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Trouble passing variables to FullDuplexSerial.spin — Parallax Forums

Trouble passing variables to FullDuplexSerial.spin

I am a first time to user. I have downloaded a SPIN file FullDuplexSerial.spin from the library , onto my Parallax propeller prototype board. I have loaded the code into Propeller IDE, it compiles and loads into board, but when I provide input for “PUB Start(rxPin, txPin, mode, baudrate) : okay “ the compile fails. I did try to add this line before the PUB line above “Start (31, 30, 0, 9_600)“ what am I doing wrong, any suggestions.
'Pub main
' Serial.Start(31, 30, 0, 9_600)
'Start(31, 30, 0, 9_600) : okay
'PUB Start(31, 30, 0, 9_600) : okay
PUB Start(rxPin, txPin, mode, baudrate) : okay



  • Look in the Library Demos folder and there is example code for using FullDuplexSerial.spin
      'in leiu of Parallax Serial Terminal, FullDuplexSerial is being used to communicate with the terminal
      serial        : "FullDuplexSerial"
    PUB Main
      Starts execution of FullDuplexSerialTest1.spin
      This is a very simple test.  It starts the object, waits 1 second, prints two
      lines to the terminal, waits 1 more second, then shuts down.  Set your terminal
      to a baud rate of 9600 baud to see the output.
      parameters:    none
      return:        none
      example usage: N/A - executes on startup
      'start the FullDuplexSerial object
      serial.Start(31, 30, %0000, 9_600)                    'requires 1 cog for operation
      waitcnt(cnt + (1 * clkfreq))                          'wait 1 second for the serial object to start
      serial.Str(STRING("Testing the FullDuplexSerial object."))     'print a test string
      serial.Tx($0D)                                                 'print a new line
      serial.Str(STRING("All Done!"))
      waitcnt(cnt + (1 * clkfreq))                          'wait 1 second for the serial object to finish printing
      serial.Stop                                           'Stop the object
  • You're not showing your code, so the question becomes... did you declare a serial object? Here's the object declaration section from my standard template.
    ' main                                                          ' * master Spin cog
      time : "jm_time_80"                                           '   timing and delays (80MHz)
      prng : "jm_prng"                                              '   pseudo-random number generator
      io   : "jm_io_basic"                                          '   essential io
      term : "jm_fullduplexserial"                                  ' * serial IO for terminal
    ' * uses cog when loaded
    I have a separate method called setup that handles the initialzing of these objects.
    pub setup                                                        
    '' Setup IO and objects for application                          
      time.start                                                    ' setup timing & delays
      prng.seed(-cnt, -cnt ~> 2, $EA7_BEEF, cnt <- 2, cnt)          ' seed randomizer                                                                           
      io.start(0, 0)                                                ' clear all pins (master cog)
      term.start(RX1, TX1, %0000, BR_TERM)                          ' start serial for terminal *
    After calling setup my program is free to fly.

    I have attached an archive of my standard template as this may help you get up and running. Note that I use a personal derivative of FullDuplexSerial -- the interface is the same, it just has a few more methods.
  • Thanks Antediluvian,

    You are the best, thank you very much for your help.
    I did download FullDuplexSerial_Test1.spin with no problem into the board but I did not get anything back while I had the terminal up.
    Then I saw FullDuplexSerial_Test2.Spin and load\compile\Download to board\Came up nicely and print text on terminal and ask me to type and echo back.
    I am very happy. Now I need to look why test1 did not work.
    Then continue with looking at the RX buffer content. and process the data I receive.
    Again thank you and have a great day

  • Akbar,

    It seems the Test1 example waits 1 second and then prints something and that's it. It may be that you're missing what is sent by the time you get the terminal open?
  • may be that you're missing what is sent by the time you get the terminal open?
    Yep, common error. In my template main method I wait for a keypress before sending a message to PST.
    pub main                                                         
      term.rxflush                                                  ' wait open terminal & keypress
      term.str(string("Hello, World!", 13, 13))            
    By doing this I can download to RAM (F10) and not miss anything sent to the terminal.
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