Basic Stamp Editor Help Examples

First one will be serial communications.
Serout and Serin.
Will have progress reports.
Basic Stamp Enthusiast
First one will be serial communications.
Serout and Serin.
Will have progress reports.
Basic Stamp Enthusiast
Running the first program. Running on a Basic Stamp 1 Project Board.
Check Syntax comes back ok.
Run program and nothing happens.
What is this supposed to do?
Basic Stamp Enthusiast
The program is just showing an example to output information from the Basic Stamp. There needs to be something on the other end to receive the data.
Here is you homework assignment. Go to
and type in "Nuts and Volts" in "Download Title" box.
There are eight volumes of Basic Stamp articles that may answer a bunch of your questions.
There will be no tests.
First article is about Stamp 1 SIPP version.
Pointed out it can be used on PCB.
It would be good project to use it with breadboard and
build power circuit and programing circuit.
We can also just use Basic Stamp 1 Project board and
just jumper pins over to breadboard.