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Total Linux newbee wants to run BST or propeller-tool on Ubuntu 16.4 — Parallax Forums

Total Linux newbee wants to run BST or propeller-tool on Ubuntu 16.4


I'm a total linux-newbee and want to run BST (Linuxversion) or or the propeller-tool under Wine 2.

I downloaded the and deflated it. I got a file bst.linux but now I'm totally lost.
If somebody would like to help he/she should describe all the steps. I even don't know yet how to open a commandline to type something like "sudo...."

Propellertool for windows itself is running under wine. But how do I install the FDTI-driver.
On the download-page of FTDI I only found a zip-archive containing C-files??? Huh? Do I have to compile the driver myself???

I thought linux has a bit grown since that. Am I wrong? or does their exist something similar than a windows-FTDI-driver?

Thank you very much for tips and hints.

If Ubuntu 16.4 still means fiddling around with configfiles and lot's of sudo-commands I will stay outside the Linux-world.

best regards



  • Just make sure you tick the properties as executable but if you are running a 64 bit Linux you will need to install the 32 bit compatibility library. No nerd to use wine nor install drivers. I can't think of the library name at present and I'm out, maybe someone can chime in.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230

    You will have to find out how to get a command line window open on whatever Linux distro you use yourself. I always use KDE for my desktop so a console is in the KDE start menu.

    After that it's:

    $ cd /where/ever/you/put/bst
    $ ./bst.linux

    You may need sudo in front of that if your serial ports are not accessible to normal users.

    I generally put an icon on my desktop that runs bst or whatever on a click.

    You don't need any FTDI driver install for Linux. It just works in every distro I have seen.

    Sorry I can't advise about the Propeller Tool under Wine. Never tried it. But if you have BST or PropellerIDE you don't need the Propeller Tool.
    If Ubuntu 16.4 still means fiddling around with configfiles and lot's of sudo-commands I will stay outside the Linux-world.
    In my day to use of Linux there is not a lot of config file hacking going on. Except when I'm doing something out of the ordinary.

    Please don't turn you back on Linux because it might need a bit of command line savvy. You would be doing yourself a great dis-service and missing out on a lot of fun.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2017-04-29 03:31
    I just leave bst on the destktop so it is easy to access. I am using 0.19.4pre10.
    If I had to use lots of sudo-commands I would be frustrated too but the alternative is too frightening to consider. As it is the terminal is there when I need to do something out of the ordinary but ordinarily it just works.

    For 32-bit compatibility for BST just open the software manager and install Ia32-libs.
  • Hi Peter,

    thank you very much for answering.
    I tried "ia32" in the searchfunction of "Ubuntu Software the result is nothing found.

    So I tried a lot of variants like "32 bit", "32 bit libraries" etc.

    I get a result list with 12-40 different applications like Inkscape, kicad etc.
    But nothing that sounds like 32bit-libraries :-((.

    I'm willing to go on. But this is another experience from the category "try something additional in linux and get stucked"

    So if somebody who uses a standard Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installation could chime in?

    best regards

  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2017-04-29 08:20
    I did some research on the internet about "32 bit library ubuntu 16.04 LTS"

    So I came across this link

    I did the sudo commands that where shown there. And then tried to run bst.linux.
    Nothing happens :-((

    So this is another experience that makes me think "you have to know a lot about linux if you want to do something additional after installation"

    OK this took me about 10 minutes. Not much time. But what you suggested did'nt worked.
    What I found on the internet didn't work.

    If somebody here in the forum wants that I have something similar like fun with linux,
    I guess this person need to have a very similar linux-system than I have (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) and do the steps on his own system to verify that the steps are working.

    Maybe you have overlooked something very basic in your suggestion that you know and I do NOT know as I'm a TOTAL newbee.

    I'm willing to try some more but now I want to be honest I'm also a bit frustrated.

    What the heck is so complicated about installing 32-libraries??!! Why did the linux-developer NOT make a package inkluding some scripts that do all the checking what linux-systems is this trying to install 32bit-libs and configure things for the dau?

    As I did not get ANY senseful result in the App called "Ubuntu-Software" for searching 32 bit is there something wrong with this software?? should it find 32bit libraries? Am I using the wrong software for trying to install this kind of package???

    As I know NOTHING (yet) about linux it could be ANYTHING. That's my problem. I don't know in which direction I should go for analysing the problem.

    best regards

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2017-04-29 11:24
    This is not a Linux problem, it is just that while BST is an excellent Prop tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux, it hasn't been supported since 2010. But that is no reason not to use it.

    I run Linux Mint 18.1 with the 4.8 kernel and I don't have any problems doing what I want to do and the fact that I installed ia32 is all par for the course since I run a 64-bit Linux.
    peter@peter-XPS-15-9550 ~ $ uname -a
    Linux peter-XPS-15-9550 4.8.0-42-generic #45~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 9 14:10:58 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    I don't know why you can't find ia32-libs, just google it if need be. This should be a 2 minute solution.
    781 x 319 - 39K
  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2017-04-29 11:45
    Hello Peter,

    thank you very much for answering. I appreciate your patience with me. Though I guess a lot of more patience will be nescessary.

    My problem is that my knowledge about linux is nearly zero.

    Of course I have done some research on the internet and found some descriptions about installing 32-lib for ubuntu 12.04 ubuntu 14.04 etc. that differ from each other.

    Then I read something that more and more applications become multiarchitectural and that something 32bit-like was removed from the distribution.

    So my conclusion is: things have again changed since then.
    My fear is: if a do too much without knowing what I'm doing I will mess up my linux-system. So I'm careful with descriptions/manuals that are not eactly for Ubuntu 16.04.

    So from my zero-knowledge about linux of course I can download something from the internet that is called ai32-libs. But I guess the next steps are NOT as easy as double-clicking a windows *.MSI.

    Maybe I can do the double-clicking. But maybe then I'm already messing up my linux-system because I should have chosen open with XY instead of just double-clicking.

    I have googled for ia32-libs and found

    This website mentions keywords like 12.04 amd64 I386 so from my zero-knowledge I assume
    works for Ubuntu 12.04 "amd64" and "i386" sounds more like an addition to wine to make windows-software running. And it seems to be from 2009. So pretty old

    and hits like this one

    Are discouraging me. They write something that ia32-lib is no longer nescessary. Things should run just without it. If I doubleclick on bst.linux nothing happens. Really nothing. (or nothing visible)

    So i would like to make a suggestion for a main-descision:

    If you enjoy helping me with a lot of details please do I really apreciate it.

    If you don't enjoy helping me step by step closing the thread is the better solution and I will stay in windows.

    So if you like to help me again I suggest that you provide a download link to the exact right file
    and a manual how to install it. If you find this too much work I can easily accept that you say something like "sorry I'm not your personal IT-teacher/manager this is too much"

    best regards

  • Hi Peter,

    I googled "ia32-lib download"

    Take a look at the results by clicking on the link above.

    I guess my zero-knowledge about linux makes me even search for "unlucky" keywords with google.

    best regards

  • StefanL38StefanL38 Posts: 2,292
    edited 2017-04-29 12:11
    Hello Peter,

    I want to make a new suggestion.

    Do you know the software TeamViewer?
    This is a remote-control-software which makes my PC-screen visible for a remote Computer.
    For private use TeamViewer is free. It is available for Windows and Linux.

    I have tested a connection between my Linux-PC and My Windows PC it is working.
    So if we would make a teamviewer-session you could work with my linux-PC like sitting in front of it. In parallel we could talk on the telephone.

    I guess something is wrong with my linux-PC. Why does it not react on double-clicking bst.linux.

    Doing this TeamViewer-Session is much more engaging than writing a forum post. I can easily accept if you say no.

    But I wanted to ask anyway.

    best regards

  • I have here a script I made when I used:
    bst-0.19.3.linux, it was a nice guy on the forum who got me started.
    I used it on a Linux Mint I don't remember the version now.
    Now I use PropellerIde on my Mint17.3 and 18.1.
    I hope it is for some use.

    Change .txt to .sh and made it executable.
  • I only needed to install ia32-libs straight and easy from the software package gui with Linux Mint 18.1. To see what was happening with Ubuntu I downloaded an iso, installed to virtualbox, and now I see why I hate Ubuntu. That script failed btw. Why is Ubuntu the "automatic" choice for a Linux?
  • Why is Ubuntu the "automatic" choice for a Linux?

    I thought Debian was the preferred choice for Linux?
  • StefanL38-
    I am also trying to learn Linux. I have been watching some youtube videos on learing Linux and its been helpful. Perhaps they can help you as well.

    P.S. I haven't installed any software in my learnings, so I cant be directly helpful for you
  • yetiyeti Posts: 819
    edited 2017-04-29 16:43
    Installing all 32bit libraries for using a GUI program like BST is like adding half of a 32bit Linux distribution to your 64bit box.

    Better declare BST dead (it soon will refuse to work even with 32bit libraries) and use PropellerIDE, SimpleIDE and so on... or even easier: HomeSpun, OpenSpin, FastSpin, PropGCC, make (and friends) and your favorite editor...
  • You should be able to add 32-bit support with the following command for Ubuntu distros 13.10+
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

    Don't bother running bst as root for serial access. Just run the following command (and replace "<USERNAME>" with your username):
    sudo adduser <USERNAME> dialout

    That will permanently grant your user access to the serial terminals. You may need to log out and back in after running that command... I can never remember.
  • Hi Yeti,
    Hello David,

    I think I will stay in Windows. Propellertool is working fine.
    I tried PropellerIDE. Again troubles: If I click on Button Run there appears a window failed to download for half a second and then the message-window disapears. Hey what's wrong now!!!

    That's not the way software makes new friends!!

    If somebody can post a link to a detailed tutorial that includes a lot of screenshots how to do each detail for any of the mentioned alternative propeller-chip programming-tools I would be very pleased.

    Though I guess nobody took the time to do it that detailed I simply will stay with propellertool in windows.

    The following fact is normal: experts suffer from blindness to beginners-difficulties.

    Anyway: I really want to thank you all very much for trying to help me. But you do NOT help me with short comments or hints.

    Either somebody here says OK I'll give you a 1-hour TeamViewer-Session and we try to get it running or we can just stop this thread. The time when I enjoyed fiddling around for solving mysteries is really over. I enjoy concentrating on coding in SPIN.

    best regards

  • If anyone just wants to use Linux then please just install Linux mint, even though it is Ubuntu base, it just works. I prefer the cinnamon desktop plus the windows key brings up the start menu where keystrokes reveal matches etc. Codecs all work and 32-bit compatibility is a single click.

    Also none of the other tools replace BST as one of the single most useful features for me is the excellent listing.
  • Also none of the other tools replace BST as one of the single most useful features for me is the excellent listing.
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