count the number of prawns in pond
in BASIC Stamp
i want to count the number of prawns in the pond generally the water in the pond is muddy. i want a sensor to find the count in the ponds and their size.
Destroyers and U-boot fights.
... could it be that this pond is a circular tray 3 meters in diameter with water uniformly 10cm deep and with controlled circulation and prefab hiding places? Okay, still a tough order to count them with "a sensor" who is not a human with eyes and hands!
That one is easy! Just count the number you put in the "pond" in the first place!
"A highly sensitive underwater video system for use in turbid aquaculture ponds"
So much easier and tastier to count the number of prawns on my plate. N approaches zero as T increases.
Erco - you want to pursue a career in neural research using the California spiny lobster.
I remember hearing about this sort of thing years ago, and the researchers were very good about properly recycling the lobsters.
Maybe it will work with prawns.