Under $35 Stamp2PX Board-Breadboard Ready

Here are the parts for it.
Schmartboard to solder it to.
Now the best part! Soldering service for $6 at Schmartboard to professional solder it together!
Will follow up on all this and update here.
Schmartboard to solder it to.
Now the best part! Soldering service for $6 at Schmartboard to professional solder it together!
Will follow up on all this and update here.
Got that covered.
We will all think happy thoughts that it will work with jumper wires.
Positive mental attitude.Right?
Here's a picture of a 'complete' Stamp.
Keep in mind this project is for a 'breakout' board.
Extra parts needed are on the breadboard connected with jumper wires.
This project all you will see is the PX on there.
Mr Green
Parallax Support gave this the 'Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval'.
That's good enough for me.
Will deal with short jumpers and cap's at build time.
"Seal of Approval" ... Not a Parallax product ... Parallax is busy enough supporting their own products
If somebody wants to get deluxe about this.
It can be soldered to a square breakout board that fits in a socket.
That goes on a soldered proto board you make yourself.
Schmartboard also has breakout board they made for Parallax Propeller for the Propeller crowd.
Forgot to add.They have great attitude at Schmartboard.
Welcome to the world of 'run and gun' electronics.Action hero stuff.
Square breakout board socketed.
It happens I've looked at those boards. All at Micro Center. I also snagged several for mounting to any of them specific parts that I have who'er only available in SMT/SMD forms. (SMT= Surface Mount Technology / SMD = Surface Mount Device) but until I realized that the boards came with solder already present I kept putting it off.
For example the packing density on some of the specialty logic that TI does indeed still make are only available in that format and it would presuppose that they were not hobbyist friendly. Those boards are almost close to that.
So it is a good idea and definitely a good start.
So, if you were to design an actual BS2PX equivalent PCB, you could make them for around $23 each when you do 100 at a time.
To go a step further, I costed out building just 3 using OSHPark for the fabs and handsoldering the entire board. The price came out around $60 each.
'So it is a good idea and definitely a good start.'
Thank you.
'but until I realized that the boards came with solder already present I kept putting it off.'
If you post your project about doing that I'm fairly sure you would get help with it here.
Sure sounds like consulting firm thinking to me!
This 'method' described here is can be done one at a time.
That is for anyone contemplating doing it themselves.
Oh yes. I also looked at using them for making up a single for the Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor One-Wire stuff, it would be the line driver technology chip for it. And after convincing those characters to send me one pair, and the next problem was convincing who I was building the prototype for... Well it was a fast run all around.
Now I have them here for the next series of reasons, presumably good ones.
My only concern with this line of reasoning was why that thing, and then I realized what it was and then I grokked to it perfectly.
(The word grok comes from the Martians of Robert A. Heinlien's famous book "Stranger in a Strange Land".)
Get back to you about 12C.
Schmartboard can fix you up with a SX48 breakout board soldered too.
'You'd have to send them the interpreter chips from Parallax. Will they do that or do they like to source their own chips?'
I am sending over 3 or 4 SX's.
I will ask him if he can throw them up on the shelf for awhile.
If anybody wants one PM me and I'll give you a one time password.
Put a dollar on the desk at Parallax for their Friday employee barbecue lunch.