Princess Leia Projector
Tracy Allen
Posts: 6,664
The 24 January issue of Nature has this article about realizing true floating 3D images. It takes photophoretic manipulation of particles to a new level. The E&M field manipulates a particle in 3D, so the image can be formed by laser light scattering off the particle as it traces out a programmed trajectory.
The Krell did all that in Forbidden Planet in 1956.
A photophoretic-trap volumetric display
"Here we present a free-space volumetric display based on photophoretic optical trapping[2] that produces full-colour graphics in free space with ten-micrometre image points using persistence of vision. "
The article cited as [2] is available as full-text, interesting stuff. AKA "tractor beam".
Robust trapping and manipulation of airborne particles with a bottle beam