Prop Tool broke after Win 10 Update
in Propeller 1
Updated a Win10 box recently and Prop Tool wouldn't work afterward...
The Prop Tool would start, but the text window wouldn't show any text!, just a background color and some strange black bars sometimes...
Turns out the Windows Update messed up the Fonts folder.
The parallax.ttf file was there, but it didn't show up under Control Panel--> Fonts.
Reinstalling Prop tool didn't help.
Anyway, long story short, I followed the directions here and fixed it:
The Prop Tool would start, but the text window wouldn't show any text!, just a background color and some strange black bars sometimes...
Turns out the Windows Update messed up the Fonts folder.
The parallax.ttf file was there, but it didn't show up under Control Panel--> Fonts.
Reinstalling Prop tool didn't help.
Anyway, long story short, I followed the directions here and fixed it:
I don't have a system with Win10 running, neither I had experienced such a failure like you had with the Prop Tool.
Aniway, for the sake of curiosity and learning, I've read all the procedures, as described at the link you've posted.
Since I'm a Ccleaner user almost from its release and based on the fact it has an option to clear the font cache, I'm wondering if its not just a matter of having it (Ccleaner) installed on a computer, to solve such a problem like you had.
My solely concern relies on the need to "restart the system" to rebuild the font cache, as described at the linked solution, but, since I tend to use Ccleaner almost every day, as the last task I do, before powering off my systems, the cache rebuilding process will get done, any way, at the next power on.
As an extra bonus, after its cleansing process get done, a lot of trash may also find its way out the target system.
Now, it's just a matter of waiting, till someone else experiences the same problem and agrees to try it, perhaps the lazzy way (less clicks, no keystrokes). :cool:
Or maybe just me, hard to say...
There was a time, where the farther one should know, was the reach of its muzzle-loading rifle.
That was the distance between someone's starving bely, and a stuffed one.
The nowadays mad bugs (bunnies?) are eating our carrots, and no one seems to be sure how to aim, right between their eyes.
They keep jumping abroad, till madness is on control.
The more we pray, the more the ghosts haunt our nightmares!
I think this may be showing subtle hints of beginning to veer off-topic ever so slightly.