Radio Shack Gearmotors
My local mini-Shack doesn't have any, but IMO these are a decent value for the Shack, if you can find any. Out of stock online too. Six DC gearmotors in three pairs from hi-speed/low torque to low speed/high torque. Plus 2 wheels, battery box and some mounting plates for $20. You can find cheaper on Ebay but most of those are the 1:48 high speed types which are too fast for good control. Every budding roboticist needs a variety of gear ratios to experiment with.

Comesee me! I have them in stock at the Radio Shack where I work!
Edit: Actually I see they are now on sale for $14. Good timing and now a conspicuous bargain.
Nice little kits, the motor plates are steel. It was gqreat to see a well-stocked RS again. My local stores don't have that much, this store was 17 miles away. Art, the enthusiastic manager has been with RS since 1987. The "Art of Electronics".
Edit: These are on Ebay for $40+!
Sale prices: the mBot kit was $52.49, leg kit $17.49. Decent, not smokin'. Mr. Roboto has dastardly plans for them. mBot kit has an aluminum chassis (a bit like Boebot) but uses 48:1 (ugh) DC gearmotors. Includes mCore controller, Bluetooth/WiFi link, ultrasonic sensor, line following sensor and IR remote. Also includes a line following template of a... FIGURE 8!
Agreed, my position on 48:1 gearmotors (even ones that work!) is public record: Low! Usable ratios start at 100:1 IMO.
EDIT: I forgot you are Mr. Minimalistic.
The motors I got weren't from Feetech, but I bet they were form the same factory(ies).
It's even got three caps in an ever-lovin' delta filter arrangement. Yikes, the photo looks like I soldered it.
The R &R video on that page is barely a month old. Hadn't previously heard about the three flashing red LEDs as a "replace motor" diagnostic. Wonder what their criteria is. Overcurrent?
There are numerous Chinese knockoffs of even the DC motors used in these gearmotor assemblies. Mabuchi Japan is the original manufacturer of these small high-quality brushed DC motors for toys & such. Recently they just can't keep up with demand and lead times get ridiculous, opening the door for Chinese knockoffs. Even ten years ago, some of the motorized Hot Wheels sets I designed got dropped just because some "planner" forgot to preorder the motors from Mabuchi six months ahead of time.
As ever, my best stuff went on the cutting room floor...
Which store is that? I found a set in the store in the Mall in Manhattan NYC. I might add a second set to that one.
Now what is that crowd of bots doing on the ground in Siberia after a trip by air to the Bering Sea?
Phoenix, Arizona
Oh okay... Too far for an afternoon's visit.
Not sure which part you are referring to?