basic stamp sumobots

in BASIC Stamp
my robotics teacher asked me to build an evasive sumo program out of PBASIC 2.5 FOR OUR BOE BOT SUMO BOTS NOT PARALLAX SUMOBOTS I don't know how
(not the evasive)
(not the evasive)
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ---------------------------- ' MiniSumo.bs2 ' convert Boe-Bot into SumoBot ' ---------------------------- ' Parralax BOE BOT SumoBots competion ' Asher Haun ' S.C.E.C. Robotics ' ---------------------------- ' .bs2 ' Boe Bot serial ' ---------------------------- ' DiscoNuggetDevelopment ' >_ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LMotor CON 13 RMotor CON 12 LIrOut CON 11 LIrIn VAR IN14 RIrOut CON 1 RIrIn VAR IN0 startLed CON 15 Speaker CON 3 LFwdFast CON 848 'find correct numbers LFwdSlow CON 775 LSTOP CON 750 LRevSlow CON 725 LRevFast CON 650 RFwdFast CON 650 'find correct numbers RFwdSlow CON 725 RStop CON 750 RRevSlow CON 775 RRevFast CON 850 LeftTurnCount CON 25 ' counter value for 90 turn RightTurnCount CON 35 ' counter value for 90 turn AboutFaceCount CON 120 ' counter value for 180 turns blackThresh VAR Word qti VAR Nib qtiLeft VAR qti.BIT1 qtiRight VAR qti.BIT0 irBits VAR Nib IrLeft VAR irBits.BIT1 irRight VAR irBits.BIT0 LastIr VAR Nib pulses VAR Byte temp VAR Byte RunStatus DATA %00 ' Piano notes FreqDetectable CON 3000 C6 CON 1047 D6 CON 1175 E6 CON 1319 F6 CON 1397 G6 CON 1568 A6 CON 1760 Be6 CON 1976 C7 CON 2093 D7 CON 2349 E7 CON 2637 F7 CON 2793 G7 CON 3136 A7 CON 3520 Be7 CON 3951 C8 CON 4186 ' end of piano notes Reset: ' user reset button as On-Off READ RunStatus, temp ' read current status temp = ~temp ' invert status WRITE RunStatus, temp ' save status for next reset IF (temp > 0) THEN END ' run now? Set_Threshold: GOSUB Read_Line_Sensors blackThresh = (qtiLeft/10) + (qtiRight/10) LOW LMotor LOW Rmotor Start_Delay: FOR temp = 1 TO 5 HIGH StartLED PAUSE 900 INPUT StartLed FREQOUT Speaker, 100, 2500, 5000 ' signal start of match tone NEXT GOTO Lunge ' - program code - Main: GOSUB Read_Line_Sensors ' if not on shikiri (border) line, continue to look ofr opponent ' otherwise spin back towards center and resume search BRANCH qti, [About_Face, Spin_Right, Spin_Left, Search_For_Opponent] ' - Border Avoidance - Spin_Left: ' right QTI detects white FOR pulses = 1 TO LeftTurnCount PULSOUT LMotor, LRevFast PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdFast PAUSE 20 NEXT lastIr = %11 GOTO Lunge Spin_Right: ' left QTI detects white FOR pulses = 1 TO rightTurnCount PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdFast PULSOUT RMotor, RRevFast PAUSE 20 NEXT lastIr = %11 GOTO Lunge About_Face: ' both QTI detect white FOR pulses = 1 TO 10 ' back up from edge PULSOUT LMotor, LRevFast PULSOUT RMotor, RRevFast PAUSE 20 NEXT FOR pulses = 1 TO 60 ' turn around PULSOUT LMotor, LRevFast PULSOUT RMotor, RRevFast PAUSE 20 NEXT lastIr = %11 GOTO Lunge ' - IR Processsing - Search_For_Opponent: GOSUB READ_IR_Sensors ' if opponent is not in sight scan in last known direction. ' turn toward opponent if seen by one eye, if both lunge forward BRANCH irBits, [Scan, Follow_Right, Follow_Left, lunge] scan: BRANCH lastIr, [Move_Fwd, Scan_Right, Scan_Left] Move_Fwd: PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdFast PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdFast GOTO Main Scan_Right: FOR pulses = 1 TO 5 PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdSlow PULSOUT RMotor, RRevSlow PAUSE 20 NEXT GOSUB Creep_Forward GOTO Main Scan_Left: FOR pulses = 1 TO 5 PULSOUT LMotor, LRevSlow PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdSlow PAUSE 20 NEXT GOSUB Creep_Forward GOTO Main Follow_Right: PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdFast PULSOUT RMotor, RRevFast PAUSE 20 lastIr = qti GOTO Main Follow_Left: PULSOUT LMotor, LRevFast PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdFast PAUSE 20 lastIr = qti GOTO Main Lunge: FOR pulses = 1 TO 30 DEBUG "lunge", CR PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdFast PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdFast GOSUB READ_LINE_Sensors IF (qti = %00)THEN Match_Over NEXT GOTO Main Match_Over: FOR pulses = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT LMotor, LStop PULSOUT RMotor, RStop PAUSE 20 NEXT INPUT LMotor INPUT RMotor FOR temp = 1 TO 10 HIGH StartLED GOSUB Music INPUT StartLED PAUSE 100 NEXT DIRS = %0000 GOTO Reset: ' - subroutines - Read_Line_Sensors: HIGH 4: PAUSE 1: qti.BIT0 = IN6: INPUT 4 HIGH 5: PAUSE 1: qti.BIT1 = IN6: INPUT 5 RETURN read_IR_Sensors: FREQOUT LIrOut, 1, 38500 IrLeft = ~LIrIn FREQOUT RIrOut, 1, 38500 IrRight = ~RIrIn RETURN Creep_Forward: FOR pulses = 1 TO 20 PULSOUT LMotor, LFwdSlow PULSOUT RMotor, RFwdSlow NEXT RETURN Music: FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,D7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,E7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,E7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 1000,D7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,D7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,E7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 1000,BE6 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,D7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,E7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,F7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,E7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,D7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,BE6 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,G6 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,A6 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 500,BE6 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 1000,C7 PAUSE 10 FREQOUT Speaker, 1000,C7 RETURN
Study your existing program. See what needs to change.
lunge, fast right, scan line sensors(if %00 then turn left160 degrees), round about 3/4 fast, lunge at side of opponent, start main program