Parallax Assembler or C Compiler for P24 or PX

in BASIC Stamp
Anybody know if there are any of these in some dusty corner of the Parallax archives
you could still get to run on a current PC?
I know there is an SX Assembler just wondering if they ever made one for higher level Stamps2's.
Every Microcontroller on the planet, usually has an assembler.
The question is less about Assembler availability, and more about how to usefully get the code into the MCU.
Any part that is not OTP, could be erased and reprogrammed with any valid code, but then you have lost what makes a Stamp, a Stamp....
If you need ASM and a Stamp form factor, you are probably smarter to swap in a newer, better MCU into the same PCB form factor, but that is a new PCB design.
I'm trying to find out if they ever made these.
I think their are a bunch of languages for the Basic Stamp.
Or am I thinking of something else. The Javelin Stamp or something?
I will have to double check what kind of chip is underneath
before deciding to overwrite it.
If it is a Ubicom that would make it unusable. No language to program it in now.
If it is a PIC C series that makes it unusable. New programmers won't program EPROM chips.
Only worthwhile if it is a PIC F series with flash programmable memory.
If it is kept Stamp will keep it to pull out once and a while and putter with.
Did not know you could program C series PIC's with a PICKit3.
Probably keep any Stamps the way they are.
Any circuits can be duplicated with a PIC.
I think it's the SPIN Stamp and the Propellor that have
other languages users have come up with.
Probably a Basic for Progellor.
You could use C or Spin or PAsm or Forth or FemtoBasic or PropBasic
'You could use C or Spin or PAsm or Forth or FemtoBasic or PropBasic '
Okay. Biting my tongue on any 'follow up' questions.
Why not FLiP ?
'looking for something that was stamp sized.'
Not hardware. Software.
Did Parallax ever make a C Compiler for Stamp or PIC?
Did they ever make an Assembler for Stamp or PIC?
What got me going was seeing an old Parallax PGM PIC programmer(hardware).
Parallax SX Compiler is a very good piece of software.
So is tutorial that goes with it.
Parallax bunch in early PIC days were a sharp little bunch.
Found it!
This is the outfit that bought it from Parallax.
Tip: Will not run on Windows 7 Pro 64bit.
I am going to install Windows 7 Pro 32bit on it's own hard drive to get it going.
Here's the post on Piclist with story behind it.[PIC]:+Parallax/SPASM+Free+compiler&w=body&tgt=_top
What's that?
How does it work please.
Do you have some links to their C compilers. Not finding it Googling.
I get it now.
' I doubt it's even possible to make a C compiler or even an assembler for the Stamp'
Better to you wholesale replace Basic Stamp with PIC and just use existing compilers.
Is that Basic Stamp module dip socket PIC size?
I have always thought it is too wide.
This is my break from that.
SFR's.W register.Constants. Big fun!:)
Does not look like a PIC will fit in there.
Width is 600ml probably like PIC16F59 40 pin and whatnot.
24 pins? Maybe a 20 pin PIC will fit. Then there is the pinout issue.
'Can you say Prroprietary?:)
As of right now. No go.
Maybe there is a backdoor to Basic Stamp in it.
Reason I am looking is Parallax has a nice touch with documentation.
With MPLAB is more of an 'Anti-touch'.
Written like they are running scared from liability or something.
'Our ______ wouldn't work because of what you wrote and it cost us 10's of thousands of dollar'
Sounds like a personal problem to me.:)
You wrote Microchip and I was seeing Parallax.
Yes they did make an Assembler.
It's in that link above and it's available today but they sold it awhile ago.
Obviously it does not say Parallax on it anymore.
The point is they could do it if they wanted to.
In my opinion they probably should have or should now.
MPLAB IDE's are no walk in the park.
It's well known it's a long and steep learning curve.
If you want to avoid MPLAB, there are also other assemblers.
Google finds this
and I experimented with fasmg for P1 Opcodes, with help from the fasmg author, as it has powerful but nor-trivial macro engine.
It is unlikely the Stamp cloned any real MCU pinout, but if you have stamp sockets out there to fill, and enough volume, you could make an equivalent PCB with your choice of MCU.
Digikey show 13,813 active/stocked MCUs, so there are a lot to choose from
( Some are 5V operation with USB bootloaders )
Snapped out of it and remember the goal here.
Will get current Parallax Assembler running.
It is now Tech Tools Assembler.
Will not run on Win 7 and probably later.
Will install Windows 2000 32 bit on it's own hard drive and see if Tech Tools runs.
I think it is Basic and Assembler for PIC.
Very historic.:) The ancestor of PBasic.
Just have to use Stamp Editor better Stamps: BS2e, BS2p24 and 40, BS2Pe, BS2PX
The SX editor is the way to go for learning the most about MCU's.
Actually a darn good product if it wasn't so old.