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Dry Erase Markers for Scribbler, S2, and S3 — Parallax Forums

Dry Erase Markers for Scribbler, S2, and S3


  • That's neat Whit. So fit them backward and you got a robotic eraser. A self tidying helper if you will; such a rare treat!
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    @VonSzarvas - I was thinking the same thing! Will check it out...
  • Keep us up to date with this. I've been wanting to build a dry erase table if I ever found a good size dry erase marker.

    Is this getting the wheels crummy?

    Is the line follower working with drawn lines?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2017-09-24 21:27
    I've been wanting to build a dry erase table if I ever found a good size dry erase marker.
    I've used the smaller dry-erase markers, and they work just fine. Just wrap them with enough masking tape to slide in the hole without wobbling. I've found that it also helps to wrap the top of the marker with solder, taped down, to add a little extra heft and pen pressure.

    I've seen no evidence to suggest that the tires get crudded up by dry-erase residue.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,257
    Out of stock! Woe is me!
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