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More Toys

ajwardajward Posts: 1,129
edited 2017-03-26 19:05 in Robotics
At the thrift a while ago, I picked up one of these guys for $15...
Sadly, he had a problem and his front legs didn't work correctly. I really wanted to play with him, so I bought a brand new Wowwee Chip. What fun! Not as versatile as a Scribbler or BOE-Bot, but fun!

Now I have a defective Chip that's still 99% functional... what to do, what to do? The first plan is disassemble Chip #1 and see if I can heal him. Failing that, I'm guessing there are a whole lot of spiffy electronic bits inside that would be fun to play with. Might be most everything is attached in a big clump on a circuit board that makes it hard to do what I would like but, still, there might be several motors attached to mecanum wheels that could be adapted to interesting uses.

Anyhow... just adding to the myriad of shiny things that seem to rule my life! :-)

Happy Sunday!

520 x 520 - 38K


  • ajward wrote: »
    there might be several motors attached to mecanum wheels that could be adapted to interesting uses.

    I'd suggest leaving the wheels attached to the motors and use a Propeller with a couple h-bridges to control the Mecanum wheels.

    I'm pretty sure I've posted code I've used with my Mecanum wheeled robot. I couldn't find any code in this huge thread but it should be there somewhere. If you're interested in trying to control the motors yourself, I'm sure I could find some code for you to look at. The control algorithm uses a bit of trig but it's not too hard to understand.

    Hopefully the motors have encoders because Mecanum wheels work a lot better if you can control the speed of the wheels, not just the power level to the motors.

    Getting a set of Mecanum wheels with motors for $15 is an amazing deal.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    Great score on Chip, Amanda! I connected with the WowWee gang at NYTF and they are nice folks. They liked my stuff, and we may be doing some projects together.
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