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Radio icon from the late 80's and 90's gone — Parallax Forums

Radio icon from the late 80's and 90's gone

I know that this is not directly related to tech. Please forgive me but I thought that this might be relevant.

On Friday, April 13, (strangely enough) Art Bell, late night talk show host of programs that showcased the weird, passed away. I do not know how many late nights and early mornings that I spent working on various tech projects while listening to Coast to Coast, his show. (Funny story that I will spare you... I learned that one should not go camping with no one else in the middle of nowhere and listen to Art Bell.)

Art Bell influenced me in my thinking, not about UFOs and that ilk, but about the possibilities of the human race as technological progress is made and is driven forward. I will miss that silky voice at the witching hour telling me about alien abductions as I am driving cross country to the east coast.

Godspeed, Art!




  • K2K2 Posts: 691
    I used to do a lot of driving at night across the vast open spaces of the West, mostly to go skiing. One particular Art Bell interview sticks out in my mind. His guest was a former member of the Doors named Jim Morrison. Let me tell you, that was one spooky show!

    Okay, I was jerking everyone's chain. It was the keyboardist, Ray Manzarek. Still, it was very interesting. Still sticks out in my mind.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    I do miss those silky voices of the old radio days. Alistair Cooke for example.

    I do wonder about the alien abduction thing though.

  • But everyone knows that Jim Morrison didn't die, but became a super rich Satanist Banker (-;...

    Art often had another wackadoodle on the air as a guest, Mr. Wayne Green, W0NSD, that I had the pleasure of meeting at a Bluegrass music festival in Western Missouri. Yet another favorite of mine, Whitley Streiber was not only a regular guest, but took over Art's Dreamland program.

    I miss Wayne W0NSD, Jerry Hughes, Chuck Harder, and now I will miss Art Bell.

    All will be broadcasting from the big radio station in the sky.


  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2018-04-17 01:37
    End of a great era. Art Bell entertained people in a memorable, notable way.

    Radio can be really cool. Art got that and shared with us. He will be missed. Great radio, in general, will be.

    I actually loved going out in the sticks and listening to Coast to Coast! One of my favorite spots is perfect for it. The only thing that works is late night AM, and SW. During the day, nothing. No cell, no FM, no AM.

    For me, doing that was a little trip back in time. Let my mind wander...
  • I never had the pleasure of listening to Art Bell. My go-to on cross country camping/road trips was E.G. Marshall narrating the CBS Radio Mystery Theater.

  • Heater. wrote: »
    I do miss those silky voices of the old radio days. Alistair Cooke for example.

    Weren't his thigh bones stolen by the funeral director and replaced with plastic waste pipe?

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