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Basic Stamp Serial Interface — Parallax Forums

Basic Stamp Serial Interface

Here's a serial breakout board:

This looks too easy. They make another one with a chip already on it.

Do you use the one with a chip or without it?


  • 'logic-level RX and TX signals that can connect directly to a microcontroller's I/O pins.'

    We want to do this but old way serial port like serial port version on Homework board.

    I think we need this:

    The PC serial port transmits and receives signals at +/-12V while TTL devices including microcontroller operate at +5V and GROUND. In order for you to interface between the two, you’ll need this interfacing circuit.

    It's for breadboarding BS1 and BS2SX.
  • For a lot of circumstances, these are "overkill". Look in the Stamp Reference Manual in the chapters on the SERIN and SEROUT commands. Commonly a serial resistor of 22K is enough to protect the 5V logic I/O pin used for SERIN from the possibly +/- 12V of the PC port while the +5V/0V of the SEROUT I/O pin is usually enough to reliably trigger the serial input to the PC port,

  • As a baby boomer I prefer 'Gold Plating' to 'overkill.

    This is definitely on my list along with their 5v power supply.

    They just look cool on breadboard projects.

    If I can offload any aspects of a project I'll jump on it.
  • Are you sure you want to use RS232 to communicate with the Basic Stamp?

    USB ports are so common these days, I'd think you'd want to use a USB to TTL converter.

    The only time I use RS232 is when I need a microcontroller to communicate with instruments with a RS232 port.

    Make sure you check out Amazon and ebay for these sorts of parts. The products linked in the top post are about twice as expensive as I'd expect to find on Amazon.

  • Yes. We're sure we want to put serial interface on breadboard Basic Stamp 1 prototype board.

    Open to 'cutting down' circuit later. Building it with less parts than Gravitech uses.

    As far as lower cost parts we just like Gravitech products.

    Seems like outfit has been around since window programmed PIC's.
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