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Error Help SimpleIDE


I recently installed the Simple IDE on Windows 10. I also installed the latest drivers and libraries. However, I am getting this error:

Project Directory: C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/My Projects/

SimpleIDE Version 1.1.0
C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/
C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/ Updated on: 2017-02-10

propeller-elf-gcc.exe -v GCC 4.6.1 (propellergcc_v1_0_0_2408)
propeller-elf-c++ -I . -L . -o cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf -Os -mcmm -m32bit-doubles -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti Blank Simple C++ Project.cpp -ltiny -ltiny -ltiny
propeller-load -s cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
propeller-elf-objdump -h cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
Done. Build Succeeded!

proploader.exe -r -I C:/Program Files (x86)/SimpleIDE/bin/../propeller-gcc/propeller-load/ -b activityboard -p COM4 cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
Opening file 'cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf'
ERROR: Download failed: -1

Opening file 'cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf'
ERROR: Download failed: -1

I cannot figure out how to fix it or cant find any info online. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it. I am using a Propeller Activity Board by the way.




  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Looks like your program compiled OK but could not be downloaded to the propeller. Is the Propeller connected to comm4?
  • Welcome to the forums!

    What adapter are you using to program the Propeller?
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    I have found this error when the COM Port is set to the default of COM1 rather than the correct port. Seems somehow the error being returned is incorrect. It appears as a file error when it is actually a "No Propeller Chip Found" error. I have reported this internally.
  • I just had a similar situation while testing the Parallax WiFi SIM module, I am using SimpleIDE 1.1.0 on a Windows 7 system.

    In my case, in the build status, it shows the wifi port is connected, but I get the two download ERRORS. I guess it should of showed its normal cannot find Propeller chip notification.

  • breadman33breadman33 Posts: 2
    edited 2017-02-27 02:47
    Had the same problem after upgrading to win 1.1.0, but only on the WX. It seemed to download ok on my old AB.
    W10 on my Surface or my older ASUS i3 both ID the WX correctly in Connected Devices, but give it a com3 or 5, or nothing at all. Strange.
    Hook up the old AB and Com4 pops up and things work. I think I'll back off to the 1.0.2 and the older FTDI see what happens.... The WX did work with that.
    Fun huh?

    Chris Sanders
    NSC EE Lab
  • Finally got my SURFACE to respond to a download...(finally had the time). If you download the appropriate driver, you have to go to Device Manager, right click on the COM port while the AB is plugged in and update the driver directly.
    If you download and use the instruction guide for your system, it's a big help. It works.

    Chris Sanders
    NSC EE Lab
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2017-03-07 01:41
    How does it do for you on another OS on the same Computer? That is on Linux, Darwin, BSD, Haiku OS, AROS, FreeDOS, AtheOS, MiNIX or whatever other modern OS you happen to run on that computer.
  • msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
    edited 2017-03-08 02:10
    How does it do for you on another OS on the same Computer? That is on Linux, Darwin, BSD, Haiku OS, AROS, FreeDOS, AtheOS, MiNIX or whatever other modern OS you happen to run on that computer.

    Can you imagine that it is annoying when you constantly hear that Linux prayers?

    Can you imagine people do WANT and LIKE to use windows?

    Or is that not allowed in your world?


    EDIT: and listing Minix as a moder OS compaired to Windows, shows that you are just a religious anti windows preacher and have no clue what you are talking about.
    Just hilarious.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    Can you imagine that it is annoying when you constantly hear that Linux prayers?
    I guess it's a bother.

    Rather like ones mother nagging all the time: "Stop smoking all those cigarettes and weed. Don't drink beer. Eat something other than junk food everyday. Don't hang around with those bad girls....."

    It's annoying and one knows mother is right. But one continues anyway.

    We only nag because we care for you. It's for your own good. Like you mum.
    Can you imagine people do WANT and LIKE to use windows?
    Actually no.

    Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "Woopie, what a great day, I get to use Windows again". Most Windows users I know complain about it all the time, then ask me to fix it.
    ...listing Minix as a moder OS compaired to Windows
    Yeah. And FreeDOS for goodness sake.
  • Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking "Woopie, what a great day, I get to use Windows again

    Actually, that is not true. There are Windows fans out there. I know a couple and they can tell you every last bit about a given Windows OS.

    I myself love 7. Once that one got the polish, I've enjoyed it. I don't want nor need a 10 machine yet. I know it won't be like 7 is. And 7 is a great OS. It's on my Lenovo laptop, and that is likely to be true for the life of that machine, which is looking to be 8 years.

    I'm in year 5 now. The thing just sings most days.

    Can tell you, I love that machine. It's fast, I've got the OS and goodies cloned onto a spare SSD, and I just don't get a lot of trouble.

    I've got some super expensive CAD on it, and 7 has been the best for that work. Linux does not even come close BTW.

    Best part is I can do everything on this machine. Boot it, and go. Love that big. .

    Here is one example:

    Working on insane assembly, electromechanical system from an aircraft. I could use 3D stereo on this one, so I get a cable, connect to my plasma 3DTV and fire it all up. Had to run a brief depth calibration, and then go.

    Just worked. The last OS that even came close was SGI IRIX. I did mooch cursors, pointers and sounds for some nostalgia. The bright red cursor is cool.

    Doing this in Linux requires a PhD. I have, and let's just say I won't again.

    I will run that one, until I can't. Great OS, software, hardware combo. Best I've ever had, and I've run high end modeling on everything.

    Point here is this happens. Happens a lot. To so many people, it's just a tool, and when it works like a good tool to them, it happens.

    I can't do everything on a Linux machine. I don't love that, but can. And when I do, it's a different use case

    Another example happens to be the RasPi. Got a great image all setup for a dedicated use. I'm a huge fan of purpose built environments. Can boot it, do the thing, never have trouble.

    One more happens to be Linux Mint on an ancient Think Pad. 1 GB RAM. It's amazing to see such an old machine be relevant today. I use it for some basics and it's got auto VPN, some basic development tools on it, and an Office suite. Works great as a family, stay out of trouble computer.

    Happens all the time man. Really, it does.

    We really should be helping people get what a lot of us got, and that is tools that just work.

    No joke.

  • +1 for Win7, and Linux Mint is a great alternative.
  • Hi

    Yep. I'm a GREAT windows fan. Loved it since the first iteration.
    .....Right up to WIN 7!

    I want a new bit of free software just click on download and install.
    No command line - just works.
    Of the million of car drivers out there how many know how to check the oil and water?
    They dont complain
    Linux drivers have to do mechanics type jobs to even load a program!- apt get- yuk!

    Having said that-
    Yea too bad about 10.... It works but... WHY change what was great to someting that so.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2017-04-22 10:46

    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, satirical or serious.
    Yep. I'm a GREAT windows fan. Loved it since the first iteration.
    I find that hard to believe. Windows 1 was an ugly, slow, useless toy/experiment. I recall a whole department of software engineers scoffing at it when it arrived. They had a better interface in the CAD program for DOS they developed.

    I did some work with Northern Telecom getting Windows v2 working on their re-branded Nokia PC's. Still nothing anyone would actually use.

    Windows 3 hit the mark. Especially Win 3.1. Although that kept us on a 16 bit OS for ten years after 32 bit processors became available!
    I want a new bit of free software just click on download and install.
    And poof! Your machine is riddled with viruses. trojans and whatever malware!
    No command line - just works.
    Well, not all the time. Then things get very hard to fix.
    Of the million of car drivers out there how many know how to check the oil and water?
    They dont complain
    Irrelevant but not long ago most of them did. Or they had husbands who did :)
    Linux drivers have to do mechanics type jobs to even load a program!- apt get- yuk!
    Not really. apt is very easy. There are even GUI interfaces for it if you like.

    Having said that...

    I have been using an MS Surface Pro 4 with Win 10 almost exclusively for nearly a year. After using nothing but Linux since 1998 or so. I works pretty well. Has the great advantage of running all the software I normally use on Linux: Visual Studio Code, Atom, Electron, node.js, SimpleIDE, PropellerIDE, GIMP, Firefox, Chrome, Virtual etc. It now also has the great advantage of the Linux Subsystem for Windows, so I can get all kind of Linux tools working on Windows which has historically been a pain in the neck or impossible. There is still cygwin and Virtual Box for things LSW can't handle.

    All in all Win 10 makes a great Linux environment!

  • I wasn't aware of LSW. That looks very interesting. And it appears that this was done in collaboration with Microsoft. I wonder if and when Microsoft will just switch entirely to Linux. I've used Windows since Windows 95, and Microsoft DOS before that. I've never had to pay Microsoft for any software, except for a Windows 97 disc that I bought many years ago. I have bought lots of third party Windows software. Until Windows 10 I would pay an annual fee for Norton anti-virus software. However, I dropped that when I went to Windows 10. We'll see how that goes.

    I recently bought my wife a small Dell laptop to replace her Surface. The Surface just didn't have enough disc storage. I installed LibreOffice on it, and she's happy with that now. I think we're almost at the point where we could switch to Linux and my wife wouldn't know that she was running on a Linux machine instead of Windows. However, I won't throw that switch unless Microsoft starts demanding a subscription payment. If they do that, then it's bye-bye Microsoft.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    LSW works nicely for the most part. I'm not sure what the deal is, created and supplied my MS as part of Win 10 but runs Ubuntu binaries out of the box. Reading around I find others are working on getting it to work with Debian and other distros.

    LSW hung up hard when I tried to compile the riscv GCC tool chain. Others have had the same experience. So I built the tool chain on a Debian box and copied the result to LSW. Runs fine there.

    Are you sure you have never paid for an MS operating system? It's pretty hard to buy PC's and such that don't come with Windows so generally people are paying for it in the price of their PC purchase.

    'er in doors has been using my Linux machines for decades now. She never complains.

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2017-04-22 14:26
    Heater. wrote: »
    It's pretty hard to buy PC's and such that don't come with Windows so generally people are paying for it in the price of their PC purchase.
    Yes, I was going to mention that, but everyone knows that, don't they. I remember the legal battles with Dell's agreement with Microsoft where every Dell computer included payment for the Windows operating system, whether you wanted it or not. So yes, I know that some portion of my purchase of a PC goes to Microsoft. But since I use Windows it's not a big deal for me. I'm OK with paying for the OS that I'm going to use. I can understand the frustration of other people that buy a PC, and then wipe the disk and install Linux on it.

    I have no particular loyalty to Microsoft. It's just been easier for me to use Windows than to try to do everything I need under Linux. If it gets to a point where using Windows is harder and/or more expensive then I'll switch over to Linux.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    Yes, everyone knows that. I hope.

    Perhaps why I have never bought a new PC or laptop in my life.

  • Heater. wrote: »
    Yes, everyone knows that. I hope.

    Perhaps why I have never bought a new PC or laptop in my life.
    I guess you could argue that you're still paying for Windows even if you buy a used machine since the license the machine came with jacked up the price and probably also jacked up the used price as well.

  • manshu4192manshu4192 Posts: 1
    edited 2021-06-15 13:46

    @nickorfitelli said:

    I recently installed the Simple IDE on Windows 10. I also installed the latest drivers and libraries. However, I am getting this error:

    Project Directory: C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/My Projects/

    SimpleIDE Version 1.1.0
    C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/Learn/Simple Libraries/
    C:/Users/nicko/Documents/SimpleIDE/ Updated on: 2017-02-10

    propeller-elf-gcc.exe -v GCC 4.6.1 (propellergcc_v1_0_0_2408)
    propeller-elf-c++ -I . -L . -o cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf -Os -mcmm -m32bit-doubles -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti Blank Simple C++ Project.cpp -ltiny -ltiny -ltiny
    propeller-load -s cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
    propeller-elf-objdump -h cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
    Done. Build Succeeded!

    proploader.exe -r -I C:/Program Files (x86)/SimpleIDE/bin/../propeller-gcc/propeller-load/ -b activityboard -p COM4 cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf
    Opening file 'cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf'
    ERROR: Download failed: -1

    Opening file 'cmm/Blank Simple C++ Project.elf'
    ERROR: Download failed: -1

    I cannot figure out how to fix it or cant find any info online. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it. I am using a Propeller Activity Board by the way.




    same goes with me, i am using com4

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