Who Needs 37 Sensors for $12?
Edit: I originally posted about this 16-sensor kit for $10, then DaveJenson out-ercoed me with his 37-sensor kit for $12. Even I couldn't resist. DOH!
Rule the world with this rogue's gallery of sensors... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Geekcreit-16-In-1-Sensor-Module-Kit-Laser-Ultrasonic-Obstacle-Avoidance-New-/222546682905
Rule the world with this rogue's gallery of sensors... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Geekcreit-16-In-1-Sensor-Module-Kit-Laser-Ultrasonic-Obstacle-Avoidance-New-/222546682905
Thanks Dave, you're keeping me on my toes!
Edit: Changing the title.
1x Optical broken module
is actually this
Position sensors that activate when an object interrupts a light beam
but I was amused.
That's what I typically use my fingers for. Reset time is a little long, though, usually on the order of 2-3 days.
Reminds me of the "Statue of Liberty" shots we used to do with Sambuca. Soak your fingers in the drink, then set 'em on fire & hold aloft until you take the shot. It doesn't pay to dally.
Let''s see somebody fess up to that!
Found this site with more sensor info: https://tkkrlab.nl/wiki/Arduino_37_sensors
Some interesting stuff. Most of them have pullup/pulldown resistors built in.
But someone please tell me why this reed switch needs an
lm393 comparator? https://tkkrlab.nl/wiki/Arduino_KY-025_Reed_module ?
The touch sensor uses the base lead of a KSP13 darlington transistor as the touch point: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/AD-036-Metal-Touch-Interface-sensor_1890926598.html
Optical pulse sensor: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Keyestudio-Heartbeat-Detect-Sensor-Finger-Pulse-Rate-Monitor-Module-FOR-Arduino-/311692638533
Nice impact sensor, spring inside cylinder: https://tkkrlab.nl/wiki/Arduino_KY-002_Vibration_switch_module
My list with a few notes attached.
Probably for debouncing. Reed switches are notoriously noisy.
So are my neighbors.
I wonder if they would sit still long enough for me to solder them to a comparator. Or maybe just a big fat capacitor.
Thanks for the suggestion!