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Access EDO DRAM modules — Parallax Forums

Access EDO DRAM modules

Hi all,

I just asked myself if it would be possible to use an old 16MB EDO DRAM module with the Propeller 1 - these chips are cheap
and 16MB of course is much memory in that case.


Is it possible to access these modules?
And I just mean some basic access no direct code execution.

An other question would be, if it's possible to create some driver for propgcc as it exists for
the C3 board to drive external SRAM for indirect code-execution.

Thanks in advance and have a nice WE :-)



  • I had always dreamed about being capable of sticking an EDO chip onto a Prop 1 to mimic the latched SRAM used on the "DracBlade". More of a "can I reduce the chip count" trial, rather than anything useful. It would rely on the latches being internal to the EDO as I believe was the case with early DRAMs. We have a load of ancient kit that is being nursed along but they have a bunch of A428316S-25F, which are annoying 5V ...

    I think that Brad? did some experiments with SDRAMs a few years ago, I tried it but didn't get much luck as (according to Brad?) I used a 74HC374, as that was what I had, whereas it had to be a much faster latch, at 3.3V to stand a chance of being reliable

    There have been a few instances of AVRs doing it for CPM (at tranquilized slug speed), again, probably because of the 5V thing ...
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    Ha! Never mind CPM. The AVR can run Linux: Linux on 8bit

    Complete with 30-pin SIMM SDRAM memory module.

    Might be some interesting schematics and code in there to see what you are up against.
  • Linux on an AVR ? Would that run at a frozen tranquilized slug speed?
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2017-01-29 14:09
    See for yourself:

  • Ok, it's slightly faster than my laptop ...
  • I must get the Prop stuff out of the boxes and start playing again. New job stopped most of the play time ... and I have to use the garage for a WS now, not good
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    What, doing actual work in you garage? That's not right. Still, job is better than having nothing to do. I wondered where you had got to.

    I though I once found a video of that AVR booting Linux up to the Ubuntu graphical log in. Took about 10 hours. Can't find it now.
  • Still, back on subject - am I right about there being internal latches in the xDRAMs so that it would be possible to connect together the data and address lines and sequence the /RAS, /CAS, /RW lines. that must be how others got megabit rams onto small uC like the AVRs.

    Of course, it would probably be easier to use the FPGA Prop 1s and get that "B" port. I do not have any FPGAs big enough, and you know how much I hate paying for stuff... I have been looking at Riston plastic sheet for photo etching PCBs... perhaps that will get me back making things again.
  • Looks like he's running ARINC 429 to drive that altimeter. Maybe rasberry Pii would be a good Linux platform for this ram project.
  • I unsuccessfully tried to get some SDRAM to work with a Prop.


    I might try this again sometime but I'd want a good source of chips so if I could get it to work, I could use it in multiple projects.

    Jazzed mentioned getting EDO memory to work with the Prop in this thread. You might want to read some of the other posts in that thread since there are several posts about using large memory chips with the Prop.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    edited 2017-01-29 19:11
    Still, back on subject - am I right about there being internal latches in the xDRAMs so that it would be possible to connect together the data and address lines and sequence the /RAS, /CAS, /RW lines. that must be how others got megabit rams onto small uC like the AVRs.
    Broadly, Yes.
    DRAMs use those lines to set starting addresses, and then they have some burst ability from there.
    The fish-hook with DRAMS is the refresh, so you have to not only 'use normally' but also scan one axis across the memory you want to use, for the refresh.
    There is an upper time limit on that scan, before the memory literally leaks away. (usually some milliseconds)
    You do not have to scan 100% of the device, if you do not use all of it, so you can test this with a small array first.
    ie get smaller test patterns write/readback working, then make the array larger until it breaks.
    Then tune the times to make it as fast as possible to support more memory area.

    That would mean PASM, and a Counter to generate the refresh clock would help.

    However, if you are going to take the time to code & test this, I'd suggest skip bin-parts, and use the new HyperRAM parts.
    HyperRAM are cheap, and could have widespread use with Prop 1 and Prop 2.

    They need fewer pins, with an 8-bit bus, and they have a self-refresh counter, but you do still have to worry about times a little.
  • yetiyeti Posts: 819
    edited 2017-01-30 11:40
    Heater. wrote: »
    I though I once found a video of that AVR booting Linux up to the Ubuntu graphical log in. Took about 10 hours. Can't find it now.
    Same problem here... I think I remember 10 hours being mentioned somewhere but now I cannot find 10 hours mentioned together with AVR again. (Mandela effect!?!? :-P)

    A reference to 6 hours is there:
    How fast is it?

    uARM is certainly no speed demon. It takes about 2 hours to boot to bash prompt ("init=/bin/bash" kernel command line). Then 4 more hours to boot up the entire Ubuntu ("exec init" and then login). Starting X takes a lot longer. 6 hours without GUI. Probably 10 hours with GUI is a very optimistic expectation...
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Here is more on HyperRAM

    Digikey how good stocks of IS66WVH8M8BLL-100B1LI

    Data says :

    Configuration Register 1 (CR1) is used to define the distributed refresh interval for this HyperRAM device.
    The core DRAM array requires periodic refresh of all bits in the array. This can be done by the host system by
    reading or writing a location in each row within a specified time limit. The read or write access copies a row of
    bits to an internal buffer. At the end of the access the bits in the buffer are written back to the row in memory,
    thereby recharging (refreshing) the bits in the row of DRAM memory cells.
    However, the host system generally has better things to do than to periodically read every row in memory and
    keep track that each row is visited within the required refresh interval for the entire memory array. The
    HyperRAM family devices include self-refresh logic that will refresh rows automatically so that the host
    system is relieved of the need to refresh the memory. The automatic refresh of a row can only be done when
    the memory is not being actively read or written by the host system. The refresh logic waits for the end of any
    active read or write before doing a refresh, if a refresh is needed at that time. If a new read or write begins
    before the refresh is completed, the memory will drive RWDS high during the Command-Address period to
    indicate that an additional initial latency time is required at the start of the new access in order to allow the
    refresh operation to complete before starting the new access.
    The required refresh interval for the entire memory array varies with temperature as shown in Table 5.6,
    Array Refresh Interval per Temperature on page 13. This is the time within which all rows must be refreshed.
    Refresh of all rows could be done as a single batch of accesses at the beginning of each interval, in groups
    (burst refresh) of several rows at a time, spread throughout each interval, or as single row refreshes evenly
    distributed throughout the interval. The self-refresh logic distributes single row refresh operations throughout
    the interval so that the memory is not busy doing a burst of refresh operations for a long period, such that the
    burst refresh would delay host access for a long period.
    Table 5.6 Array Refresh Interval per Temperature 
    Device Temperature (Degrees C) Array Refresh Interval (ms) Array Rows Recommended tCMS (µs)
                          85                               64ms      8192                  4µs
                         105                               16ms      8192                  1µs

    Some of this is vague, but it looks like 64ms is one reference point, and 4µs is another, if you want to use the self-refresh features.

  • I like the idea of self refresh, to take away one more variable ... but 8mm x 6mm BGA - WITH MY EYES ;-)

    I hate to throw anything away, but all of the 30 pin SIMs went a long time ago. I did get the chance of some 4164s recently, but that was going to be all the hassle of DRAMs and needing 8 chips for just 64Kb, so that wouldn't be achieving the chip count reduction fetish.

    I would have killed to get something like 64K on the sainted Nascom 1 back in '78 ish (if 4164s existed then?) and the Z80 would have helped along with the refresh stuff
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    edited 2017-02-01 08:20
    Well, I have a Nascom 1 and I have some 4164 parts, now I'll just have to figure out how to expand the Nascom 1 memory using 4164 RAM..
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-02-01 14:50
    Why don't you use a 128KB SRAM? Add a 74HC573 if you need a latch or two.
    They are not expensive and easy to interface.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    I like the idea of self refresh, to take away one more variable ... but 8mm x 6mm BGA - WITH MY EYES ;-)
    Yes, but there were some boards mentioned as being designed on here, you could use as breakouts ?

    I also find a little more on HyperRAM interface here

    Includes an interesting comment about Tacc being time based, and you can drop the Clock Latency from 6 (default) to as low as 3 (smallest documented) for slower clocks ( < 83MHz)

    Boards with mounted HyperRAM show up has

  • I would definitely go for the single 128K static on a Nascom 1 as that would play into my "minimum chip count schemes". At least with the simplistic N1 you can do som very simple address decodes - everything but the bottom 3K = new ram (4K even simpler). I put a 32K sram onto a N2 as soon as they became within a mere mortal's price.

    As for buying a board that has a HyperRAM on it think that I would be tempted to spend a bit more and get around to trying a FPGA Prop, with all of the lovely Port B possibilities.
  • Interesting info's, thank you all! :-)
    Currently I use two ALLIANCE 628512-55 512KB SRAMs, this is OK so far for my applications,
    but you have to pay around 12 euro for it.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-02-03 02:29
    heapdump wrote: »
    Interesting info's, thank you all! :-)
    Currently I use two ALLIANCE 628512-55 512KB SRAMs, this is OK so far for my applications,
    but you have to pay around 12 euro for it.

    AS6C1008-55PCN from Mouser $2.52 + shipping.
    AS6C4008 is the 512KB version.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    AS6C1008-55PCN from Mouser $2.52 + shipping.
    AS6C4008 is the 512KB version.

    Sorry, I mean for both chips. Here in Germany you have to pay also around 5€ for the AS6C4008 (I just checked it),
    but it's cheaper then the AS628512, thanks.
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    Yeah, static RAM may be simpler for the Nascom 1.. it was just that I have those old DRAM chips anyway, and the z80 can do refreshing.
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