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Roaming with ping sensor

sokinsokin Posts: 32
edited 2017-07-21 01:40 in General Discussion
Hello, I am working on roaming with ultrasound and have followed the instructions until the try this section. All I have to do is add a while(1) with an ( open brace and close ) which I have done. When I try to load the program I get these errors. Does anyone know why?

ping.c:24:5: error: expected expression before 'while'
ping.c:40:3: error: expected ';' before 'drive_ramp'

  Detect and Turn from Obstacle.c

  Detect obstacles in the ActivityBot's path, and turn a random direction to avoid them.


#include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simpletools header
#include "abdrive.h"                          // Include abdrive header
#include "ping.h"                             // Include ping header

int turn;                                     // Navigation variable

int main()                                    // main function
  drive_setRampStep(10);                      // 10 ticks/sec / 20 ms


drive_ramp(128, 128); // Forward 2 RPS

// While disatance greater than or equal
// to 20 cm, wait 5 ms & recheck.
while(ping_cm(8) >= 20) pause(5); // Wait until object in range

drive_ramp(0, 0); // Then stop

// Turn in a random direction
turn = rand() % 2; // Random val, odd = 1, even = 0

if(turn == 1) // If turn is odd
drive_speed(64, -64); // rotate right
else // else (if turn is even)
drive_speed(-64, 64); // rotate left

// Keep turning while object is in view
while(ping_cm(8) < 20); // Turn till object leaves view

drive_ramp(0, 0); // Stop & let program end


  • It looks like there is an open parentheses after the first while (1) instead of a brace. Also there is a close paren after the last while.

  • Thanks. Just noticed that
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