Got proploader and SimpleIDE working with ESP-01S wifi module
Posts: 5,852
Hi all,
In the last couple of days I have been playing around with the small ESP-01S module in a Propeller project I have be working on and found a way to get it to work with proploader and SimpleIDE for wifi resets/downloads and for its very handy telnet terminal serving of the Propeller's debug serial port. Maybe someone already got this working before but I was unable to find it online when I first looked around, so I just tried to do it myself.
Normally it would be easier to just use a Parallax WX wifi module to do what I want but in my case the project's physical size is too small and the ESP-01S better suited the bill. The main problem was that this ESP-01 board only exposes GPIO0 and GPIO2 and the Parallax-ESP firmware normally only supports GPIOs12, 13, 15 for RESET of the prop which are not brought out onto any external IO pins on the ESP-01S so some tweaks were required to make it work.
I started with the Parallax-ESP firmware codebase from github and followed the instructions there to successfully get it to build with the ESP toolchain. In my case I used a Mac. See here:
Then I made these four changes (diffs from Parallax-ESP root level shown below) and rebuilt:
1) support the 1MB flash size module on the ESP-01S instead of 4MB by default in the Makefile.
2) Use boot image 1.6 (version 1.5 was not present in the ESP tools I had, so I just used 1.6 instead).
3) In the HTML web page, allow GPIO0 and GPIO2 to be passed in as reset pin options for the flash configuration.
4) Add a missing URL that SimpleIDE and PropLoader used to reset the propeller. I found this by some WireSharking on my Wifi network and seeing what was failing when the Prop was being reset and I was getting 404 File not found errors as the response. Once I fixed this the propeller could be reset by GPIO0 or GPIO2.
Note that there is a limitation with using these GPIOs for reset as both of these pins do output some transitions upon ESP-01 module startup that will reset the Propeller multiple times initially.
GPIO2 has some serial output at 74800bps showing boot information. In theory it can also be used as a debug UART output later on so probably best to not enable ESP DBG in the settings if you choose this. It might be possible to tweak things to stop the serial debug output on GPIO2 from bootup but I haven't looked into it in depth so I'm not sure.
GPIO0 outputs some 2MHz clock burst at ESP startup time. However after about 150ms both this and the other GPIO2 output cease and the system seems to be stable from then on. In my application this is not really an issue as I am working with a P1V that has some FPGA configuration reset delays anyway. Also one thing to consider if you have an external propeller reset button wired in parallel and GPIO0 is ever held low at ESP-01S power up time then you are likely to boot up in ESP8266 serial flashing mode, so be wary of this too. GPIO2 is probably safer.
The smaller ESP-01S flash size of 1MB would not allow a large amount of extra user web content to be added in compared to the larger capacity devices, but so far the base set of features is useful enough for my needs. I could always replace the flash chip on the ESP module one day if required.
If this information is useful to anyone else, enjoy.
In the last couple of days I have been playing around with the small ESP-01S module in a Propeller project I have be working on and found a way to get it to work with proploader and SimpleIDE for wifi resets/downloads and for its very handy telnet terminal serving of the Propeller's debug serial port. Maybe someone already got this working before but I was unable to find it online when I first looked around, so I just tried to do it myself.
Normally it would be easier to just use a Parallax WX wifi module to do what I want but in my case the project's physical size is too small and the ESP-01S better suited the bill. The main problem was that this ESP-01 board only exposes GPIO0 and GPIO2 and the Parallax-ESP firmware normally only supports GPIOs12, 13, 15 for RESET of the prop which are not brought out onto any external IO pins on the ESP-01S so some tweaks were required to make it work.
I started with the Parallax-ESP firmware codebase from github and followed the instructions there to successfully get it to build with the ESP toolchain. In my case I used a Mac. See here:
Then I made these four changes (diffs from Parallax-ESP root level shown below) and rebuilt:
1) support the 1MB flash size module on the ESP-01S instead of 4MB by default in the Makefile.
2) Use boot image 1.6 (version 1.5 was not present in the ESP tools I had, so I just used 1.6 instead).
3) In the HTML web page, allow GPIO0 and GPIO2 to be passed in as reset pin options for the flash configuration.
4) Add a missing URL that SimpleIDE and PropLoader used to reset the propeller. I found this by some WireSharking on my Wifi network and seeing what was failing when the Prop was being reset and I was getting 404 File not found errors as the response. Once I fixed this the propeller could be reset by GPIO0 or GPIO2.
Note that there is a limitation with using these GPIOs for reset as both of these pins do output some transitions upon ESP-01 module startup that will reset the Propeller multiple times initially.
GPIO2 has some serial output at 74800bps showing boot information. In theory it can also be used as a debug UART output later on so probably best to not enable ESP DBG in the settings if you choose this. It might be possible to tweak things to stop the serial debug output on GPIO2 from bootup but I haven't looked into it in depth so I'm not sure.
GPIO0 outputs some 2MHz clock burst at ESP startup time. However after about 150ms both this and the other GPIO2 output cease and the system seems to be stable from then on. In my application this is not really an issue as I am working with a P1V that has some FPGA configuration reset delays anyway. Also one thing to consider if you have an external propeller reset button wired in parallel and GPIO0 is ever held low at ESP-01S power up time then you are likely to boot up in ESP8266 serial flashing mode, so be wary of this too. GPIO2 is probably safer.
The smaller ESP-01S flash size of 1MB would not allow a large amount of extra user web content to be added in compared to the larger capacity devices, but so far the base set of features is useful enough for my needs. I could always replace the flash chip on the ESP module one day if required.
If this information is useful to anyone else, enjoy.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 4758abe..d7048c7 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ VERSION=$(GIT_VERSION) ($(shell date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")$(GIT_COMMIT_HASH_SUFF $(info VERSION $(VERSION)) #SPI flash size, in K -ESP_SPI_FLASH_SIZE_K=4096 +ESP_SPI_FLASH_SIZE_K=1024 #Amount of the flash to use for the image(s) ESP_SPI_IMAGE_SIZE_K=1024 #0: QIO, 1: QOUT, 2: DIO, 3: DOUT diff --git a/Makefile.ota b/Makefile.ota index b6b67e2..15ecdf8 100644 --- a/Makefile.ota +++ b/Makefile.ota @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ $(FW_BASE): $(TARGET_BIN) libesphttpd/mkupgimg/mkupgimg $(Q) libesphttpd/mkupgimg/mkupgimg $(TARGET_BIN_USR1) $(TARGET_BIN_USR2) $(TAGNAME) $(TARGET_OTAFILE) flash: $(TARGET_OUT) $(FW_BASE) - $(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) 0x00000 "$(SDK_BASE)/bin/boot_v1.5.bin" 0x1000 $(TARGET_BIN_USR1) + $(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) 0x00000 "$(SDK_BASE)/bin/boot_v1.6.bin" 0x1000 $(TARGET_BIN_USR1) blankflash: $(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) $(BLANKPOS) $(SDK_BASE)/bin/blank.bin $(INITDATAPOS) $(SDK_BASE)/bin/esp_init_data_default.bin diff --git a/html/settings.html b/html/settings.html index b9dccf8..0df8cb4 100755 --- a/html/settings.html +++ b/html/settings.html @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ <td>Reset Pin:</td> <td> <select id="reset-pin"> + <option value="0">PGM (GPIO0)</option> + <option value="2">DBG (GPIO2)</option> <option value="12">DTR (GPIO12)</option> <option value="13">CTS (GPIO13)</option> <option value="15">RTS (GPIO15)</option> diff --git a/parallax/user_main.c b/parallax/user_main.c index 533e525..28563d2 100644 --- a/parallax/user_main.c +++ b/parallax/user_main.c @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ HttpdBuiltInUrl builtInUrls[]={ { "/propeller/load-file", cgiPropLoadFile, NULL }, { "/propeller/reset", cgiPropReset, NULL }, { "/wx/module-info", cgiPropModuleInfo, NULL }, + { "/wx/propeller/reset", cgiPropReset, NULL }, { "/wx/setting", cgiPropSetting, NULL }, { "/wx/save-settings", cgiPropSaveSettings, NULL }, { "/wx/restore-settings", cgiPropRestoreSettings, NULL },
Update: While playing around with output binary files I encountered some strange PropellerIDE behavior. The binary file format it saves off from the memory map window has an extra 4 bytes prepended to it which makes it not compatible with proploader. However thankfully the binary that PropellerIDE generates on its own by its Build process itself is able to be read ok by the proploader tool and can be downloaded via Wifi to the prop. Not really sure what those extra magic 4 first bytes in the memory map generated file were meant to be for, values were (00 00 12 B4). Am using version 0.38.5.
I am finding that programming propellers wirelessly (e.g. for robotics etc) is extremely handy and fast too.
I also just managed (via a slight hack) to integrate the wireless programming into the PropellerIDE build button. I just added another line to my bstc script mod I had done earlier to download after compile if the compile is successful. It's a bit hardcoded with its IP right now but could be enhanced to use environment variables etc and to determine whether this step is done and what IP to use. Unfortunately the PropellerIDE download to RAM and EEPROM program buttons do not yet integrate with the wireless ESP device or get used in its terminal window / serial port selection like SimpleIDE does. If it did it would be very handy indeed but until that ever happens, I found what I have done suits me pretty well. Better than needing the extra manual step anyway. I just press F9 and the wifi download happens automagically. I love it.
Note: this script (for Mac) replaces the original bstc command and that should be named bstc2 and both stored in the same folder where bstc was originally. Windows and Linux users make be read from different folders and need other customizations so YMMV.
## MacOS:
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew install binutils coreutils automake wget gawk libtool help2man gperf gnu-sed --with-default-names grep
$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
In addition to the development tools MacOS needs a case-sensitive filesystem.
You might need to create a virtual disk and build esp-open-sdk on it:
$ sudo hdiutil create ~/Documents/case-sensitive.dmg -volname "case-sensitive" -size 10g -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+"
$ sudo hdiutil mount ~/Documents/case-sensitive.dmg
$ cd /Volumes/case-sensitive