I removed the light sensor and they work. That is interesting to me, because if it were on a slow robot, it could provide motion detection (things moving faster than the robot) while the robot is moving. That's something not many sensors can do, so I'm going to explore that some more.
It's hard to see the traces on the board, but I have the datasheet for the chip and will try to figure out the jumpers.
THAT is awesome info. I haven't had time to test mine yet!
As I noted upthread these are almost certainly doppler detectors, which can only detect objects in motion and the less motion, the less signal there is to detect.
THAT is awesome info. I haven't had time to test mine yet!
Some info at https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/news/teardown-tuesday-hb100-doppler-radar-module/
Anybody use these yet?