Controlling Disney Magic Ears with the Parallax Badge

in Propeller 1

This is a project that I put off for 2 years. Last month, I was able to spend some time to get it rolling.

Now I'm wondering what else can be controlled by a wondering badge.... Ha! Lot's of evil ideas !!!!!
Wall of TV's at the local department store! Nudge all the channels as you wonder past.......
Please please make a video as you wander the Magic Kingdom!
GWTS Protocol (2400 baud over IR) Information*OUR*-Show-and-MSP430G2553-discussion&p=257733#post257733*OUR*-Show-and-MSP430G2553-discussion&p=259733#post259733*OUR*-Show-and-MSP430G2553-discussion&p=259750#post259750*OUR*-Show-and-MSP430G2553-discussion&p=259782#post259782*OUR*-Show-and-MSP430G2553-discussion&p=259872#post259872
I haven't worked with this in a long time, and as my GWTS ears are on a shelf just a few feet from my desk, I may have to put a fresh set of batteries in and start playing again
I know it's East Coast, but they like your work.
Don't! I used to have a TV-b-gone and would switch off all of the TVs in the local shop. I forgot that IR shows up really well on CCTV!
I was happy with the results, not as impressive as I imagined, but there is time to create a better rig. I must say that the badge platform is pretty darn awesome to develop on.
I think my wife may have taken some video (my phone had died). If it is good, I will post it.
That would be awesome! Could totally work too! After a minute or so, the ears go back to random light sequences. Just add a lens to focus the beam. Easy!
I directly drove them off of the battery and switched them with a generic NPN transistor I got from Radio Shack. IC was rated at 800ma IIRC. Worked pretty good! I found that I could overdrive the LEDs when they are modulated, so 3.7V wasn't a problem
I do recall changing that. I believe I changed it to 38Khz.
I thought I posted source code here. I will post it this evening.
P17 sends a reset packet.
P26 sends a reset packet then walks through a sequence of primary colors in a loop.
P27 strobes.
Hold down P17 before changing between P27 and P26 modes.
Please pardon the code. I butchered Jon's awesome code.
The modules that I had to modify are marked tt_ instead of jm_. I had to set 2 stop bits in the TX portion.
Very cool Terry, and kudos to Jon for the heavy lifting.
I am looking at this lookup table to create DMX to GWTS mappings.
I have had a lot of fun with this project.
Thanks Terry.