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Translating a basic stamp II program for a PIC16F627A to PIC18F2855 — Parallax Forums

Translating a basic stamp II program for a PIC16F627A to PIC18F2855

Seoul_lasersSeoul_lasers Posts: 3
edited 2017-02-23 07:19 in BASIC Stamp
Greetings I have a project that I am doing modernizing a survey meter (Bicron Surveyor M) takes (GM tubes, proportional detectors as well as a multitude of Scintillation detectors).
The code in the .doc is for pulling in pulses and totalizing them at high speed (down to 4uS). The program can take samples at CPS, CPM and a user defined count windows.
The data is displayed on an LCD screen and also sent over a simple serial connection (9600baud). That's all this program is designed to do essentially.

I have recently been given an old code built around a PIC16F627A, this is nice, but I would REALLY like to adapt this code to make it run on a PIC18F2855.
I recently got ahold of one of these PIC18F's as a pre assembled kit (ECIO28P).
I haven't had much luck getting this code to adapt ( I've tried a number of changes and none has worked yet) . Additionally I'd like to be able to drive this on a 2x16 1602 (not over I2C) LCD screen if possible.

I have attached a commented release of the code if this helps any. I am quite lost.

The code was written in basic stamp II.

If there is anyone who would be able to have a look at the code and make suggestions or edits or show me what
would need to be done to the code that'd be a major serious help.


800 x 600 - 145K
800 x 600 - 109K


  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    The code you have posted is not for a Basic Stamp. Do you have the compiler and manual for this particular version?
  • ah... I got the basic stamp files. No, I don't have a compiler or manual for BasicStamp II.
    I thought the document that I uploaded was a commented version of the BAS II.

    I'm on a Mac.

    Hope these additional files are helpful. Not sure what I have to do.
    Tired opening these up on a Mac Basic Stamp editor and it's a no go.
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2017-02-23 15:56
    Those new files are also not Basic Stamp files. They would have a ".BS2" extension.

    Also, the header would contain somthing like:
    ' {$STAMP BS2p}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2017-02-23 16:03
    This is probably code for PIC Basic Pro which is available from MELabs. They have a support forum for their compilers. As kwinn said, this is not code for a Basic Stamp or anything else that Parallax makes even though many of the statements are the same as those in Stamp Basic. The PIC Basic Pro compiler does support a wide range of PIC models. You may find that the current version of the compiler supports the PIC18F2855 and a re-compile and some minor changes would be all you need. Check with MELabs.
  • hmm... ok I'll have another look. Thank you for identifying the code.
  • I agree your best bet for the microchip pic series would be MPLab and a pickit3. Or a Mikeroe basic or C
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