Issue with block "terminal receive 32 bit number store in x"
When I tried my blockly program "text_to_speech_demo"
I found that the subject block had changed in operation. When I previously entered a number in the terminal window, the number showed up once. Now when I enter a number (such as 45) each keystroke is echoed back to the terminal window. So it shows up as 4455. The number received by the program is correct.
I just tried with the "terminal receive text store in" block and the same thing happens. Entered characters,numbers or text show double in the terminal window.
Is there a way to prevent the terminal from echoing keystrokes?
I found that the subject block had changed in operation. When I previously entered a number in the terminal window, the number showed up once. Now when I enter a number (such as 45) each keystroke is echoed back to the terminal window. So it shows up as 4455. The number received by the program is correct.
I just tried with the "terminal receive text store in" block and the same thing happens. Entered characters,numbers or text show double in the terminal window.
Is there a way to prevent the terminal from echoing keystrokes?
Ken Gracey
It is something that changed from the time when I had originally written that program. Originally, If I typed 45, the terminal window showed 45.
I just tried the "terminal talk" tutorial from:
As I entered my name the terminal displayed TToomm
When I hit enter, the program correctly printed Tom.
This stems from a difference between the terminal used in SimpleIDE/PST and the terminal employed by BlocklyProp. This means that the C library on the BlocklyProp server's has to be slightly different than the one distributed with SimpleIDE to give them both the same behavior.
What happened is that we changed the workflow for sending library changes to the server, and one of the older libraries without the adjustments for BlocklyProp's terminal made into the stream - we became aware of it late last week and we have already implemented a fix. That being said, updating the production servers is something we don't do frequently because it's still a bit of a process to undertake. The next scheduled update is in about a week, but there may be an interim one before then.
If you still see this issue ~10 days from now, please let us know.