CES Robots
I'll be there Wednesday. Too bad I missed this LG fail: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-42614281
Slideshow: https://www.cnet.com/pictures/ces-2018-robots-pictures/
Slideshow: https://www.cnet.com/pictures/ces-2018-robots-pictures/
@xanadu ???
Yeah, the 100 Drone thing has been impressive and has gotten more attention in the US since Intel got involved with Ars Electronica Futurelab and their Spaxels shows. I hear tell that they might start shoing these at Disneyland at some point.
Futurelab does some amazing things with the whole drone show thing
The LG fail is funny. How many of those Cloi bots are there going to be there? I think Jibo was announced last year (although Cloi looks a lot like Jibo but with 2 eyes) and now there is Kuri HomeBot as well. It must be a 2018 thang.
Buddy looks a bit freaky though:
Besides that it's probably a major security issue.
Do these things have any practical purpose?
Seems like a lot of the AI and IoT hardware and software is technology looking for an application or out and out spyware.
Then I recall the year that every electronic gadget was showing off the, then new, blue LED. Fantastic!
I guess in days past the long forgotten "HIFI" was a big draw.
Today it looks grim, from this far wayaway vantage point at least. The big thing I read about is "smart speakers".
On the one hand "Meh".
On the other hand, who wants all that stuff spying on them and the attendant security hazards?
Meh. In the olden days the showstopper was the adult exhibits, held in a different convention hall. You can bet the chartered busses to and from were always pretty full! Those days are over, having gone out with video retailing.
From the early 80s I had to go for the magazine articles I used to write. I'm happy I no longer have that beat. I just watch YouTube videos of the cool stuff, read Erco's reports, and save myself a trip to Vegas.
Is your next challenge a cartwheel figure 8?
These are reminiscent of 80s personal bots -- I love em!
The flat screen TVs used for billboards, ads, advisories, etc. give them a tangible, useful, commercial purpose. These might actually sell.
Tireless robots that can follow people around, recognize them, and stuff targeted advertising in their faces.
Is it only me that finds this environment we live in of wall to wall screens shouting advertising at us, every place we go, really annoying? No worse, abusive?
You're definitely not alone in that. I would add snailmail boxes and doors full of junk to the list.
Yeah, no one's got the killer app that I have yet (no one here seen that yet). I'm amazed, erco can still get rich. Gotta get back on that one. Kids sure take up a lot of time. But I'm not complaining.
Did they have the new Aibo? I heard that's a big hit right now and there are lotteries where people are winning them.