I/O pin(s) and Pull up resistors

in BASIC Stamp
Hello All,
I've always stuck by the book and used the 10 k / 220 ohms combo. Works Great. But my current project (Sensor with 2 relays built in) is having me layout/think about my PCB differently. So far in my mind it is not working.
Short of testing and maybe blowing out some I/O pins to figure it out. How would/does and I/O pin respond without the 10 K resistor bypassed and only the 220 ohms resistor receiving the 5 VDC to I/O pin? I know it there for protection, but a constant 5 VDD may be to much....don't know. I've gone through the section in "Whats a MC" and other locations but can't find anything directly related. MY original concept still may not work but this will be a learning curve getting me their.
1) Can a Parallax BS2 family handle VDD on a I/O pin with ONLY a 220 ohm resistor in place?
I've always stuck by the book and used the 10 k / 220 ohms combo. Works Great. But my current project (Sensor with 2 relays built in) is having me layout/think about my PCB differently. So far in my mind it is not working.
Short of testing and maybe blowing out some I/O pins to figure it out. How would/does and I/O pin respond without the 10 K resistor bypassed and only the 220 ohms resistor receiving the 5 VDC to I/O pin? I know it there for protection, but a constant 5 VDD may be to much....don't know. I've gone through the section in "Whats a MC" and other locations but can't find anything directly related. MY original concept still may not work but this will be a learning curve getting me their.
1) Can a Parallax BS2 family handle VDD on a I/O pin with ONLY a 220 ohm resistor in place?
My take on this is that the BS2 is a 5V microcontroller, and the pins in theory can handle five volts, the 220 ohm resistor is for current limiting, and the 10k is to keep the pin floating between states.
Yes my fault, you want the pin to be one state or the other, not oscillating between the two.
I guess that I will have to use a Current Comparator after all. Gonna have to make two more chips fit.
Thanks again
If you share more details about what you're trying to do, someone will probably have a workable solution for you.
Yes, I speak in rhyme, all the time.
You are the man. The rhyming robotocist and poetic propellerist.
A: no, it doesn't.
Have to pick up new parts from Fry's tomorrow (NTE 941 and 938), suppose to be in stock. Ordered LM358 from Parallax along with other parts today also.
One (1) question for now. Does best the LM741 best operate from a Single or Dual supply voltage? Could not to get it working like I wanted today. Using the BS2 BOE for my test bed.
Forgot to attach Schematic. Not ALL values are current, kept changing them when things did not go as planned, but the layout is still the same.
Basically trying to detect when the 10k resistor is bypassed by the K1 relay. K2 will remove the 5 V source and both I/O pins will be Zero (0). It's the voltage change across the 4.7 k resistor into the OpAmp that I want to detect.
Thanks again
In short the LM741 belongs in a museum, not in a new design.
On my way to Frys to see what they have. Parts are on order from Parallax and Mouser.
Wasted a day of my life trying to get the LM741 to work like I wanted
Thanks again
Thanks Phil for the info and insight on new better parts. I did get 3 different types from Fry's this morning (NTE 889M, 938M, and 922M). The 889M is up and running with a .5v loss differential, hope that's normal. Haven't found on the data sheet if thats normal or not. Will test the other parts here soon. Had to make one layout change and 3 resistor values to ensure all voltage variations are detected, so far they are working.
Test program detect all 3 variations on the 2 I/O pins also.
Thanks again