Program the BS 2 over WiFi
in BASIC Stamp
I have an application running on the BS 2 which utilizes the WiFi module. Is there a way to send program updates to the BS 2 over wiFi?
Mike is correct regarding the timing issues and mirrors my experience with going wireless with the BS2.
If the wireless programming connection is a key element of your project, I have been working recently with programming microcontrollers over wifi and have found the BASIC interpreter for the ESP8266 to be reasonably workable. In all fairness, it is a personal project of the gentleman who hosts the website and the product is not commercial quality yet. But, it will allow programming in a language close the that of the BS2, et al. The firmware downloads easily into a generic ESP8266.
It uses most variations of the ESP and allows programming directly from a browser on a laptop any where on the network. The ESP (depending on model) has several digital I/o, including one analog and the interpreter has some really neat commands such as sending an email with a couple of commands or printing directly to the browser screen.
I honestly can't believe that someone hasn't resolved the wireless timing issue with the programming sequence of a Stamp. How is a 115200 baud wireless connection not able to stay ahead of a 9600 baud serial interface?
I've had a lot of fun playing with Michael's ESP8266basic. It has a total 1994 BS-1 vibe to it. The structure need some finish work, but it's a very promising start.