Faceplate material options
I have an LCD touch screen in a bezel that I currently machine out of P95 matte acrylic(see black material image attached). It is low volume for this faceplate, maybe a few hundred a year so it does not warrant an injection mold expense. I CNC the faceplate, including a recessed area on the rear for the LCD to sit in a pocket. There is a slot at the top for a gesture sensor. I just looks cheap, I need some ideas on a material that can be machined that looks much nicer. As one option, on the bottom of the image I show an overlay that I have made by a company for another product. It looks better, but it is adhesive backed and there is always the risk of not aligning when installing the overlay or depending on possible improper handling, someone might peel it on a corner. Since the slots and recess have to be CNC'd, stainless is not an option for me as it is a pain to machine and requires coolant on the tools. I once used anodized aluminum and that can look nice but it is too labor intensive and time consuming to send out for finish.
This looks nice:
I included some images of nice looking faceplates. Maybe someone has some ideas on how to do this economically. I can have an injection mold make by a guy I know for a few grand, but he can never get the finish to look like these images, as he does not specialize in consumer injection where the finish is a big concern.
If I could just find the material being used for some of the simple white bezels shown then I might be able to CNC the border and cutout and be OK. But I can't find this anywhere. Typically ABS is used in injection. But sheet material never looks as good as these images.
This looks nice:
I included some images of nice looking faceplates. Maybe someone has some ideas on how to do this economically. I can have an injection mold make by a guy I know for a few grand, but he can never get the finish to look like these images, as he does not specialize in consumer injection where the finish is a big concern.
If I could just find the material being used for some of the simple white bezels shown then I might be able to CNC the border and cutout and be OK. But I can't find this anywhere. Typically ABS is used in injection. But sheet material never looks as good as these images.
You can get nice shiny stickers pre-cut with the gesture slot, and with labels/gfx as you need. 100's qty not expensive. Keep your current P95 base.
Or ... get polished or anodised aluminium plates made (same principal, and can look beautiful).
Or ... send your P95's out for gloss-coat painting. .. (assuming the CNC finish is smooth). If not smooth, we have used Nextel coating to cover uneven/pitted module and extrusion surfaces and they came out great. (Although not the finish your thinking of at the moment, it can look very professional and certainly works in the budget-vs-qty spot your in)
I can pocket the back of some clear AR polycarbonate. Possibly wet polish the cut edges and flame, then back paint it to get a similar look?
should machine more easy then metal and can be varnished not painted, for durability.
The plexi p95 glues very well to ABS.
You would think that there would be a huge bezel industry.
Personally I sent out all paint jobs (including Nextel and smooth gloss finishes) to a local firm. It's a smelly messy business, and not something I wanted to invest in getting right. If you can find a local paint shop, then maybe see if you can do a site visit to see what's involved. It's not rocket science, but takes a certain amount of patience and space, and a decent air filtration system.
I'm sure the simpler solution would be thick plastic-style or smooth foil-type stickers, but you'd need to search for options. Or cut your own rigid final layer... As Phil mentions, something laser-cut might get you the results you need, and a great reason to bring a laser cutter into your workshop
Or are you looking for a film overlay that sits on top of a touch screen? There are a number of thin films with static backings that you can print on, but for one-offs, I'd think just sending it out is cheaper. All can be peeled off, but if you inset the screen into the bezel, the corners of the film aren't easily accessible.
If you're looking for a faceplate with cutouts and indicator markings for switches and lights inside, I'd consider two technologies, neither of which can be peeled off: sublimation or UV flatbed printing. Sublimation uses specialty inks and inkjet printers to create a very permanent image into specially coated materials. These materials can be routed with a CNC for a professional look. You can do this in your own shop. You'll need an inkjet printer filled with sublimation inks, and a non-clamshell heat press that can go to 400 degrees.
UV flatbed printing requires a (very expensive) specialty printer that uses uses UV-cured resins. It can print on most any material you can place on the bed. Advantages include both white and clear ink. The clear ink can be built up to create a tactile relief. Unless you have about $25K burning a hole in your pocket, it's best just to send these out. You can CNC cut it when you get it back.
With both of these technologies, the printing supports full color, and cannot be scratched off unless you try really hard with a knife. They are quite permanent, even when used with various household cleaners, and will last years. There is no need for an overcoat; the finish is whatever you can get off your plastic. (Or, you can use the clear UV ink to make a durable overcoat, but you'll need to CNC cut first.)
I have a sand blaster in which we use either glass beads or grit, and with low air pressure and a careful hand you can get a nice even matte finish on plastics, or metal with higher pressures.
On a slightly different note, for text overlays, I have had excellent results with printing multi layers of colors on the back side of thin (3 or 5 mil) clear polycarbonate sheet, and then over coating the whole back side with a solid color. Openings can be left for LED indicators. Stick it with transparent 3M double sided sheet adhesive to a CNC'd bezel with a shallow recessed pocket.
Makes for a totally professional custom bezel.
Peter (pjv)
Maybe you can find something there that will work for your application.
If it needs to be perfect, finding something already mass produced, or injection molding sounds like the way to go.
Maybe this one?
Can look quite nice when done on a laser, but should CNC decently as well.
I have this small salvaged extruded piece of aluminum, anodized in gun metal grey. It will make a nice front panel to something someday, but end caps will be a problem.
I vote for anodized aluminum, the look is timeless. Easily cut or machined and great durability, but cost may be a setback.