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count the number of prawns in pond — Parallax Forums

count the number of prawns in pond

i want to count the number of prawns in the pond generally the water in the pond is muddy. i want a sensor to find the count in the ponds and their size.


  • Anybody ever tried a Ping under water?
  • Yes the Germans and British in WW II 1944
    Destroyers and U-boot fights.
  • How much are you willing to spend to accomplish this?
  • The first thought is a murky pond ringed with cattails and half submerged fallen trees. Or maybe a rocky wide spot in stream with lots of scattered rocks. I'm sure a good field biologist could come up with a sampling scheme, but...

    ... could it be that this pond is a circular tray 3 meters in diameter with water uniformly 10cm deep and with controlled circulation and prefab hiding places? Okay, still a tough order to count them with "a sensor" who is not a human with eyes and hands!

  • ... could it be that this pond is a circular tray 3 meters in diameter with water uniformly 10cm deep and with controlled circulation and prefab hiding places? Okay, still a tough order to count them with "a sensor" who is not a human with eyes and hands!

    That one is easy! Just count the number you put in the "pond" in the first place! :D
  • :lol: But aquaculture, they reproduce!?
  • Not an answer, but some interesting information here:

    "A highly sensitive underwater video system for use in turbid aquaculture ponds"

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    Easy to ask. Hard to do in practice.

    So much easier and tastier to count the number of prawns on my plate. N approaches zero as T increases.
  • erco wrote: »
    Easy to ask. Hard to do in practice.

    So much easier and tastier to count the number of prawns on my plate. N approaches zero as T increases.

    Erco - you want to pursue a career in neural research using the California spiny lobster.

    I remember hearing about this sort of thing years ago, and the researchers were very good about properly recycling the lobsters.
  • Here's how it's done with fish:

    Maybe it will work with prawns.

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