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Programming the Parallax SX Microcontroller — Parallax Forums

Programming the Parallax SX Microcontroller

microcontrollerusermicrocontrolleruser Posts: 1,194
edited 2017-10-23 01:40 in BASIC Stamp

Looks like there are three texts available

SX/B by Jon Williams

Programming the SX by Parallax.

Assembler Programming by Guenther.

Probably start out with the SX/B text.


  • microcontrollerusermicrocontrolleruser Posts: 1,194
    edited 2017-10-26 03:52
    Read intro in 'Ubicom SX Family User’s Manual'.

    Looks very good.

    Still leaning towards Basic for SX.

    Should be able to insert assembler code.


    It says manual but it's usually called a datasheet.

    This SX is very worthwhile.Lot's of depth to it.

  • This SX is very worthwhile.Lot's of depth to it.

    At first look the SX has a lot of horsepower, but a good microcontroller
    doesn't need to be fast. I have seen your posts on SX books, and IMO
    the Prop1 would be more worth while to learn.

    If you like SXB, try Prop Basic instead. It was developed by the same
    person that developed and updated SXB.

    Bill M.
  • Capt. Nice to see your old avatar back!

  • Captain Quirk

    A couple things.

    I guess I'm looking for the 'true path' to learn assembler.

    Was learning PIC assembler.

    That sort of blew up in my face. The tutorial I picked did not communicate in a way that made sense to me.

    Guy that spent a lifetime with Texas Instruments said look at the MSP 430.

    Looked at the Intel 8051. Unless I missed something, the instructions are one letter long. Don't like that.

    Have a Z80 evaluation kit they sent us. Have to look at that some more.

  • Learning SX keeps me 'in the fold' Parallax wise.

    Disadvantage is it is clone of PIC's with instruction set changed around a little.

    Learning Propeller keeps me in the fold too.

    Disadvantages are it adds 'multi processor' layer, no interrupts and the assembler looks a little 'candy coated'.

    There is something to be said for just learning one and the rest are just like it.

    Propeller sort of pushes the limit in that regard.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2017-10-28 22:33
    Captain Quirk

    Looked at the Intel 8051. Unless I missed something, the instructions are one letter long. Don't like that.

    8051 instructions are between two and 5 letters.
  • Learning SX keeps me 'in the fold' Parallax wise.
    I'm not sure that's true since Parallax has basically left the SX behind and is moving ahead exclusively with the Propeller and eventually the Propeller 2. Better to spend your time with the Propeller if you want to be "in the fold".
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,070
    edited 2017-10-28 17:01
    I guess I'm looking for the 'true path' to learn assembler.
    There is no universal assembler. Each micro will have its own specifics. You've been reminded of that several times.
    Learning SX keeps me 'in the fold' Parallax wise.
    Barely. There is no support for the SX. If that irritates you, direct your angry letter to Ubicom -- they hosed up the works, not Parallax. Ken Gracey put forth a Hurculean effort to keep the SX going; Ubicom's repsonse was to spit on Parallax (my words, not theirs).
    Disadvantages are it adds 'multi processor' layer, no interrupts and the assembler looks a little 'candy coated'.
    Oy vey. This from a guy who pontificates, posts Parallax training material as if it's his own, and has yet to show any actual embedded application created with anything. What makes the 'candy coated' comment especially silly is that PASM was created by Chip Gracey, a master PIC programmer (Parallax started as a provider of PIC programming tools).
  • The SX is really not a good choice for learning about assembler. It's no longer supported by Scenix or Parallax. Parallax has a large stock of chips so they can build BS2p/pe/px Stamps pretty much as long as people will buy them and they'll sell you some if you really want them.

    As far as the Propeller is concerned, you don't have to use the extra processors although they're sure handy for implementing I/O devices like UARTs, PWMs, video output, floating point processors, WS2812b drivers, I2C and SPI drivers, whatever.

    The assembler is 'candy coated'? No, it's just a straightforward assembler for a straightforward instruction set. If you want something more complex, there are some universal macro assembler languages that can handle multiple instruction sets by defining instructions as macros. You could also use the assembler built-into SimpleIDE if you want.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,650
    edited 2017-10-28 17:07
    Try the Propeller again. It is probably the true path to learning assembly that you seek. It is how I learned assembly, and I'm very happy with it. I don't see why you say its assembly is "candy coated" - every assembly instruction compiles to exactly one machine instruction, and there aren't any macros (unfortunately). What do you mean by "candy coated"?

    You can do Propeller Assembler (PASM) under Spin or C. C isn't really designed to have assembly in the same file (hence the ugly quoted __asm stuff, and the even worse hacks required to get GCC to support the Propeller), but Spin/PASM was designed from the beginning to support PASM. This is all you need to get started with PASM:
    CON ' oscillator config
      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
    PUB start_pasm
      coginit(cogid, @entry, 0) ' restart current cog with PASM program @entry
    DAT ' assembly begins here
                            org     0
    entry                   jmp     $ ' dummy program: infinite loop

    Don't use more than one cog until you're ready for it. Get as far as you can without doing things that need interrupts - this is probably a lot more than you think. When you finally reach the point where you do need interrupts, start a second cog to deal with what you would otherwise use an interrupt for. If you organize cog usage well, you won't have any problems with multiple cogs contending over the same resources - I almost never use locks. Until you learn how to organize cog usage to avoid locks, you can just use locks.
  • microcontrollerusermicrocontrolleruser Posts: 1,194
    edited 2017-10-28 17:42

    All good ideas.Thank you.

    Mike Green and Electrodude's were most on the mark.Just going by the way I look at it.

    Jon had a good take on Parallax and no more SX for them.

    'Candy coated' meant you can't get at the registers.Maybe I haven't gotten that far yet.

    Also it has a lot of commands. That reminds me of CCS PIC C Compiler with loads of extra commands. Commands/Macros?

    Once I get a SX Blitz or Key I will probably use SX and not like it.

    Just want to do it the 'Stupid Way' and move on.

  • Isn't the SX very PIC like? Why not just learn one of the smaller PIC chips since they are still in production?
  • @Microcontrolleruser, please try learning this on and for the Propeller.
    After reading so many of your posts, and I am sure you will get along with it perfectly. I actually think you will become a great advocate of its design structure and simple to program features in weeks, if not days.
    True, it has more horsepower than you need / want right now with the multiple cogs, but it doesn't penalize you for having that extra processing muscle in any way. You don't have to use them until you need one, otherwise they are "invisible".
    You can program the Propeller so many ways, from dirt simple Blockly to Spin, to C in the IDE, etc., that one of them is bound to be your favorite before long! A guy like you could try them all and see what you like best, never know, it might surprise you! :lol:
    Just had an idea to take all of the risk out of it for you, please check your PM. :cool:
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,070
    edited 2017-10-28 19:05
    'Candy coated' meant you can't get at the registers.Maybe I haven't gotten that far yet.
    You're mistaken. Within a cog using PASM you have access to everything in that cog (processor) -- in fact, you can even overwrite code which, while dangerous for the uninitiated, is useful. From a cog you can read or write any byte, word, or long in the hub (shared) memory space. The only thing you cannot do is access a register in another cog because it is in a different physical processor. What you can do, however, is use the hub to share information between cogs; this is the basis for "virtual peripherals" like UARTS, PWM drivers, etc.

    Here's a real-world, beyond-the-theory code snippet that I wrote a couple weeks ago when stuck in a hotel without an oscilloscope. I needed to test my the actual pulse output time with versus the theory. This PASM segment does that and reports the pulse width to the hub. The difference between theory and empirical value was the overhead that my new driver now accounts for, giving better performance on systems with marginal output (this was for WS28xx pixels).

    When starting a PASM cog you get to pass one long that is available to the cog in a register called par. The typical use of par is to define a starting point in the hub for a group of variables used by the cog, which may be shared by other cogs. In my little test program I pass the hub address of the variable I want to check and display. Note in the code that I am reading the phsa register from the local cog (result into t1), and then writing that to hub using the address in par. (There is a subtle issue here: the physical phsa register cannot be read from the destination field of the wrxxxx instructions, hence the use of t1.)

    Once you actually start using the Propeller you may find -- as many of us do -- having multiple cogs is fantastic for testing and debugging. Again, I was on the road without a 'scope. No problem, I had spare cogs. In very short order I was able to test and refine my pixel driver.
                            org     0
    entry                   rdlong  ptix, par                       ' read adjusted pulse ticks
                            mov     dira, PIN_MASK                  ' make pin output   
                            mov     ctra, POS_DETECT                ' measure positive pulse
                            or      ctra, #15                       ' use P15
                            mov     frqa, #1
    again                   mov     phsa, #0                        ' clear result
    pulse_out               mov     t1, ptix                        ' set pulse timing (ticks)
                            or      outa, PIN_MASK                  ' pin high
                            add     t1, cnt                         ' sync with system counter
                            waitcnt t1, #0                          ' hold
                            andn    outa, PIN_MASK                  ' pin low
                            mov     t1, phsa                        ' capture timing
                            wrlong  t1, par                         ' write to hub
                            mov     t1, QTR_SEC                     ' hold 250ms
                            add     t1, cnt
                            waitcnt t1, #0
                            jmp     #again
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    PIN_MASK                long    1 << 15                         ' test pin P15
    POS_DETECT              long    %01000 << 26                    ' time high-going pulse
    QTR_SEC                 long    CLK_FREQ >> 2                   ' 250ms
    ptix                    res     1
    t1                      res     1
                            fit     496

  • 'Isn't the SX very PIC like? Why not just learn one of the smaller PIC chips since they are still in production? '

    Just did not do well with it.

    Okay. Prop it is.

    Keep in mind I putter.

    So get used to the snails pace.

    It will be Spin and the PEKit.

    That is what my co-conspirator (a relative) likes. :smile:
  • 'Isn't the SX very PIC like? Why not just learn one of the smaller PIC chips since they are still in production? '

    Just did not do well with it.

    Okay. Prop it is.

    Keep in mind I putter.

    So get used to the snails pace.

    It will be Spin and the PEKit.

    That is what my co-conspirator (a relative) likes. :smile:
    Also, you don't have to find a place to buy the expensive SX-Key.

  • 'Also, you don't have to find a place to buy the expensive SX-Key.'

    Nope. Still want one.Don't panic.

    We are committed to Prop.

    Thanks for the help!

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