Stamp Manual "I2CIN"/"I2COUT" discrepancy
in BASIC Stamp
From the Stamp Manual:
I2COUT Pin,SlaveID,{ Address{\LowAddress},}[ OutputData]
(The discussion is then provided into how to split an address >255 into 2 bytes for the "address \Low Address" format)
But in the following example program, the variable "addr" is defined as a word variable and is used as the incrementer in a "FOR...NEXT" LOOP.
FOR addr = 0 TO 2047 STEP 16 ' loop through all addresses
block = addr.NIB2 << 1 ' calculate block address (addr.NIB2 will range 0 ->7, which is then shifted left once in "block" to insert it into the "SlaveId")
value = addr >> 4 ' create value from upper 8 bits
' write 16 bytes
I2COUT SDA, $A0 | block, addr, [REP value\16]
Note that the word variable ^ is then used in the I2C command without breaking it out into the "address \Low Address" format.
Is this legal?
Since the 24LC16 is expecting an 8 bit low address here ( the top 3 bits are included in the SlaveId), what is it receiving from this command?
2nd question: can the "$A0 | block" operation be enclosed in parentheses to make it easier to read?
( the 24LC16 EEPROM being addressed requires that a block address be included in the SlaveId byte to distinguish which one of the 8 blocks of 256 bytes is being addressed)
( they used this method to "OR" the block number into position in the SlaveId )
The makers of the 24LC16 decided to differently use the 3 bits that normally are used to match 3 pins on the chip to help determine chip select.
They decided to use those 3 bits in the SlaveId as the high 3 address bits instead of a two byte address that would waste 5 bits in the high byte address.
I2COUT Pin,SlaveID,{ Address{\LowAddress},}[ OutputData]
(The discussion is then provided into how to split an address >255 into 2 bytes for the "address \Low Address" format)
But in the following example program, the variable "addr" is defined as a word variable and is used as the incrementer in a "FOR...NEXT" LOOP.
FOR addr = 0 TO 2047 STEP 16 ' loop through all addresses
block = addr.NIB2 << 1 ' calculate block address (addr.NIB2 will range 0 ->7, which is then shifted left once in "block" to insert it into the "SlaveId")
value = addr >> 4 ' create value from upper 8 bits
' write 16 bytes
I2COUT SDA, $A0 | block, addr, [REP value\16]
Note that the word variable ^ is then used in the I2C command without breaking it out into the "address \Low Address" format.
Is this legal?
Since the 24LC16 is expecting an 8 bit low address here ( the top 3 bits are included in the SlaveId), what is it receiving from this command?
2nd question: can the "$A0 | block" operation be enclosed in parentheses to make it easier to read?
( the 24LC16 EEPROM being addressed requires that a block address be included in the SlaveId byte to distinguish which one of the 8 blocks of 256 bytes is being addressed)
( they used this method to "OR" the block number into position in the SlaveId )
The makers of the 24LC16 decided to differently use the 3 bits that normally are used to match 3 pins on the chip to help determine chip select.
They decided to use those 3 bits in the SlaveId as the high 3 address bits instead of a two byte address that would waste 5 bits in the high byte address.
Yes, you can enclose ($A0 | block) in parentheses. Including part of an address in the slave ID is quite common, not so different. The I2C code $A (in 8-bit format) is reserved for memory devices. Or'ing into the device ID is common when it is necessary to select one of several memory chips. Here,
block = addr.NIB2 << 1
shifts the selector bits left by one so that when OR'd with the $A0, the lowest bit is left alone for use as read=%1 (by I2CIN) and write as %0.
The addr is 16 bits, but the I2COUT command, as written, sends only 8 bits, the least significant byte of addr.
I was worried that it might be a typo.
3rd question:
If I'm using a chip that has more than 2K so that the block address
is too big to fit in the 3 bits in the device ID, (so that I'm having
to send the whole address word) will the following code work?
addr VAR Word
lab var addr.LOWBYTE
hab var addr.HIGHBYTE
(end of declarations)
FOR addr = 0 to 65535 STEP 16
I2COUT SDA, $A0, hab, \lab, [REP value\16]
Or do I have to actually calculate the high address byte and the
low address byte inside the loop?