PIC Replacement Module For Basic Stamp 2 Module

Was looking at some old Basic Atom modules and boards.
Got an idea like any tinkerer would.
How about a PIC 28 pin dip socket on pcb that would plug into
Basic Stamp 2 module socket.
Anybody know which PIC to look at first?
Got an idea like any tinkerer would.
How about a PIC 28 pin dip socket on pcb that would plug into
Basic Stamp 2 module socket.
Anybody know which PIC to look at first?
Here' link to Basic Stamp 2 dip.
Good thing I took a second look at it.
It's an F not a C type Pic device.
I was reading dated articles saying Basic Stamp 2 was a 16C57.
I'm getting a couple.
See what it's like.
Anyhow. PIC for module should have TX and RX pins.
I think that means onboard UART or USART.
Mr Schwabe
Sorry you wasted your time working on 16F57 as the actual chip
to be used in new board.
Idea is to insert new PIC board in anywhere a Basic Stamp is used.
"needs to be pre-programmed with the appropriate interpreter code"
No. New board would be programmed in Assembler PIC Basic or embedded C.
Found out it is quite doable.
Waiting for my hardware guy to surface and knock out a prototype.
If nothing else a pcb with pins that we can jumper over to breadboard and
build new circuitry.
The PIC16F57 is truly ancient and somewhat brain-dead device.
If you want a DIP master device, that will constrain your choices, but something may exist...
First, get the reference point
PIC16F57-I/P Microchip 3KB FLASH 72 Bytes RAM 28DIP $0.83430 @ 1000
then, find alternatives...
decent modern MCUs start under half the price of that PIC16F57, and for still less than PIC16F57 you can get EFM8BB31F16G-B-QFN32 with 12b ADC & DACS - ( but that one is not DIP or wide Vcc)
If you want DIP28 and Wide VCC, the price elevates as the volumes are smaller and competition less, in this sub-group, the PIC18F27K40 looks good.
If you relax that DIP28, (Stamps do not use DIP MCUs) many more parts come into focus... you can even get Cortex ARM M4F in WideVCC.
Here are some 2.7V – 5.5V TQFP32 options.. that's an easy to manage 0.8mm package
Keep in mind we're working against the $80 asking price for
Stamp modules higher than BS2.
Highest Pic I've seen is $8-9.
Thank you for doing all that work.
" match pin-out form-factor"
That's the whole idea.
Some details to work out.
When I picked Stamp 2 dip to research this that is a little off.
More important to look at 'what is' on Stamp boards and 'what is' on modules.
Then add in 'parameters' of new chip.
Example: most pic's are 5v. That 'matches up' with Stamp(Duh! It is a PIC!)
Module has eeprom. Would have to duplicate that for new pic 'if necessary'.
Can't just connect pins and fire it up.:)
There 'are some details to work out'.
Project is 'taking recognizable form' here.
Figured out we can 'jumper out' of Homework board empty module socket to breadboard.
Plop a PIC on the breadboard and start in.
That will delineate the situation nicely.
Can see what the Homework provides/what needs to be built.
My hardware guy surfaced. I was getting the jitters.:)
This will firm up some parameters to give him.
Well. That's 'all the news that's fit to print'.