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Tachyon NEON V5 (FAT32 and Ethernet Servers in 32kB EEPROM!)



  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Hi Peter,
    this is the output at boot. You see, we have EXTEND, TOOLS, etc. loaded. Free memory: 1560, stack level 0 is correct. We removed not needed code from EXTEND to have more free memory. The sd card is detected correctly. The network is started, LINK *UP* correct, IP's etc. are ok.
    What seemed strange: Socket #3 shows IP & which was an old connection. But after we reset the wiznet chip, the IP is, so that behavior looks ok.

    A next try which complete power down and restart showed the same result: stack level (2) and values are unchanged.

    We will now remove the INIT so we can manually start the modules and locate the stack change.

    Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
      *** MODULES ***  Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
    4EE4: EASYNET          WIZNET NETWORK SERVERS 180319.0000 
    4850: W5500            WIZNET W5500 driver 180319.1100 
    3766: EASYFILE         SDHC card + FAT32 Virtual Memory File System V1.2 171024-0000 
    2FF4: TOOLS            DEV TOOLS 
    1980: EXTEND           Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel  - 180915-1900
    FREQ = 96.00MHZ
    *** INITS ***
    MOUNT 3DA4
    ifup 51FA
    *** ROMS ***
    C01C: UART        468
    C204: BLINKY1     28
    C234: BLINKY2      32
    C268: BLINKY3      32
    *** I2C ***
    $A0 EE/RTC
    $A2 EE/RTC
    CODE:$523E = 20542 bytes 
    NAME:$5856 = 7082 bytes 
    DATA:$784F = 831 bytes 
    FREE:      = 1560 bytes 
     Data Stack (0)
    Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:01 UTC 
    CARD: SL32G SD03.80 #DD3D.6825 2017/3 !C0FF.80C3 1,413us
    FAT: #6464.6433          NO NAME     FAT32   31,910,789,120 bytes (32kB clusters)
    *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** 
    LINK *UP*
    HARDWARE: WIZnet W5500 V4
    SRC IP    &
    MASK      &
    GATEWAY   &
    MAC       02.FF.E2.20.64.2E.
    #3   00:00:03 TCP  32797 23072 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000. 04 14 14              &
    * Servers running * 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (2)
    $0000.51DA - 20954
    $0000.51CE - 20942
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Hi Peter,
    this is the output at boot. You see, we have EXTEND, TOOLS, etc. loaded. Free memory: 1560, stack level 0 is correct. We removed not needed code from EXTEND to have more free memory. The sd card is detected correctly. The network is started, LINK *UP* correct, IP's etc. are ok.
    What is strange:

    Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
      *** MODULES ***  Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
    4EE4: EASYNET          WIZNET NETWORK SERVERS 180319.0000 
    4850: W5500            WIZNET W5500 driver 180319.1100 
    3766: EASYFILE         SDHC card + FAT32 Virtual Memory File System V1.2 171024-0000 
    2FF4: TOOLS            DEV TOOLS 
    1980: EXTEND           Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel  - 180915-1900
    FREQ = 96.00MHZ
    *** INITS ***
    MOUNT 3DA4
    ifup 51FA
    *** ROMS ***
    C01C: UART        468
    C204: BLINKY1     28
    C234: BLINKY2      32
    C268: BLINKY3      32
    *** I2C ***
    $A0 EE/RTC
    $A2 EE/RTC
    CODE:$523E = 20542 bytes 
    NAME:$5856 = 7082 bytes 
    DATA:$784F = 831 bytes 
    FREE:      = 1560 bytes 
     Data Stack (0)
    Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:01 UTC 
    CARD: SL32G SD03.80 #DD3D.6825 2017/3 !C0FF.80C3 1,413us
    FAT: #6464.6433          NO NAME     FAT32   31,910,789,120 bytes (32kB clusters)
    *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** 
    LINK *UP*
    HARDWARE: WIZnet W5500 V4
    SRC IP    &
    MASK      &
    GATEWAY   &
    MAC       02.FF.E2.20.64.2E.
    #3   00:00:03 TCP  32797 23072 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000. 04 14 14              &
    * Servers running * 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (2)
    $0000.51DA - 20954
    $0000.51CE - 20942
  • Peter,
    I found your old Neopixel driver for WS2812 but it is not updated for Neon. Where do I find the newest WS2812 RUNMOD that will work with the V5r4 kernel?
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Hi Peter, am I right that Stack level greater zero is a bad Omen?
  • ErNa wrote: »
    Hi Peter, am I right that Stack level greater zero is a bad Omen?

    not if you need that value later... :smile:

  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    kdewey wrote: »
    I found your old Neopixel driver for WS2812 but it is not updated for Neon. Where do I find the newest WS2812 RUNMOD that will work with the V5r4 kernel?

    unless you have really big and fast updates you can do without runmod and just bitbang it

    some old code I found
    : XLED ( ggrrbb -- )	L 50 us 8 REV 24 FOR DUP 1 AND IF H H L ELSE H L L THEN 2/ NEXT DROP ;
    : XLED ( ggrrbb pin -- )	DUP PIN MASK SWAP L 50 us 8 REV 24 FOR H SHROUT L NEXT DROP ;
    : XLED ( ggrrbb pin -- )	DUP PIN L MASK SWAP 8 REV 24 FOR H SHROUT L NEXT 2DROP ;
    : XLEDS ( array cnt pin -- )	DUP PIN L MASK -ROT ADO I @ 8 REV 24 FOR H SHROUT L NEXT DROP 4 +LOOP DROP ;
    : XLEDS ( array leds pin -- )	DUP PIN L MASK -ROT 3 * ADO I C@ 8 FOR H SHROUT L NEXT DROP LOOP DROP ;
    --- ( 0062 $2D6E  ok )   0 1000 14 LAP XLEDS LAP .LAP
    --- 4657456 cycles at 96000000Hz  or 48.515ms
    { this version uses IC@ which replaces tos with byte from loop indexed memory
    : XLEDS ( array leds pin -- )	DUP PIN L MASK -ROT 0 -ROT 3 * ADO IC@ 8 FOR H SHROUT L NEXT LOOP 2DROP 50 us ;
    : XLEDS ( array leds pin -- )	DUP PIN L MASK -ROT 0 -ROT 3 * ADO IC@ 8 FOR L H SHROUT NEXT L LOOP 2DROP 50 us ;
    --- ( 0041 $2D46  ok )   0 1000 14 LAP XLEDS LAP .LAP
    --- 4177824 cycles at 96000000Hz  or 43.519ms
    : P $7E00 + C! ;
    : O $7E00 40 14 XLEDS ;
    : XLEDS ( array leds pin -- )
    OP		<---- stack			DESC
    DUP		array leds pin pin
    PIN		array leds pin			set fast pin
    L		array leds pin			fast pin low
    MASK		array leds pinmask		create mask for SHROUT ops
    -ROT		pinmask array leds		work dummy data into the correct position
    0		pinmask array leds 0
    -ROT		pimask 0 array leds
    3		pinmask 0 array leds 3		convert leds to byte count
    *		pinmask 0 array bytes
    ADO		pinmask 0			start a loop using start address and count
    IC@		pinmask data			replace data with the next byte pointed to by loop index
    8		pinmask data 8			for 8 times
    FOR		pinmask data
    H		pinmask data			output a high
    SHROUT		pinmask data>>			output a data bit
    L		pinmask data>>			output a low
    NEXT		"	"			next bit
    LOOP		"	"			loop for another byte
    2DROP						discard parameters
    50		50				delay for 50 us
    ;						return
    ( 0084 $3002  ok )   SEE XLEDS
    ---				Spin near equivalent			Pseudo assembly
    2D0E DUP
    2D10 PIN			pinreg := pin				mov	pinreg,pin
    2D12 L				outa[pinreg] := 0			andn	outa,pinreg
    			        dira[pinreg] := 1			or	dira,pinreg
    2D14 |<				pinmask := 1 << pin			mov	pinmask,#1
    									shl	pinmask,pin
    2D16 -ROT
    2D18 $0000 (0)			data := 0				mov	data,#0
    2D1A -ROT
    2D1C $0003 (3)			bytes := leds*3
    2D1E *
    2D20 ADO			repeat i from array for bytes
    2D22   IC@			  data := rdbyte[i]			rdbyte	data,i
    2D24   $0008 (8)		  repeat 8				mov	x,#8
    2D26   FOR
    2D28     H			    outa[pinreg] := 1			or	outa,pinmask
    				    dira[pinreg] := 1			or	dira,
    2D2A     SHROUT			    outa[pin] := data&1
    				    data := data >> 1
    2D2C     L			    outa[pin] := 0
    				    dira[pin] := 1
    2D2E     NEXT
    2D30   LOOP
    2D32 2DROP
    2D34 $0032 (50)			delayms(50)
    2D36 GOTO us
    --- RUNMOD
    ( 0075 $2D6E  ok )   0 1000 3 * LAP RUNMOD LAP .LAP
    2400144 cycles at 96000000Hz  or 25.001ms
    ( g r b )
                  rdbyte     X,tos+1        ' read next byte
                  rev        X,#24          ' the msb must be transmitted first - get it into the lsb for shr ops
                  mov        R1,#8          ' data bits
                  jmp        #$+2           ' skip delay of last bit (in loop) as we had to read another byte from hub
    TXRGBlp       call       #WSDLY         ' gets skipped if this is a new byte
                  shr        X,#1 wc        ' get next bit
                  or         OUTA,REG4      ' always clock tx pin high for at least 400ns
                  call       #WSDLY         ' delay
            if_nc andn       OUTA,REG4      ' pull line down now if it's a 0 we are transmitting
                  call       #WSDLY         ' delay again, either high or low
                  andn       OUTA,REG4      ' always needs to go low in the last third of the cycle
                  djnz       R1,#TXRGBlp    ' so go back and get the next bit ready
    RGBNEXT       add        tos+1,#1       ' next byte in array (and delay)
                  djnz       tos,#WS2812    ' read the next long as long as we can (tos = count)
                  jmp        #DROP2         ' tx line left low - discard stack parameters, all done.
    WSDLY         mov        R2,CNT
                  add        R2,#13
                  waitcnt    R2,#0          ' just a delay, no need to synch
    WSDLY_ret     ret
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    msrobots wrote: »
    ErNa wrote: »
    Hi Peter, am I right that Stack level greater zero is a bad Omen?

    not if you need that value later... :smile:

    it is in the case, I just load tachyon an extentions. I fear, stack level 2 points to some mistakes in extend I made and that could be a reason, why I can not load assembler hex files to a new cog

  • kdewey wrote: »
    I found your old Neopixel driver for WS2812 but it is not updated for Neon. Where do I find the newest WS2812 RUNMOD that will work with the V5r4 kernel?

    The driver is built into Tachyon plus there are a few helper words in EXTEND so there is no need to find them.
    To set P20 as the LED driver pin:
    20 RGBPIN
    To output light green to a single WS2812 LED:
    $2000 RGB
    To output an array (use BUFFERS for demo) to 40 LEDs:

    If by driver you actually meant the WS2812MX.FTH demo program then I have also converted that across.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Hi Peter, made this change to the glossary:
    LOADCOG ( name pars cog pars name -- )        Load cog with ROM if found (ex: " VGA32x15" 3 vgapars 3 " VGA32x15" LOADCOG)
    Is that correct? Did you test LOADCOG after the changes (can not imagine: NO)
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    ErNa wrote: »
    Hi Peter, am I right that Stack level greater zero is a bad Omen?

    a stack level less than zero should REALLY concern you ;-)
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2018-10-01 07:50
    ErNa wrote: »
    Hi Peter, made this change to the glossary:
    LOADCOG ( name pars cog pars name -- )        Load cog with ROM if found (ex: " VGA32x15" 3 vgapars 3 " VGA32x15" LOADCOG)
    Is that correct? Did you test LOADCOG after the changes (can not imagine: NO)

    If you look at VGA.FTH you will see that LOADCOG gets used this way:
    " VGA32x15  " 3 vgapars LOADCOG
    In EXTEND there is this for LOADCOG
    pub LOADCOG ( name cog par  -- )
    So those two agree with each other and is the correct form. Now there is also LOADCOGS but that is for loading multiple cogs with the same ROM so you need to specify two extra parameters, the step or the size of the parameter table to step over, and the number of cogs. Maybe parlen would be a better variable name in place of step.
    pub LOADCOGS ( name cog par step cogs -- )

  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2018-10-01 09:02
    EDIT: I had checked if you had already answered Peter,
    but obviously while I was writing you sneaked in before me ... :-)
    ErNa wrote: »
    Hi Peter, made this change to the glossary:
    LOADCOG ( name pars cog pars name -- )        Load cog with ROM if found (ex: " VGA32x15" 3 vgapars 3 " VGA32x15" LOADCOG)
    Is that correct? Did you test LOADCOG after the changes (can not imagine: NO)

    looks strange - you would normally not repeat parameters on stack, you would DUP inside the word.

    this is from latest EXTEND
    --- usage: " HSUART    " 3 par1 12 5 LOADCOGS
    pub LOADCOG ( name cog par  -- )
    	0 1
    pub LOADCOGS ( name cog par step cogs -- )
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Sorry, in my post of the change I made to the glossary, the cross out was not visible
    LOADCOG ( name pars cog pars name -- )        Load cog with ROM if found (ex: " VGA32x15" 3 vgapars 3 " VGA32x15" LOADCOG)
    LOADCOG ( name pars cog pars name -- ) Load cog with ROM if found (ex: " VGA32x15" 3 vgapars 3 " VGA32x15" LOADCOG)

    (Remark to the forum software: it looks as if [c o d e] and [ s ] can not be stacked)

    Open question: is it a MUST that the rom name is exactly 10 characters long, including the trailing blanks? In this case, there should be a hint in the glossary.
    OK, thanks @mjb for the hint to LOADCOGS and new example
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    edited 2018-10-02 10:09
    We still try to isolate the moment, when COGLOAD doesn't work any longer. We load the kernel and EXTEND in the latest version (with changes LOW@ etc). Then COGLOADing uart works, that is, we see the buffers, pointers and the behavior is like expected.
    Next we generate a system with init EASYFILE and EASYNET. Then the stack level is 2! (supposed to be an error) and COGLOAD doesn't word.
    We find that the +INIT word is in EXTEND, but there is no description in the glossary. We will add it the moment we gained understanding. ALSO we are searching for a -INIT, what we can't find.
    The next round hopefully is a system that only inits EASYFILE to check, if the stack error comes from EASYFILE or EASYNET.

    edit: just realized, that +INIT is documented in Introduction to TACHYON Forth
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    edited 2018-10-02 12:19
    One more step: we removed unneeded code from extend (unused peripheral devices) to gain memory. Next we load EASYFILE. COGLOAD works. Next we load EASYNET manually and start: Stack is ok, but the chip is not found, as we forget to select the wiznet pins. So we enter the pins and start EASYSNET again and NOW the stack is in level 2 and COGLOAD doesn't work. That points to an error in EASYNET?
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
      *** MODULES ***  Propeller .:.:--TACHYON--:.:. Forth V5r4 NEON 540180811.0000
    4F68: EASYNET          WIZNET NETWORK SERVERS 180319.0000 
    48D4: W5500            WIZNET W5500 driver 180319.1100 
    37EA: EASYFILE         SDHC card + FAT32 Virtual Memory File System V1.2 171024-0000 
    2DDE: TOOLS            DEV TOOLS 
    1980: EXTEND           Primary extensions to TACHYON V5 kernel  - 180915-1900
    FREQ = 96.00MHZ
    *** INITS ***
    MOUNT 3E28
    ifup 527E
    *** ROMS ***
    C01C: UART        468
    C204: UART        468
    *** I2C ***
    $A0 EE/RTC
    $A2 EE/RTC
    I/O =  31 :UHUU 27 :U~~U 23 :~~~~ 19 :~~UU 15 :~~~~ 11 :~~~U 7 :~~U~ 3 :~~UU
    CODE:$52C2 = 20674 bytes 
    NAME:$55FA = 7686 bytes 
    DATA:$784F = 831 bytes 
    FREE:      = 824 bytes 
     Data Stack (0)
    Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:01 UTC 
    CARD: SL32G SD03.80 #DD3D.6825 2017/3 !C0FF.80C3 1,413us
    FAT: #6464.6433          NO NAME     FAT32   31,910,789,120 bytes (32kB clusters)
    *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** 
    LINK *UP*
    HARDWARE: WIZnet W5500 V4
    SRC IP    &
    MASK      &
    GATEWAY   &
    MAC       02.FF.C0.A8.01.01.
    #3   00:00:03 TCP   9744 55296 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000. 00 14 14              &
    * Servers running * 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (2)
    $0000.525E - 21086
    $0000.5252 - 21074
    This is how the output looks like. As I mentioned: when no WIZNET pins are set, this is signaled and the stack is ok.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    edited 2018-10-02 15:05
    one more find:
    LINK *UP*
    HARDWARE: WIZnet W5500 V4
    SRC IP    &
    MASK      &
    GATEWAY   &
    MAC       02.FF.C0.A8.01.01.
    #3   00:00:03 TCP   9744 55296 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000. 00 14 14              &
    * Servers running * 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (2)
    $0000.525E - 21086
    $0000.5252 - 21074
    ...  ifup 
    *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** 
    LINK *UP*
    HARDWARE: WIZnet W5500 V4
    SRC IP    &
    MASK      &
    GATEWAY   &
    MAC       02.FF.C0.A8.01.01.
    #3   00:00:23 TCP   9744 55296 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000. 00 14 14              &
    * Servers running * 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (4)
    $0000.525E - 21086
    $0000.5252 - 21074
    $0000.525E - 21086
    $0000.5252 - 21074
    I was exploring the code and found a word "ifup", run it and... the stack pointer now is 4 !

    next step: !EASYNET -> Stack = 2
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Looking to !EASYNET one question coming up:
    pub !EASYNET
    	!WIZ #150 ms								--- Setup WIZnet chip
    	#5000 @RTR LW! 16 @RCR LC!						--- setup retry counters
    	CR PRINT" *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** " CR CR
    	4 ledon C! 								--- just setup an LED blink time
    	ON RDYLED 								---  Now init the IP addresses (stored in high 64K EEPROM)
    	TELNET SOCKET sCLOSE TCP sOPEN sLISTEN			--- Setup TELNET but on port 10001
    	" ?FTP" 0 PROTOCOL  									--- Poll the FTP server
    	" ?HTTP" 1 PROTOCOL   									--- Poll the WEB server
    There is a semicolon the last line AND another one in the last but one line. Is this intenionally?
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    edited 2018-10-02 15:33
    I went through !EASYNET line for line to see, where the stack changes:
    ..  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  !WIZ #150 ms  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...      #5000 @RTR LW! 16 @RCR LC!        ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  CR PRINT" *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** "  CR CR 
    *** Tachyon Forth EASYNET Network Servers and EASYFILE File Server *** 
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  4 ledon C!  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  ON RDYLED  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (0) ok
    ...  " ?FTP"  0 PROTOCOL  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (1)
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    ...      " ?FTP"  0 PROTOCOL  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (2)
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    ...  " ?HTTP"  1 PROTOCOL  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (3)
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    ...      " !FTP"  NFA$ ?DUP IF CFA CALL THEN  ok
    ...  .S  Data Stack (3)
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    $0000.52C4 - 21188
    As can be seen: it happens at " ?FTP.... and " ?HTTP...
    In difference to the running !EASYNET the values on the stack are equal, when !EASYNET the values on the stack differ by 12

    I just see: protocol is a one liner, so I will crank it down
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2018-10-02 15:56
    @ErNa - I think the problem was in PROTOCOL as it wasn't dropping a value if it failed to find the protocol name in the dictionary. Corrected version:
    However there was another bug in !EASYNET where I had the parameters reversed. This is the correct way:
    0 " ?FTP" PROTOCOL  									--- Poll the FTP server
    	1 " ?HTTP" PROTOCOL   									--- Poll the WEB server
    @EASYNET has been updated but I it's a bit late/early so I will check it tomorrow.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    thanks, peter, as we celebrate the "making Germany great again by tearing down the wall on advice of a great president of us day" tomorrow, I will only be able to have this tested the day after tomorrow...
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    ErNa wrote: »

    Hi Erna & @"Peter Jakacki" ,

    DEFER support is needed by EasyFile so should be moved out of tools to the front before the tools section.

    It is important for defining pre ( immediate) words.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    Not related to our current problems:
    on a german keyboard the '"' is shift 2 and '§' is shift 3. So it's easy to enter a string and close it with a '§'
    That freezes Tachyon and a hardware reset is needed.
    Digging a little deeper it turns out, that some characters are not allowed a string. So if I enter a degree (°) it is reflected ?° and the system sometimes resets, or generally spoken, shows undetermined behavior. It need a hardware reset
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    edited 2018-10-04 12:27
    For our purposes we have to make some changes to EASYNET.
    We need a function WRESET as it was in the past, because if we power down a board and have the propplug installed, it may happen that via the propplug current is injected and Vcc doesn't go below 1.8V. When power returns, the internal reset of the WIZNET chip is not fired.

    As the reset circuit is hardware, we stay with the old version to have a dummy reset and power down WORD and do a revector at runtime.

    Next a problem popped up with the time out of the TCP connection.
    byte _disreq      --- background timer cog can only request a disconnect
    pri DISREQ  _isreq C~~    --- timeout sets disreg flag which is handled by main loop

    initially the connection times out after 5 minutes. Independent of traffic. Is this a bug or a feature?

    We would need a description, what is the intended behavior and how is it reached?
    I can imagine, that the client sends a keepalive, the server resets the watchdog. Whenever the keepAlive is requested, but no more requests from the client come within 5 minutes, the server closes the connection. Is that correct?

    In the past we could deactivate the timeout, but no longer. What we see is, with RECLAIM not only the WORD DISREQ but also the name of _disreq is no longer in the dictionary.

    another question: in the glossary there is still the variables declaration e.g. long ( >csv> --) but it looks as if this is not correct.

    another question: what does "clong" mean when defining a variable?
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    ErNa wrote: »
    Next a problem popped up with the time out of the TCP connection.
    byte _disreq      --- background timer cog can only request a disconnect
    pri DISREQ  _isreq C~~    --- timeout sets disreg flag which is handled by main loop
    another question: in the glossary there is still the variables declaration e.g. long ( >csv> --) but it looks as if this is not correct.

    another question: what does "clong" mean when defining a variable?

    _isreq instead of _disreq above is a typo?

    clong defines a long in code space where it is saved to EEPROM with backup.

    The new Tachyon (not exactly sure since which version) has separate space for code and variables.
  • ErNaErNa Posts: 1,796
    yes, it's a typo.

    @"Peter Jakacki" We still see problems with loading ROMS, we made this observation:
    Starting point: because of the bugs you found (PROTOCOL) we couldn't load ROMS at all. During debugging we made a minimal ASM routine to toggle a pin. After fixing PROTOCOL et al toggle could be loaded. We next saved an uart ROM which was properly found but didn't run. We saved a new copy of toggle and could start it!
    Over the time we over and over created tachyon new from source and one moment we could start the uart again. We checked then to start toggle and it didn't run. A next copy of toggle ran!

    We cleared the rom area and tried different configurations and now it look, as if the first and third rom can be loaded, but NOT the second! We will now test, what happens in the case of 4 ROMS...

    By the way: if the ROM name MUST be 10 characters long, it should be a good idea to indeed use 10 characters to prevent a typo. Or: does the FINDROM work also with shorter search strings?
  • Peter,
    Have you ported the MS5607 chip(Parallax 29124 Altimeter) to Tachyon?
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    RS_Jim wrote: »
    Have you ported the MS5607 chip(Parallax 29124 Altimeter) to Tachyon?

    Tachyon supports I2C as well as SPI
    you can use those to send the commands and retrieve the measurements.

    There are several I2C and SPI sensor drivers in Peter's dropbox (link in his footer) which you can take as examples.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2018-10-05 22:14
    Jim, just like bread-boarding you have all the components there to plug in an test interactively. For instance all I2C communications begin with a "chip select" using the start condition "tag" word <I2C that should be followed by the device address including r/w state. So to send a command to this chip is as simple as this definition:
    : MSCMD ( cmd -- )  <I2C $EC I2C! I2C! ;  
    Now just keep plugging in other components into your Tachyon breadboard and build up your "circuit" this way. Use the Forth.
  • Hi Peter
    I am looking to update an ADC/DAC project that is working well with T3; it is built into an electron gun controller crate. It uses clock stretched I2C, which one of us wrote
    pub XI2C@	( ack -- data  ) \ 36.6us
    	SDA DUP INPUTS 0  ( ack iomask dat )
    	  8 FOR
                SHRINP SCL OUTCLR
    	BL REV						--- flip 8 msbs of long back into 8 lsbs
    --- Write a byte to the I2C bus and return with the ack flag :
    --- written by Peter J, PR added clock stretching
    --- enter and exit with both SDA and SCL  driven low by propeller Master
    --- This routine runs at an I2C speed of 400kHz
    --- 38.4us
    pub XI2C!? ( data -- flg )					--- write a byte to the I2C bus and return with the ack  0=ack	)
    	#24 REV							--- put into lsb first format for SHROUT
    	SDA DUP OUTSET SWAP					--- data masks
    	8 FOR
              SCL OUTCLR
    	  NEXT							--- loop
    	DROP DUP INPUTS						--- Float SDA
            IN 0<> SCL OUTCLR  SDA OUTCLR                           --- ack clock
    The T5.4 I2C codes seem very different ... would the current stretching codes still work? Would changing the I2C speed get the same result?
    Very concerned about breaking something that seems to work ...
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