WannaCrypt Security Update for Older Systems
Posts: 20,257
Just saw this elsewhere about Microsoft updates against WannaCrypt attacks for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003 and 2008, and Windows XP embedded. Might be useful for anyone not on the Win10 bandwagon yet.
Might be time to get off the Windows bandwagon altogether. If they had concentrated on fixing problems rather than creating flashy new interfaces we might not have the current flood of problems.
"Hey nice 'puter you got there be a shame if somethin' bad should happen to it, youse might wanna think about gettin' on our spiffy new bandwagon what's doors can still be locked, y'know?
"OH HAI sorry we didn't mean for the bad guys to cripple yer WHOLE COUNTRY'S HOSPITAL SYSTEM mebbe we can get you a lock for that sloppy ole door after all, just this once because, wait, what was that about where the horses are now?"