Test Whiskers routine problem
in BASIC Stamp
I have a problem with the "Test Whiskers" routine. After typing the program and run the check, I get an error message: Expected a label, variable, or instruction. It highlights the " P7 =' BIN1 IN7 line. I have tried to input it from scratch several times, with no luck.
This runs fine. Make sure you have the two directives on top, ($STAMP BS2 and $PBASIC 2.5)
In your post you have " P7 =' BIN1 IN7. That should be a double quote after the egual sign.
The first four lines are are comments, preceded with an asterisk ( ' ). The first two are necessary for the program to know what Basic Stamp your programming. The other two are just comments that can be omitted, they are for the user's information. The actual program starts with: "counter VAR Byte"
Good you got it working! We are here to help.
I did not know which book you were working out of, so I just googled "TestWhiskers.BS2", and that is what I came up with.
In the future it would be good to post your code, so we can take a look at it.