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MOAR: Mother of All Remotes — Parallax Forums

MOAR: Mother of All Remotes

ercoerco Posts: 20,256
edited 2018-03-07 23:20 in General Discussion
I still use IR remotes on many projects; it's simple, cheap & reliable. Easy enough to add a dime IR receiver to any project with a single input pin, and most any universal remote from a dollar store works fine. I just saw this guy's video on using this "Ninja Remote" to mess with his annoying neighbor's TV (now who's the annoying neighbor?). It appears to be a high-power, brute force, scorched-earth universal IR blaster that works over long distances. So whether you need to correct a noisy neighbor, blast through broad daylight, jam other IR remotes or bounce a signal around a corner, this "weaponized" remote may be an option to consider.


  • The back of the package says, "Flame suit not included."
  • I enjoyed use of a TV-B-Gone for a while. It only switches off TVs but helps make pubs less noisy, etc., However...

    ...I discreetly used it in a TV showroom. After the wall of TV's had been switched off and I was having a little chuckle to myself, the manager appeared and reminded me that IR shows up on CCTV and so they knew it was me. Oops!
  • Oh, I need this for revenge!!!!

    Thank you!!!
  • Yeah, it's an old idea but potential illegal in many states, so just be aware. There are cyberbullying and other laws that prevent people from using digital technologies (an infrared remote overtaking an appliance applies here) for any form harassment. It's always better to settle these disputes by first calling the police, and if that doesn't work, sue in small claims court. Most people don't know you can do that, and damages can be in the thousands.

    The law can be a potent arbiter. Some years back I worked with a small movie theater chain to develop an infrared "blipper" designed to cause disruption with camcorders. The concept was simple and obvious, though its implementation was not. In effect it used a microcontroller to power panels of IR LED's at various and constantly changing rates. The net effect of the flashing was to spoil the taping.

    Most consumer camcorders have IR filters over their image sensors, and dedicated pirates can use even sharper cut optical filters over the lens. So it's necessary to use close infrared IR, which some people can see when looking directly at the emitter. But after making one limited-power prototype they abandoned the idea, even though many of the larger chains were pursuing similar devices. Never underestimate the fear a lawyer can instill. These guys thought of just about any potential issue you could imagine, including inducing seizures to lawsuits from pirates because the device hadn't been publicly disclosed with big signs! Gad.
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