/ block shift 0/9 bits
clustersh = $1cf ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
vol_begin = $1d0 ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
fsi_begin = $1d1 ' Ptn0: sector of file system info
fat_begin = $1d2 ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
dir_begin = $1d3 ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
dat_begin = $1d4 ' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
ptn_size = $1d5 ' file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
_bufad = $1d6
_blocknr = $1d7
_sectors = $1d8
_entries = $1d9
bufad = $1da ' ptr sector buffer
blocknr = $1db ' sector#
fname = $1dc ' 8+3+1
_hubdata = $1df
''============[ COG VARIABLES - SD BOOT]========================================
long $0[$1C0-$] ' fill with zeros (if any)
org $1C0 ' place the variables in cog $1C0-$1DF
cmdout res 1 ' The 8b CMDxx | $40
cmdpar res 1 ' The 32b parameters
cmdcrc res 1 ' The 8b CRC (must be valid for CMD0 & CMD8)
cmdpar2 res 1 ' SDV1=$0, SDV2=$40000000
cmdtype res 1 ' reply is R1=1, R3=3, R7=7, else 0
reply res 1 ' R1 reply (moved to replyR1 when R3/R7 32b reply here)
replyR1 res 1 ' R1 reply (8b saved when R3/R7 32b reply follows)
dataout res 1 ' 8/32 bit data being shifted out
bytescnt res 1 ' #bytes to send/recv
bitscnt res 1 ' #bits to be shifted in/out
ctr1 res 1
timeout res 1 ' = starttime + delay
spare res 1
skiprun res 1 ' 1= skip load/run mbr/vol & load/no-run fname
'\ 1=SDV1, 2=SDV2(byte address), 3=SDHC/SDV2(block address)
blocksh res 1 '/ block shift 0/9 bits
clustersh res 1 ' sectors/cluster SHL 'n' bits
vol_begin res 1 '$0000_2000 ' Ptn0: first sector of PTN
fsi_begin res 1 '$0000_2001 ' Ptn0: sector of file system info
fat_begin res 1 '$0000_3122 ' Ptn0: first sector of FAT table
dir_begin res 1' $0000_4000 ' Ptn0: first sector of DATA is DIR table
dat_begin res 1 '$0000_4580 $0000_54C0' Ptn0: first sector of file's DATA
ptn_size res 1 '$0008_0000 ' file-size 32KB = 64<<9 sectors
_bufad res 1
_blocknr res 1
_sectors res 1
_entries res 1
bufad res 1 ' ptr sector buffer
blocknr res 1 ' sector#
fname res 3 ' 8+3+1
_hubdata res 1
fit $1E0
Probably. I'm leaving this one in the don't do it bin.
Thanks Tubular, for the push button reset help. It works. I remember that used to be an input that could be read so I gather Chip changed the FPGA function for it.
Found it.
Filenames are in the format 8.3 (short filenames) with SD formatted as FAT32.
Updated 25Oct2018 15:56 (GMT+11:00)
Here are the Monitor subroutine entry points...
In addition to this, you need to have these COG registers available. You can define by CON or reserved as registers in your code (both types given)
* Setting the crystal oscillator (we have a 12MHz oscillator)
* Setting clock to 96MHz
* Setting Serial to 115,200 baud, 8 bits
* Sending serially a $0 terminated string in a 1s loop
This is the user code to do this...
This is the full code with equates...
Here are the Monitor subroutine entry points (not all are callable directly) In addition to this, you need to have these COG registers available. You can define by CON or reserved as registers in your code (both methods given)
Yes, it works. From TAQOZ you can even write directly to a file or the mbr. I will post up some samples soon.