P1v on the Upduino
David Betz
Posts: 14,516
in Propeller 1
I'm moving this discussion from the "Who Will be Prop2's Biggest Competition?" thread since it's way off topic for that thread. My current status is:
I have purchased a Upduino FPGA board
I have purchased an AdaFruit FT232H board to program the Upduino
I have installed the IceStorm toolchain on my Mac mini
I have succeeded in getting the up5k_rgb demo program running on my Upduino after some difficulty getting the RGB LED soldered in place
FYI, to use the AdaFruit FT232H board to load the Upduino wired as the documentation describes requires this command:
Second, the "-d i:0x403:0x6014" option is required to address the AdaFruit board. It uses a different product ID than the board that iceprog assumes.
I'm going to try working with the P1v source code next. I'd like to get a single COG working with no hub memory to start. The entire 8 COG configuration will almost certainly not fit.
I have purchased a Upduino FPGA board
I have purchased an AdaFruit FT232H board to program the Upduino
I have installed the IceStorm toolchain on my Mac mini
I have succeeded in getting the up5k_rgb demo program running on my Upduino after some difficulty getting the RGB LED soldered in place
FYI, to use the AdaFruit FT232H board to load the Upduino wired as the documentation describes requires this command:
iceprog -d i:0x403:0x6014 rgb.binThere are two things to note about this command line. First, it leaves out the "-S" option which is specified in the up5k_rgb Makefile. The "-S" option tells iceprog to write to the internal SRAM of the FPGA. The instructions for wiring the Upduino to the FT232H board describe setting it up for using an external flash chip for configuring the FPGA. Leaving out the "-S" option defaults to writing to the external flash.
Second, the "-d i:0x403:0x6014" option is required to address the AdaFruit board. It uses a different product ID than the board that iceprog assumes.
I'm going to try working with the P1v source code next. I'd like to get a single COG working with no hub memory to start. The entire 8 COG configuration will almost certainly not fit.
Great something is working....
useful info, but I'm curious why SRAM does not work, - most eval boards I've used can do both FLASH & SRAM ?
Is there a PCB change to support SRAM loading, and the Upduino is wired so as to only FLASH boot.
I guess flash has plenty of endurance, and it's probably better to test using the eventual actual boot path...
How long does program take ?
The Upduino board is an very small, cheap Maker friendly FPGA board holding a Lattice Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA.
Apart from being perhaps the smallest, cheapest FPGA board on the market the Upduino is very interesting because it can be configured using purely Free and Open Source tools. No more dependence on stupid vendor tools.
IceStorm is the Open Source tool chain that can be used to go from Verilog to FPGA bitstream for the Lattice ICE FPGA's. An amazing feat of reverse engineering the FPGA bit stream and creating the required place and route and synthesis tools.
Despite being tiny the ULTA PLUS FPGA has 5.3K LUTs, 1Mb SPRAM, 120Kb DPRAM, 8 Multipliers. Quite enough for a soft core processor like the RISC V or perhaps the Propeller 1v. It has enough RAM on chip to be useful.
Thanks for the links. To program the Upduino I purchased this from AdaFruit. This is mentioned in the Upduino documentation.
If I understand the Upduino schematics there are some shunts that can select programming RAM or FLASH:
Looks like it requires soldering....
That's odd. Looks like the wrong syntax to me. But it's half a year since i have looked at any verilog so I forget exactly. But I notice Clifford Wolf defines his picorv32 CPU registers like so:
Which makes the P1 regs statement look like a syntax error.
As does this explanation of Verilog arrays:
Or this one:
But how could there be such a syntax error in the P1V source now?
Or perhaps:
Not sure why Chip has everything reversed. Perhaps it does not matter provided everything is consistent.
I've built the P1v with IceStorm. The synthesis was successful, but when programmed it didn't work. Don't let that discourage you, it could be fixed now or maybe the 5k chip is different. I want to try it with iCEcube, but have been working on other projects.
(Revision of 1995) the original syntax is wrong.
See section " Array declarations" here:
Unless there has been a new standard since then.
I would think that
reg [511:0] [31:0] r;
Is a two dimensional array of 1 bit registers. Where as
reg [31:0] r [0:511]
Is a one dimensional array of 512, 32 bit registers.
Subtly different.
The Icarus Verilog simulator does not like it either:
perhaps links in here ?
which I think leads to here
I'm a little confused because your original post I want to comment does actually resides in the P2 thread from where the current one spined off.
For the sake of clarity, I'll partly reproduce it here, between quotes...
"You anyway need to solder a few things to make the UPDuino usable. I always add a few more bypass caps. If you want to use the PLL you need to add a bypass cap at the Vpll."
In order to use the PLL, did you ever soldered the recommended 10uF(CLF) and 100nF(CHF) filter caps between VCCPLL and board's GND?
I'm asking this because the SG48 package does not have a dedicated GNDPLL pin; its solely GND connection is thru the package paddle, as in the P2 package, and all the literature I could grab from Lattice, including the "iCE40 sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide" and the "Hardware Check List", does clearly states that GNDPLL has an internal-only connection that MUST NOT (capitals due to Lattice's texts) be externally connected to the board's ground.
My own conclusion (that, sure, must be subjected for referal, to people with better knowledge about that device, since I have almost none) is the following: between dismissing a recommended filter at the PLL power source, and risking a noisy ground loop into a very sensitive circuit, caused by the lack of an available pin at the frame, they choose the first option, yet undocummented.
I'll proudly accept your referal, for sure!
Here is a list of all the changes needed: https://github.com/SaucySoliton/P1V/commit/89c5ba8a584dcee94d695de77c3df631bc423467 It looks like I did not yet upload my IceStorm build files.
I got the code from here: forums.parallax.com/discussion/157004/propeller-1-running-on-pipistrello-xilinx-spartan6-lx45
Don't be surprised if the final binary doesn't work.
After packing:
IOs 30 / 206
GBs 0 / 8
GB_IOs 0 / 8
LCs 4730 / 7680
DFF 1211
BRAMs 32 / 32
PLLs 0 / 2
After placement:
PIOs 30 / 206
PLBs 769 / 960
BRAMs 32 / 32
After routing:
span_4 11188 / 29696
span_12 1983 / 5632
When I tried the PLL I just noticed that it does not work because it lacks a filter capacitor, so I soldered a 1 uF 0603 Cap at the position shown in the attached picture (the right one). If you look at the schematic of the UPDuino, there are only 3 100nF bypass Cs, so I also added such an 1uF at the voltage regulators (the left one in the picture, and the same on the backside for the 1.2V regulator).
I have not studied the Lattice papers about it, sometimes it's better to just rely on common sense The PLL works fine with that capacitor soldered to nearest available Ground.
I also used the Pipistrello source for P1V on Lattice parts, it's standard Verilog and the ROM is already minimized.
Wow, just 3 100nF is nowhere enough, looking at the AMS1117 data, they are quite vague and only say this
" The circuit design used in the AMS1117 series requires the use of an output capacitor as part of the device frequency compensation.
The addition of 22µF solid tantalum on the output will ensure stability for all operating conditions. When the adjustment terminal is bypassed with a capacitor to
improve the ripple rejection, the requirement for an output capacitor increases. The value of 22µF tantalum covers all cases of bypassing the adjustment terminal. Without bypassing the
adjustment terminal smaller capacitors can be used with equally good results. To further improve stability and transient response of these devices larger values of output capacitor can be used. "
- no values defined for Cin ?
The older 1117 series have rather high IQ of 5mA, it may be smarter to tell the UPDuino designer to revise the PCB to
a) include PLL decoupling
b) read the datasheets - most LDOs need input and output caps, of significant value (not 100nF)
c) look at the more modern parts like ST's LDL1117 - this has 350mV dropout, 250uA (typ) Iq, higher PSRR and lower noise.
ST say this about CAPS for LDL1117
"Input and output capacitor selection
The LDL1117 requires external capacitors to assure the regulator control loop stability.
Any good quality ceramic capacitor can be used but, the X5R and the X7R are suggested
since they guarantee a very stable combination of capacitance and ESR over the
temperature range. The input/output capacitors should be placed as close as possible to
the relative pins. The LDL1117 requires an input capacitor with a minimum value of 1 μF.
This capacitor must be placed as close as possible to the input pin of the device and
returned to a clean analog ground. The control loop of the LDL1117 is designed to work
with an output ceramic capacitor. Other type of capacitors may be used, as long as they
meet the requirements of minimum capacitance and equivalent series resistance (ESR), as
shown in Figure 20: "Stability plan (VOUT = 5 V)" and Figure 21: "Stability plan (VOUT =1.2 V)".
To assure stability, the output capacitor must maintain its ESR and capacitance in the
stable region, over the full operating temperature range.
The suggested combination of 1 μF input and 4.7 μF output capacitors offers a good
compromise among the stability of the regulator, optimum transient response and total PCB
area occupation."
Yes, it's a miracle that the UPDuino even works. Beside the Caps, the layout is horrible (GND routed with smallest wires all over the board).
But it works! As mostly: the practice does not fit the theory. For me it shows that the UltraPlus device is not as demanding as other FPGAs, thanks to the lower power and lower frequencies.
The owner of GnarlyGrey is a former Lattice employee, but not a hardware guy. The layout was done by a student in Sri Lanka. Maybe the job got advertised on an internet platform, and the cheapest was chosen - who knows, just my guess.
Now that the UltraPlus parts are available as chips, it may be better to design my own board.
There is a board in the works by the icestorm guys: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DTWqZ_EWsAIdT7w.jpg
More caps on that one
Looks to include a FT2232H too, which is common and allows a user UART and SPI Pgm links
Not easily seen is a crystal, but maybe they use a 12MHz oscillator module, to give another FPGA clock source option ?
Are there any SCH links ?
and some jpegs on the Twitter account.
It's a community design, you can chat with the developer on Gitter (Link on the Github site).
They use the 12MHz from the FT2232H also as FPGA clock.
What you have there is a bunch of wires. What does it mean to initialize a bunch or wires? They have no memory.
What you can do is connect wires to other things. Registers or perhaps other wires or perhaps fixed values. Such connections can be made with the "assign" statement.
So this does compile:
See also: