Joystick servo control using BOE
in BASIC Stamp
I am using a BOE and Parallax's Gimble joystick to control (2) Hi-Tech servos off of ports 12 and 13. I have setup the circuit from your example shown in your PDF for the Gimble joystick and all is working well. Here is the example program I am using to control the (2) Hitech servos:
' {$STAMP BS2p}'
' {$PORT COM8} '
' {$PBASIC 2.5} '
LeftRight VAR Word
UpDown VAR Word
RCTIME 4, 1, UpDown
RCTIME 11, 1, LeftRight
"LeftRight: ", DEC LeftRight, CLREOL
PULSOUT 12 , UpDown + 1400
PULSOUT 13 , LeftRight + 1400
The problem I am having is since the UpDown and LeftRight variables are storing only incremental, single digit changes in the joystick position, I can only get the servo to move about 15 degrees from center in either direction from both vertical and horizontal movement of the joystick instead of the complete 180 degree movement capability of the servo. Here are the parameters of the readings for the variables for UpDown and LeftRight readings:
Vertical Center - 343
Vertical Full forward - 445
Vertical Full Reverse - 244
Horizontal Center - 332
Horizontal Full Left - 240
Horizontal Full Right - 430
As you can see, I added 1400 to each variable for my pulsout command to center the servos on startup and from there they will move about 15 degrees from center in either direction when executing the program. How do I get the servos to move smoothly thru the entire range of the servos capabilities?
Any and all help is appreciated!
I am using a BOE and Parallax's Gimble joystick to control (2) Hi-Tech servos off of ports 12 and 13. I have setup the circuit from your example shown in your PDF for the Gimble joystick and all is working well. Here is the example program I am using to control the (2) Hitech servos:
' {$STAMP BS2p}'
' {$PORT COM8} '
' {$PBASIC 2.5} '
LeftRight VAR Word
UpDown VAR Word
RCTIME 4, 1, UpDown
RCTIME 11, 1, LeftRight
"LeftRight: ", DEC LeftRight, CLREOL
PULSOUT 12 , UpDown + 1400
PULSOUT 13 , LeftRight + 1400
The problem I am having is since the UpDown and LeftRight variables are storing only incremental, single digit changes in the joystick position, I can only get the servo to move about 15 degrees from center in either direction from both vertical and horizontal movement of the joystick instead of the complete 180 degree movement capability of the servo. Here are the parameters of the readings for the variables for UpDown and LeftRight readings:
Vertical Center - 343
Vertical Full forward - 445
Vertical Full Reverse - 244
Horizontal Center - 332
Horizontal Full Left - 240
Horizontal Full Right - 430
As you can see, I added 1400 to each variable for my pulsout command to center the servos on startup and from there they will move about 15 degrees from center in either direction when executing the program. How do I get the servos to move smoothly thru the entire range of the servos capabilities?
Any and all help is appreciated!

You need to map that to 750 +- 250 (assuming servos that expect 1 ms to 2 ms pulses)
So, I would calculate an offset from center (left right - 340)
Then multiply that by 2.5 (see multiply middle on page 112 of the big yellow book)
Add 750 to get the PULSOUT argument
Go through the loop every 20 msec.
Hitec Servos
Using pulsout settings the mid, max and min position points are:
3000, 1760 and 580
I am not a programmer so examples of what you are talking about with offsets etc would be most helpful.
Could you post a link to the data sheet for the exact servo you are using?
In the meantime, I am going to assume 2.1 msec to 0.9 sec.
Comment out the #DEFINE Engmode at the beginning to run normally. I would run it in eng mode first to try to get a feel for what the program is doing. Note eng mode has its own entry to OneAxis that skips over the reading the joystick.
The main program passes the pin numbers and the mid-range joystick value for one axis at a time and calls OneAxis.
OneAxis reads the appropriate joystick pin, calculates the offset from the neutral position, scales to convert +- 100 to +-300, combines the result with the servo mid position value and pulses the appropriate servo pin. Note that on a green BS-2, PULSOUT values are in 2 usec units.
I used 2100 and 900 usec for the servo limits because that is what their data sheet calls for. You will probably have to adjust the PAUSE at the end of the main loop.
Hope this works for you.
If so you'll need to adjust Tom's code to generate pulses based on 0.8us per unit rather than 2us per unit of a normal BS2.
This is what I came up with:
I haven't tried to run nor compile the code. The main point I wanted to show was how to scale the input pulse to the output pulse. You have to be careful about overflowing your 16-bit values. This is why I scaled the input and output ranges by ten.
ServoMid CON 1875 '1875 times 0.8 = 1500 sec
Scaler CON $0780 '+- 100 scales to +- 750
If you want to go with Duane's example, I won't feel slighted . His code generally works well. :thumb:
Thank you both for your extensive help with this and providing code for me to try. I VERY much appreciate your time and efforts helping me
Duane, your code worked as well but their seems to be a few issues with it. The servos do not move smoothly when moving thru their positions and a full left on the X axis and a full down of the Y axis will make the servo go in the opposite direction to the other side of its movement. This does not happen with full up and full right for some reason.
Any ideas?
Thanks to you both for your time and efforts in helping me
My first guess is the numbers are overflowing the 16-bit words.
There could also be a problem when inputs are outside of the range you mentioned earlier. I didn't add a check on limits like Tom did.
It seems like the easiest solution is to use Tom's code.
What did the debug statements read when the servos moved the wrong direction?
What's your end goal with this project?
You mention Tom's code provides smooth movement. Is it smooth enough for your project goals?
I ask because it's possible to smooth the motion of servos using an algorithm which moves the servos with constant acceleration.
Here's a video showing an Arduino project which uses a constant acceleration algorithm to move the servos.
The equations used in the algorithm are basic constant acceleration equations taught in high school physics.
The math isn't very hard but I don't have enough experience with Basic Stamps to know if it's practical to add this sort of algorithm to your program. I personally really like the smooth motion achieved using this algorithm.
One limitation you'll likely run into if you plan to increase the number of servos, is the need to keep the program loop within the 20ms refresh period for hobby servos. You may need to drop the debug statements from every loop when you add additional servos. Of course adding a constant acceleration algorithm also makes keeping the control cycle within 20ms harder.
I'm not very experienced using capacitor decay times to measure pot values but it might be possible to reduce the 5ms charge times by changing the capacitor and resistor values.
As to adding more axis's (axi?). Duane is correct when he mentions running out of time. Lets do some arithmetic:
The overhead (setting up the subroutine call, the GOSUB, the arithmetic, and the return takes 5-6 msec on a green BS-2. Add in, say 2 msec to read the joystick and 1-2 msec for the PULSOUT and you get 8-10 msec. So that is just enough time for two axis.
You cannot improve the PULSOUT. You could maybe get the joystick read down to 1 msec by having a shorter delay and artificially shorter RC time (smaller cap). You could lessen the overhead by putting everything in-line and by basing the arithmetic on minimum RCTIME (would't have to worry about negative numbers). And, of course, using a faster BS-2. Finally, of course, you could just not worry about the 20msec and let the servos deal with it as best they can. Probably would be okay with some, no so good with others.
That said, you would have to make three additions:
Near the top, define the pins and center values for the new axis.
Then, at begin you would add
Finally, in the main loop, add, just prior to the pause
The fourth axis would be similar.
I did everything in-line (no subroutine setup, call, and return). No signed arithmetic. No limits checking.
And I charge all four RCTIME capacitors at once with no waiting. This all came out to about 15 msec on a green BS-2 so I added a PAUSE 5.
I don't have any joysticks, so I simulated the RCTIME by forcing a value and a PAUSE of 1 msec. To run it for real, uncomment the RCTIME (four places) and comment out the PAUSE 1 (four places). You may have to adjust the PAUSE 5.
The capacitors are charged with the OUTS = AllJoys and DIRS = All Outs statements. This could be a little cleaner if all the joysticks were in a common nibble.
The logic analyzer screenshot shows the scope sync (not needed for normal operation) and the four channels.
Here is a picture of the setup for a mental reference for you as well.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
That looks really cool. Here is a copy of the program with AX4JSPin defined (don't know how that got past me)
Best Regards,
I am assuming this BS2 code for the 4-axis you just released will work with the BS2P I currently have hooked up to everything?
If it messes up when the joystick goes full left (down), it is because the "JoyValue - AxnJSMin" underflows. Make AxnJSMin a little bigger smaller to prevent that.
Lemmee know.
Do you have a logic analyzer or a scope to measure what the actual loop time is?
I tried the program as is and just changed the directive for my BS2P and I get a lot of servo jitter. I changed the pause as directed to 1 and 10 but neither had any effect. Also, I only got 1 servo to move with the joystick on the 2 additional channels. I had the other move in one direction and then stopped responding so I will have to check the circuitry to ensure nothing came loose etc. Can you just use the original program with the addition of the other 2 servo ports since that one works flawlessly?
Best Regards,
Try the attached, if you would. You will have to change the BS-2 to BS-2p, but everything else should compile and run.
If that doesn't work, you will have to go back to the original programs with the additions I outlined in my June 19 post. That will truly violate the 20 mSec rule.
Dang! Well, maybe my notion of charging all the caps at once doesn't work. Maybe try this:
Right above each RCTIME, insert the following: (four places)
and remove the DIRS = and the OUTS = in axis 4 code.
Do you have any way to measure the loop time? Wish you were here; we could fix this easy.
I was wondering that as I do not have a joystick connected for the other 2 ports...ugghh...I could setup (2) 500k pots to mimic the current joystick until I get the other one, then download and try again.
Your code is probably spot on and is acting up because of the the issue above. :P Sorry Tom
to kinda keep the loop time reasonable.