BS2 Catalex MP3 Amplified Speaker

in BASIC Stamp
Nothing really new other than shoving the Catalex MP3 player inside a Dollar Tree amplified speaker, but I figured I'd start a properly-titled thread with a video and some BS2 code to jumpstart anyone who's searching the forum to get all the info needed. These MP3 modules work great and are under $3 now:
Manual at
Code after the video.

Manual at
Code after the video.

' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' {$PORT COM4} PAUSE 500 SEROUT 15,84,[$7E,$FF,$06,$0c,$00,$00,$00,$EF]'; reset chip PAUSE 500 SEROUT 15,84,[$7E,$FF,$06,$09,$00,$00,$02,$EF] 'Select TF socket on Catalex PAUSE 500 SEROUT 15,84,[$7E,$FF,$06,$06,$00,$00,$1E,$EF] ' Set volume (0x1Eis30) PAUSE 500 B0=01 DO DEBUG DEC B0 SEROUT 15,84,[$7E,$FF,$06,$03,$00,$00,B0,$EF] PAUSE 4000 B0=B0+1 LOOP
I tried a few MP3 modules over the past decade, and all left something to be desired. This one has been in my Wish List on Aliexpress for perhaps a year ($2.24 each, as of today).
From the demo, there are two details that I really appreciate. First, there does not seem to be a lag between sending the Play command and actual playback. Second, another Play command can be sent even while a track is playing.
A few years ago, I did a write-up on TDB380 module (pseudonym phatallica, due to very extensive log-in technical difficulties). There may be cases where it is a better solution (i.e. you can send a series of commands and they will be buffered and processed automatically). Otherwise, the Catalex module seems to be better in every other category.
On another site - sorry, I do not recall which - it was noted that YX5300 has a BSY signal which is not brought out to the header. However, when playback is complete, the TX pin seems to respond with some information. I have not delved into the Chinese version of the data sheet to make sense of it, this looks like it could satisfy anyone that needs to know when a track has completed.
When I say buy, you should say, "how many?"