DJZ/DJNZ and TJZ/TJNZ are complementary and have the same last letter.
DJU/DJNU and TJF/TJNF are complementary and have different last letters, which makes no sense. U for underflow is plain wrong here anyway as decrementing from $8000_0000 causes an underflow, not from zero. I like F for Full or $FFFF_FFFF or F's and DJU/DJNU should be renamed DJF/DJNF.
DJZ/DJNZ and TJZ/TJNZ are complementary and have the same letter Z.
DJU/DJNU and TJF/TJNF are complementary and have different letters, which makes no sense. U for underflow is plain wrong here anyway as decrementing from $8000_0000 causes an underflow, not from zero. I like F for Full or $FFFF_FFFF or F's and DJU/DJNU should be renamed DJF/DJNF.
DJZ/DJNZ and TJZ/TJNZ are complementary and have the same letter Z.
DJU/DJNU and TJF/TJNF are complementary and have different letters, which makes no sense. U for underflow is plain wrong here anyway as decrementing from $8000_0000 causes an underflow, not from zero. I like F for Full or $FFFF_FFFF or F's and DJU/DJNU should be renamed DJF/DJNF.
You're right!
I'll rename DJU/DJNU to DJF/DJNF.
Thanks, Chip. I think that was my final comment on DJx/IJX/TJx.
DJU/DJNU and TJF/TJNF are complementary and have different last letters, which makes no sense. U for underflow is plain wrong here anyway as decrementing from $8000_0000 causes an underflow, not from zero. I like F for Full or $FFFF_FFFF or F's and DJU/DJNU should be renamed DJF/DJNF.
You're right!
I'll rename DJU/DJNU to DJF/DJNF.
Thanks, Chip. I think that was my final comment on DJx/IJX/TJx.